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# New features
Rework and vastly improve the ImpedanceModel class.
Add a new TransverseMapSector element to tracking between two positions.
Add the transverse_map_sector_generator convenience function which generate a list of TransverseMapSector elements from a ring with an AT lattice.
Update the Optics class to be able to compute the phase advance at any location on the lattice.
Add a new method to BeamLoadingEquilibrium to compute the PTBL threshold.
Add the lcbi_stability_diagram function to plot the longitudinal coupled bunch instability stability diagram for a arbitrary list of CavityResonator objects.
Improve the lcbi_growth_rate_mode and lcbi_growth_rate functions.
Add save and load methods for Bunch and Beam objects.
Improve the PhysicalModel class, the change_values and taper methods are now more pratical to use and add get_aperture and plot_resistivity methods.
Add Synchrotron.get_adts method which computes ADTS from AT lattice.
Add read_ABCI, read_ECHO2D and improve read_CST functions to import external data.
Add a plot method for both Impedance and WakeFunction class.
Added class representation for ComplexData, Impedance, WakeFunction, WakeField, Bunch and Beam classes.
Rework the deconvolution/from_wakepotential/to_impedance methods for them to work with any data loaded in the Impedance/WakeFunction classes and not just CST text files.
Improved WakeField class by adding __iter__ and __add__ methods.
Add new Jupyter notebooks for collective effects and bunch by bunch feedback.

# Bugfix
Fix Coating impedance convention.
Fix ADTS implementation in TransverseMap to use Jx/Jy instead of x/y.
Fix ImpedanceModel.power_loss_spectrum that needs a double sided impedance spectrum.
Fix ExponentialDamper class.
Fix a hard coded value of 0.5 A in BeamLoadingEquilibrium class.
Fix transverse wake sign in get_gaussian_wakepotential.