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combpm.tcl 1.23 KiB
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# Source metadata
source ./tcl/metadata.tcl

# Create project
set ip_project [ create_project -name ${design} -force -dir ${proj_dir} -ip -part ${part} ]
set_property top ${top} [current_fileset]

# Compilation order in auto
set_property source_mgmt_mode All ${ip_project}

# Read sources
source tcl/sources.tcl
update_compile_order -fileset sources_1

# Package project
set ip_core [ipx::current_core]
set_property -dict ${ip_properties} ${ip_core}
set_property SUPPORTED_FAMILIES ${family_lifecycle} ${ip_core}

# Associate AX/AXIS interfaces and reset with clock
# Done in VHDL file

# Create Address map
set s_axi_mm [ipx::add_memory_map s_axi_ctrl [ipx::current_core]]
set_property slave_memory_map_ref s_axi_ctrl [ipx::get_bus_interfaces s_axi -of_objects [ipx::current_core]]
set_property ENABLEMENT_PRESENCE required ${s_axi_mm}

set s_axi_blk [ipx::add_address_block registers ${s_axi_mm}]
set_property -dict { \
	ACCESS "read-write" \
	DESCRIPTION "Control and status registers" \
	NAME "registers" \
	RANGE 256 \
	USAGE "register" \
	WIDTH 8 \
	} ${s_axi_blk}

 # Save IP and close project
ipx::check_integrity ${ip_core}
ipx::save_core ${ip_core}
file delete -force ${proj_dir}