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1) Adds a beam_ion_effects module. Beam-ion interaction is implemented with weak-strong, strong-strong and Particle-In-Cell models. New classes: BeamIonElement, IonParticles, IonAperture, IonMonitor 2) Adds space-charge module, implementing TransverseSpaceCharge class. 3) Adds electromagnetic fields module. Handles Faddeeva function and electromagnetic fields for space-charge and beam-ion interactions. Other minor improvements are made to the code.
GUBAIDULIN authored1) Adds a beam_ion_effects module. Beam-ion interaction is implemented with weak-strong, strong-strong and Particle-In-Cell models. New classes: BeamIonElement, IonParticles, IonAperture, IonMonitor 2) Adds space-charge module, implementing TransverseSpaceCharge class. 3) Adds electromagnetic fields module. Handles Faddeeva function and electromagnetic fields for space-charge and beam-ion interactions. Other minor improvements are made to the code.
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