Wellcome to mbtrack2 wiki which is a work is progress :construction_worker:.
# Contribution guidelines
Here is the list of pages:
- [How to contribute to mbtrack2 development](Contribution-guide)
Please try to follow:
- this git workflow https://gist.github.com/digitaljhelms/4287848
- the numpy docstring convention https://numpydoc.readthedocs.io/en/latest/format.html
- the semver version number convention https://semver.org/
How to:
- [How to commit and submit a merge request](https://gitlab.synchrotron-soleil.fr/PA/collective-effects/mbtrack2/-/wikis/How-to-commit-and-submit-a-merge-request)
- [How to prepare the code for a release](How-to-prepare-the-code-for-a-release)
- [How to update documentation](How-to-update-the-documentation) |
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