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MCCE2Electrometers.h 13.36 KiB
// file : MCCE2Electrometers.h
// description : Include for the MCCE2Electrometers class.
// project : Novelec MCCE-2 Electrometers
// $Author: xavela $
// $Revision: 1.16 $
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.14 2010/06/10 15:12:05 xavela
// TEST : control two channels with different MCCE2
// copyleft : European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
// BP 220, Grenoble 38043
// This file is generated by POGO
// (Program Obviously used to Generate tango Object)
// (c) - Software Engineering Group - ESRF
#include <tango.h>
//using namespace Tango;
#include "AbstractElectrometerClass.h"
#include "ElectrometerException.h"
* @author $Author: xavela $
* @version $Revision: 1.16 $
// Add your own constants definitions here.
namespace MCCE2Electrometers_ns
* Class Description:
* This class allows you to control all MCCE-2 Novelec electrometers
* through a Serial bus.
* <br> Supported types :
* <br> Novelec Electrometers : MCCE2
* Device States Description:
* Tango::ON : Device up and ready
* Tango::ALARM : Device initialisation not complete or a bad channel number is set.
* Tango::FAULT : Internal electrometer interface is not built or a Serial communication error occurred.
* Tango::DISABLE : No electrometer conected!
class MCCE2Electrometers: public Tango::Device_4Impl
public :
// Add your own data members here
// Here is the Start of the automatic code generation part
* @name attributes
* Attributs member data.
Tango::DevUShort *attr_electrometerChannel_read;
Tango::DevUShort attr_electrometerChannel_write;
Tango::DevString *attr_range1_read;
Tango::DevString *attr_range2_read;
* @name Device properties
* Device properties member data.
* The name of the device which manage the communication.
string communicationLinkName;
* The first electrometer address configured. <br />
* Note : if not connected, push 0 or let empty the property.
Tango::DevUShort electrometer1Address;
* The second electrometer address configured. <br />
* Note : if not connected, push 0 or let empty the property.
Tango::DevUShort electrometer2Address;
/**@name Constructors
* Miscellaneous constructors */
* Constructs a newly allocated Command object.
* @param cl Class.
* @param s Device Name
MCCE2Electrometers(Tango::DeviceClass *cl,string &s);
* Constructs a newly allocated Command object.
* @param cl Class.
* @param s Device Name
MCCE2Electrometers(Tango::DeviceClass *cl,const char *s);
* Constructs a newly allocated Command object.
* @param cl Class.
* @param s Device name
* @param d Device description.
MCCE2Electrometers(Tango::DeviceClass *cl,const char *s,const char *d);
/**@name Destructor
* Only one desctructor is defined for this class */
* The object desctructor.
~MCCE2Electrometers() {
* will be called at device destruction or at init command.
void delete_device();
/**@name Miscellaneous methods */
* Initialize the device
virtual void init_device();
* Always executed method befor execution command method.
virtual void always_executed_hook();
* @name MCCE2Electrometers methods prototypes
* Hardware acquisition for attributes.
virtual void read_attr_hardware(vector<long> &attr_list);
* Extract real attribute values for electrometerChannel acquisition result.
virtual void read_electrometerChannel(Tango::Attribute &attr);
* Write electrometerChannel attribute values to hardware.
virtual void write_electrometerChannel(Tango::WAttribute &attr);
* Extract real attribute values for range1 acquisition result.
virtual void read_range1(Tango::Attribute &attr);
* Extract real attribute values for range2 acquisition result.
virtual void read_range2(Tango::Attribute &attr);
* Read/Write allowed for electrometerChannel attribute.
virtual bool is_electrometerChannel_allowed(Tango::AttReqType type);
* Read/Write allowed for range1 attribute.
virtual bool is_range1_allowed(Tango::AttReqType type);
* Read/Write allowed for range2 attribute.
virtual bool is_range2_allowed(Tango::AttReqType type);
* Execution allowed for RangeUP command.
virtual bool is_RangeUP_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for RangeDOWN command.
virtual bool is_RangeDOWN_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for SetZeroVFFunction command.
virtual bool is_SetZeroVFFunction_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for SetOffsetZeroV1Function command.
virtual bool is_SetOffsetZeroV1Function_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for SetLeakageZeroV2Function command.
virtual bool is_SetLeakageZeroV2Function_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for SetTestFunction command.
virtual bool is_SetTestFunction_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for SetMeasureFunction command.
virtual bool is_SetMeasureFunction_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for MCCE2_ON command.
virtual bool is_MCCE2_ON_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for MCCE2_OFF command.
virtual bool is_MCCE2_OFF_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for Local command.
virtual bool is_Local_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for Remote command.
virtual bool is_Remote_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for Reset command.
virtual bool is_Reset_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for ClearRegisters command.
virtual bool is_ClearRegisters_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for GetRange command.
virtual bool is_GetRange_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for SetRange command.
virtual bool is_SetRange_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for GetMode command.
virtual bool is_GetMode_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for GetPolarity command.
virtual bool is_GetPolarity_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for SetPolarity command.
virtual bool is_SetPolarity_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for GetHzFilter command.
virtual bool is_GetHzFilter_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for SetHzFilter command.
virtual bool is_SetHzFilter_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for GetGain command.
virtual bool is_GetGain_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for SetGain command.
virtual bool is_SetGain_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* Execution allowed for GetElectrometerTypeStr command.
virtual bool is_GetElectrometerTypeStr_allowed(const CORBA::Any &any);
* This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
* @return State Code
* @exception DevFailed
virtual Tango::DevState dev_state();
* This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.
* @return Status description
* @exception DevFailed
virtual Tango::ConstDevString dev_status();
* Up the range of the electrometer.
* Throw :
* - electrometer::ElectrometerException if the range limit is reached
* - Tango::DevFailed if the command cannot be performed
* @exception DevFailed
void range_up();
* Down the range of the electrometer.
* Throw :
* - electrometer::ElectrometerException if the range is negative
* - Tango::DevFailed if the command cannot be performed
* @exception DevFailed
void range_down();
* Enable the Zero V/F MCCE2 mode.
* @exception DevFailed
void set_zero_vffunction();
* Enable the Offset or Zero V1 MCCE2 mode.
* @exception DevFailed
void set_offset_zero_v1_function();
* Enable the Leakage or Zero V2 MCCE2 mode.
* @exception DevFailed
void set_leakage_zero_v2_function();
* Enable theTest MCCE2 mode.
* @exception DevFailed
void set_test_function();
* Enable the Measure MCCE2 mode.
* @exception DevFailed
void set_measure_function();
* Enables the function set. Parameters cannot be set (read only mode).
* @exception DevFailed
void mcce2__on();
* Disables the function set. Parameters can be changed.
* @exception DevFailed
void mcce2__off();
* Enable local keyboard and Key
* @exception DevFailed
void local();
* Disable \"MODIFY\" and the \"ON-OFF\" keys
* @exception DevFailed
void remote();
* Restart the MCCE-2
* @exception DevFailed
void reset();
* Clear error(s)
* @exception DevFailed
void clear_registers();
* Returns the electrometer range.
* @return The actual electrometer range
* @exception DevFailed
Tango::DevString get_range();
* Apply the specified argin range, on the electrometer, if well formatted.
* Else an exception is thrown.
* @param argin The range to apply on the electrometer
* @exception DevFailed
void set_range(Tango::DevString);
* Returns the electrometer mode which can be one of the following values :
* @return The electrometer mode (MEASURE, LEAKAGE ...)
* @exception DevFailed
Tango::DevString get_mode();
* Returns the electrometer polarity, which can be POSITIVE or NEGATIVE.
* @return The electrometer polarity
* @exception DevFailed
Tango::DevString get_polarity();
* Sets the new electrometer polarity. <Br>
* NOTE : <Br>
* Value must be set in UPPER case !!!
* @param argin POSITIVE or NEGATIVE
* @exception DevFailed
void set_polarity(Tango::DevString);
* Returns the Cut-off frequency in Hz
* @return The MCCE2 cut-off frequency in Hz
* @exception DevFailed
Tango::DevShort get_hz_filter();
* The Cut-off frequency in Hz
* @param argin The MCCE2 cut-off frequency in Hz
* @exception DevFailed
void set_hz_filter(Tango::DevShort);
* Returns the MCCE-2 gain
* @return The MCCE2 gain
* @exception DevFailed
Tango::DevShort get_gain();
* Sets the new MCCE-2 gain value.
* @param argin The new MCCE-2 gain
* @exception DevFailed
void set_gain(Tango::DevUShort);
* This command returns the connected electrometer type as string for the specified channel.
* @param argin channel number
* @return the electrometer type as string
* @exception DevFailed
Tango::DevString get_electrometer_type_str(Tango::DevUShort);
* Read the device properties from database
void get_device_property();
// Here is the end of the automatic code generation part
protected :
// Add your own data members here
AbstractElectrometerClass* _electrometer;
std::string _statusStr;
bool _init_done; //- used to allow device to start !!
bool _missing_property;
bool _updateRange1FromHW;
bool _updateRange2FromHW;
//- electrometer(s) type as string
std::string _electroCH1StrType;
std::string _electroCH2StrType;
std::string read_range_from_hw();
//- Method to convert all electrometer exceptions on Tango exception
Tango::DevFailed electrometer_to_tango_exception(const electrometer::ElectrometerException& de);
private :
AbstractElectrometerClass* _electrometerCH1; //- electrometer on channel 1
AbstractElectrometerClass* _electrometerCH2; //- electrometer on channel 2
//- instanciate electrometer(s) obj
void create_electrometers_obj();
} // namespace_ns