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MCCE2ElectrometersClass.cpp 36.98 KiB
static const char *ClassId    = "$Id: MCCE2ElectrometersClass.cpp,v 1.16 2012-10-03 14:59:19 xavela Exp $";
static const char *CvsPath    = "$Source: /users/chaize/newsvn/cvsroot/Instrumentation/NovelecElectro/src/MCCE2ElectrometersClass.cpp,v $";
static const char *SvnPath    = "$HeadURL: $";
static const char *RcsId     = "$Header: /users/chaize/newsvn/cvsroot/Instrumentation/NovelecElectro/src/MCCE2ElectrometersClass.cpp,v 1.16 2012-10-03 14:59:19 xavela Exp $";
static const char *TagName   = "$Name: not supported by cvs2svn $";
static const char *HttpServer= "";
// file :        MCCE2ElectrometersClass.cpp
// description : C++ source for the MCCE2ElectrometersClass. A singleton
//               class derived from DeviceClass. It implements the
//               command list and all properties and methods required
//               by the MCCE2Electrometers once per process.
// project :     TANGO Device Server
// $Author: xavela $
// $Revision: 1.16 $
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.14  2010/06/10 15:12:05  xavela
// TEST : control two channels with different MCCE2
// copyleft :  Synchrotron SOLEIL
//             L'Orme des Merisiers
//             Saint-Aubin - BP 48
//             FRANCE
//  		This file is generated by POGO
//	(Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
//         (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF

#include <tango.h>

#include <MCCE2Electrometers.h>
#include <MCCE2ElectrometersClass.h>

 *	Create MCCE2ElectrometersClass singleton and return it in a C function for Python usage
extern "C" {
#ifdef WIN32



	Tango::DeviceClass *_create_MCCE2Electrometers_class(const char *name) {
		return MCCE2Electrometers_ns::MCCE2ElectrometersClass::init(name);

namespace MCCE2Electrometers_ns
// method : 		GetElectrometerTypeStrClass::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be executed
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *GetElectrometerTypeStrClass::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "GetElectrometerTypeStrClass::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	Tango::DevUShort	argin;
	extract(in_any, argin);

	return insert((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->get_electrometer_type_str(argin));

// method : 		SetPolarityClass::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be executed
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *SetPolarityClass::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "SetPolarityClass::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	Tango::DevString	argin;
	extract(in_any, argin);

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->set_polarity(argin));
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		MCCE2_OFFCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be executed
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *MCCE2_OFFCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "MCCE2_OFFCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->mcce2__off());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		MCCE2_ONCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be executed
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *MCCE2_ONCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "MCCE2_ONCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->mcce2__on());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		SetGainCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be executed
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *SetGainCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "SetGainCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	Tango::DevUShort	argin;
	extract(in_any, argin);

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->set_gain(argin));
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		GetGainCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be executed
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *GetGainCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "GetGainCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	return insert((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->get_gain());

// method : 		GetModeCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be executed
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *GetModeCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "GetModeCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	return insert((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->get_mode());

// method : 		SetRangeCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be executed
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *SetRangeCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "SetRangeCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	Tango::DevString	argin;
	extract(in_any, argin);

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->set_range(argin));
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		GetRangeCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be executed
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *GetRangeCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "GetRangeCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	return insert((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->get_range());

// method : 		RemoteCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be executed
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *RemoteCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "RemoteCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->remote());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		LocalCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be executed
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *LocalCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "LocalCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->local());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		GetHzFilterCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *GetHzFilterCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "GetHzFilterCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	return insert((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->get_hz_filter());

// method : 		SetHzFilterCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *SetHzFilterCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "SetHzFilterCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	Tango::DevShort	argin;
	extract(in_any, argin);

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->set_hz_filter(argin));
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		GetPolarityCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *GetPolarityCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "GetPolarityCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	return insert((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->get_polarity());

// method : 		SetMeasureFunctionCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *SetMeasureFunctionCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "SetMeasureFunctionCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->set_measure_function());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		ClearRegistersClass::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *ClearRegistersClass::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "ClearRegistersClass::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->clear_registers());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		RangeUPCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *RangeUPCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "RangeUPCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->range_up());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		RangeDOWNClass::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *RangeDOWNClass::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "RangeDOWNClass::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->range_down());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		SetZeroVFFunctionCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *SetZeroVFFunctionCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "SetZeroVFFunctionCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->set_zero_vffunction());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		SetOffsetZeroV1FunctionCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *SetOffsetZeroV1FunctionCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "SetOffsetZeroV1FunctionCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->set_offset_zero_v1_function());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		SetLeakageZeroV2FunctionCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *SetLeakageZeroV2FunctionCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "SetLeakageZeroV2FunctionCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->set_leakage_zero_v2_function());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		SetTestFunctionCmd::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *SetTestFunctionCmd::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)
	cout2 << "SetTestFunctionCmd::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->set_test_function());
	return new CORBA::Any();

// method : 		ResetClass::execute()
// description : 	method to trigger the execution of the command.
//                PLEASE DO NOT MODIFY this method core without pogo   
// in : - device : The device on which the command must be excuted
//		- in_any : The command input data
// returns : The command output data (packed in the Any object)
CORBA::Any *ResetClass::execute(Tango::DeviceImpl *device,const CORBA::Any &in_any)

	cout2 << "ResetClass::execute(): arrived" << endl;

	((static_cast<MCCE2Electrometers *>(device))->reset());
	return new CORBA::Any();

//	Initialize pointer for singleton pattern
MCCE2ElectrometersClass *MCCE2ElectrometersClass::_instance = NULL;

// method : 		MCCE2ElectrometersClass::MCCE2ElectrometersClass(string &s)
// description : 	constructor for the MCCE2ElectrometersClass
// in : - s : The class name
MCCE2ElectrometersClass::MCCE2ElectrometersClass(string &s):DeviceClass(s)

	cout2 << "Entering MCCE2ElectrometersClass constructor" << endl;
	cout2 << "Leaving MCCE2ElectrometersClass constructor" << endl;

// method : 		MCCE2ElectrometersClass::~MCCE2ElectrometersClass()
// description : 	destructor for the MCCE2ElectrometersClass
	_instance = NULL;

// method : 		MCCE2ElectrometersClass::instance
// description : 	Create the object if not already done. Otherwise, just
//			return a pointer to the object
// in : - name : The class name
MCCE2ElectrometersClass *MCCE2ElectrometersClass::init(const char *name)
	if (_instance == NULL)
			string s(name);
			_instance = new MCCE2ElectrometersClass(s);
		catch (bad_alloc)
	return _instance;

MCCE2ElectrometersClass *MCCE2ElectrometersClass::instance()
	if (_instance == NULL)
		cerr << "Class is not initialised !!" << endl;
	return _instance;

// method : 		MCCE2ElectrometersClass::command_factory
// description : 	Create the command object(s) and store them in the 
//			command list
void MCCE2ElectrometersClass::command_factory()
	command_list.push_back(new RangeUPCmd("RangeUP",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new RangeDOWNClass("RangeDOWN",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new SetZeroVFFunctionCmd("SetZeroVFFunction",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new SetOffsetZeroV1FunctionCmd("SetOffsetZeroV1Function",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new SetLeakageZeroV2FunctionCmd("SetLeakageZeroV2Function",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new SetTestFunctionCmd("SetTestFunction",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new SetMeasureFunctionCmd("SetMeasureFunction",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new MCCE2_ONCmd("MCCE2_ON",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new MCCE2_OFFCmd("MCCE2_OFF",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new LocalCmd("Local",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new RemoteCmd("Remote",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new ResetClass("Reset",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new ClearRegistersClass("ClearRegisters",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argin",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new GetRangeCmd("GetRange",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_STRING,
		"no argin",
		"The actual electrometer range",
	command_list.push_back(new SetRangeCmd("SetRange",
		Tango::DEV_STRING, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"The range to apply on the electrometer",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new GetModeCmd("GetMode",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_STRING,
		"no argin",
		"The electrometer mode (MEASURE, LEAKAGE ...)",
	command_list.push_back(new GetPolarityCmd("GetPolarity",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_STRING,
		"no argin",
		"The electrometer polarity",
	command_list.push_back(new SetPolarityClass("SetPolarity",
		Tango::DEV_STRING, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new GetHzFilterCmd("GetHzFilter",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_SHORT,
		"no argin",
		"The MCCE2 cut-off frequency in Hz",
	command_list.push_back(new SetHzFilterCmd("SetHzFilter",
		Tango::DEV_SHORT, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"The MCCE2 cut-off frequency in Hz",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new GetGainCmd("GetGain",
		Tango::DEV_VOID, Tango::DEV_SHORT,
		"no argin",
		"The MCCE2 gain",
	command_list.push_back(new SetGainCmd("SetGain",
		Tango::DEV_USHORT, Tango::DEV_VOID,
		"The new MCCE-2 gain",
		"no argout",
	command_list.push_back(new GetElectrometerTypeStrClass("GetElectrometerTypeStr",
		"channel number",
		"the electrometer type as string",

	//	add polling if any
	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<command_list.size(); i++)

// method : 		MCCE2ElectrometersClass::get_class_property
// description : 	Get the class property for specified name.
// in :		string	name : The property name
Tango::DbDatum MCCE2ElectrometersClass::get_class_property(string &prop_name)
	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<cl_prop.size() ; i++)
		if (cl_prop[i].name == prop_name)
			return cl_prop[i];
	//	if not found, return  an empty DbDatum
	return Tango::DbDatum(prop_name);
// method : 		MCCE2ElectrometersClass::get_default_device_property()
// description : 	Return the default value for device property.
Tango::DbDatum MCCE2ElectrometersClass::get_default_device_property(string &prop_name)
	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<dev_def_prop.size() ; i++)
		if (dev_def_prop[i].name == prop_name)
			return dev_def_prop[i];
	//	if not found, return  an empty DbDatum
	return Tango::DbDatum(prop_name);

// method : 		MCCE2ElectrometersClass::get_default_class_property()
// description : 	Return the default value for class property.
Tango::DbDatum MCCE2ElectrometersClass::get_default_class_property(string &prop_name)
	for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<cl_def_prop.size() ; i++)
		if (cl_def_prop[i].name == prop_name)
			return cl_def_prop[i];
	//	if not found, return  an empty DbDatum
	return Tango::DbDatum(prop_name);
// method : 		MCCE2ElectrometersClass::device_factory
// description : 	Create the device object(s) and store them in the 
//			device list
// in :		Tango::DevVarStringArray *devlist_ptr : The device name list
void MCCE2ElectrometersClass::device_factory(const Tango::DevVarStringArray *devlist_ptr)

	//	Create all devices.(Automatic code generation)
	for (unsigned long i=0 ; i < devlist_ptr->length() ; i++)
		cout4 << "Device name : " << (*devlist_ptr)[i].in() << endl;
		// Create devices and add it into the device list
		device_list.push_back(new MCCE2Electrometers(this, (*devlist_ptr)[i]));							 

		// Export device to the outside world
		// Check before if database used.
		if ((Tango::Util::_UseDb == true) && (Tango::Util::_FileDb == false))
			export_device(device_list.back(), (*devlist_ptr)[i]);
	//	End of Automatic code generation

//	Method: MCCE2ElectrometersClass::attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
void MCCE2ElectrometersClass::attribute_factory(vector<Tango::Attr *> &att_list)
	//	Attribute : electrometerChannel
	electrometerChannelAttrib	*electrometer_channel = new electrometerChannelAttrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	electrometer_channel_prop;
	electrometer_channel_prop.set_label("electrometer channel");
	electrometer_channel_prop.set_unit(" ");
	electrometer_channel_prop.set_standard_unit(" ");
	electrometer_channel_prop.set_display_unit(" ");
	electrometer_channel_prop.set_description("MCCE2 electrometer have two channels to support two amplifiers.\nWARN : default is 0 (please set this value first).");

	//	Attribute : range1
	range1Attrib	*range1 = new range1Attrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	range1_prop;
	range1_prop.set_unit(" ");
	range1_prop.set_standard_unit(" ");
	range1_prop.set_display_unit(" ");
	range1_prop.set_description("The channel one MCCE2 range.");

	//	Attribute : range2
	range2Attrib	*range2 = new range2Attrib();
	Tango::UserDefaultAttrProp	range2_prop;
	range2_prop.set_unit(" ");
	range2_prop.set_standard_unit(" ");
	range2_prop.set_display_unit(" ");
	range2_prop.set_description("The channel two MCCE range.");

	//	End of Automatic code generation

// method : 		MCCE2ElectrometersClass::get_class_property()
// description : 	Read the class properties from database.
void MCCE2ElectrometersClass::get_class_property()
	//	Initialize your default values here (if not done with  POGO).

	//	Read class properties from database.(Automatic code generation)

	//	Call database and extract values
	if (Tango::Util::instance()->_UseDb==true)
	Tango::DbDatum	def_prop;
	int	i = -1;

	//	End of Automatic code generation


// method : 	MCCE2ElectrometersClass::set_default_property
// description: Set default property (class and device) for wizard.
//              For each property, add to wizard property name and description
//              If default value has been set, add it to wizard property and
//              store it in a DbDatum.
void MCCE2ElectrometersClass::set_default_property()
	string	prop_name;
	string	prop_desc;
	string	prop_def;

	vector<string>	vect_data;
	//	Set Default Class Properties
	//	Set Default Device Properties
	prop_name = "CommunicationLinkName";
	prop_desc = "The name of the device which manage the communication.";
	prop_def  = "";
	if (prop_def.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
		data << vect_data ;
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);

	prop_name = "Electrometer1Address";
	prop_desc = "The first electrometer address configured. <br />\nNote : if not connected, push 0 or let empty the property.";
	prop_def  = "";
	if (prop_def.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
		data << vect_data ;
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);

	prop_name = "Electrometer2Address";
	prop_desc = "The second electrometer address configured. <br />\nNote : if not connected, push 0 or let empty the property.";
	prop_def  = "";
	if (prop_def.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	data(prop_name);
		data << vect_data ;
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc,  prop_def);
		add_wiz_dev_prop(prop_name, prop_desc);

// method : 		MCCE2ElectrometersClass::write_class_property
// description : 	Set class description as property in database
void MCCE2ElectrometersClass::write_class_property()
	//	First time, check if database used
	if (Tango::Util::_UseDb == false)

	Tango::DbData	data;
	string	classname = get_name();
	string	header;
	string::size_type	start, end;

	//	Put title
	Tango::DbDatum	title("ProjectTitle");
	string	str_title("Novelec MCCE-2 Electrometers");
	title << str_title;

	//	Put Description
	Tango::DbDatum	description("Description");
	vector<string>	str_desc;
	str_desc.push_back("This class allows you to control all MCCE-2 Novelec electrometers");
	str_desc.push_back("through a Serial bus.");
	str_desc.push_back("<br> Supported types :");
	str_desc.push_back("<br> Novelec Electrometers : MCCE2");
	description << str_desc;
	//	put cvs or svn location
	string	filename(classname);
	filename += "Class.cpp";
	// Create a string with the class ID to
	// get the string into the binary
	string	class_id(ClassId);
	// check for cvs information
	string	src_path(CvsPath);
	start = src_path.find("/");
	if (start!=string::npos)
		end   = src_path.find(filename);
		if (end>start)
			string	strloc = src_path.substr(start, end-start);
			//	Check if specific repository
			start = strloc.find("/cvsroot/");
			if (start!=string::npos && start>0)
				string	repository = strloc.substr(0, start);
				if (repository.find("/segfs/")!=string::npos)
					strloc = "ESRF:" + strloc.substr(start, strloc.length()-start);
			Tango::DbDatum	cvs_loc("cvs_location");
			cvs_loc << strloc;
	// check for svn information
		string	src_path(SvnPath);
		start = src_path.find("://");
		if (start!=string::npos)
			end = src_path.find(filename);
			if (end>start)
				header = "$HeadURL: ";
				start = header.length();
				string	strloc = src_path.substr(start, (end-start));
				Tango::DbDatum	svn_loc("svn_location");
				svn_loc << strloc;

	//	Get CVS or SVN revision tag
	// CVS tag
	string	tagname(TagName);
	header = "$Name: ";
	start = header.length();
	string	endstr(" $");
	end   = tagname.find(endstr);
	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
		string	strtag = tagname.substr(start, end-start);
		Tango::DbDatum	cvs_tag("cvs_tag");
		cvs_tag << strtag;
	// SVN tag
	string	svnpath(SvnPath);
	header = "$HeadURL: ";
	start = header.length();
	end   = svnpath.find(endstr);
	if (end!=string::npos && end>start)
		string	strloc = svnpath.substr(start, end-start);
		string tagstr ("/tags/");
		start = strloc.find(tagstr);
		if ( start!=string::npos )
			start = start + tagstr.length();
			end   = strloc.find(filename);
			string	strtag = strloc.substr(start, end-start-1);
			Tango::DbDatum	svn_tag("svn_tag");
			svn_tag << strtag;

	//	Get URL location
	string	httpServ(HttpServer);
	if (httpServ.length()>0)
		Tango::DbDatum	db_doc_url("doc_url");
		db_doc_url << httpServ;

	//  Put inheritance
	Tango::DbDatum	inher_datum("InheritedFrom");
	vector<string> inheritance;
	inher_datum << inheritance;

	//	Call database and and values

}	// namespace