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Makefile.linux 5.22 KiB
# file : Makefile.h
# description : Makefile for DeviceServer
# $Author: xavela $
# $Revision: 1.5 $
# $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
# Revision 1.4 2008/02/15 10:17:57 xavela
# xavier :
# - command abort added for SCPI Keithleys
# Revision 1.3 2007/11/28 10:37:20 xavela
# compile en MODE debug ->
# modifier le(s) MakeFile !
# Revision 1.2 2007/09/25 14:45:54 xavela
# xavier :
# support added for Keithley 6517
# Revision 1.1 2007/07/09 13:20:37 stephle
# initial import
# Revision 1.3 2006/03/21 16:59:13 hardion
# * Add Software Support to Makefile process
# Revision 1.2 2006/03/21 15:25:20 hardion
# * Update Pogo
# * fix bug in Makefile process
# Revision 1.3 2006/03/14 14:57:34 hardion
# * Update Makefile process to allow compilation of library
# Revision 1.2 2006/01/05 16:51:30 hardion
# * Update Makefile.linux and tango.opt for library use
# OUTPUT_TYPE can be one of the following :
# - 'STATIC_LIB' for a static library (.a)
# - 'DYNAMIC_LIB' for a dynamic library (.so)
# - 'DEVICE' for a device server (will automatically include and link
# with Tango dependencies)
# - 'SIMPLE_EXE' for an executable with no dependency (for exemple the test tool
# of a library with no Tango dependencies)
# OUTPUT_DIR is the directory which contains the build result.
# if not set, the standard location is :
# - $HOME/DeviceServers if OUTPUT_TYPE is DEVICE
# - ../bin for others
OUTPUT_DIR = ../lib
# PACKAGE_NAME is the name of the library/device/exe you want to build
# - for a device server, PACKAGE_NAME will be prefixed by 'ds_'
# - for a library (static or dynamic), PACKAGE_NAME will be prefixed by 'lib'
# - for a simple executable, PACKAGE_NAME will be the name of the executable
PACKAGE_NAME = Electrometers
# INC_DIR_USER is the list of all include path needed by your sources
# - for a device server, tango dependencies are automatically appended
# - '-I ../include' and '-I .' are automatically appended in all cases
# -I$(SOLEIL_ROOT)/hw-support/ace/include for ACE library
# -I$(SOLEIL_ROOT)/hw-support/asl/include for ASL library
# -I$(SOLEIL_ROOT)/sw-support/hkl/include for HKL library
# ...etc
# la partie communication dpend de tango
INC_DIR_USER=-I$(TANGO_HOME)/include -I$(OMNI_HOME)/include -I$(SOLEIL_ROOT)/dev/include
# LIB_DIR_USER is the list of user library directories
# - for a device server, tango libraries directories are automatically appended
# - '-L ../lib' is automatically appended in all cases
# -L $(SOLEIL_ROOT)/hw-support/ace/lib for ACE library
# -L $(SOLEIL_ROOT)/hw-support/asl/lib for ASL library
# -L $(SOLEIL_ROOT)/sw-support/hkl/lib for HKL library
# ...etc
# LFLAGS_USR is the list of user link flags
# - for a device server, tango libraries directories are automatically appended
# - '-ldl -lpthread' is automatically appended in all cases
# !!! ATTENTION !!!
# Be aware that the order matters.
# For example if you must link with libA, and if libA depends itself on libB
# you must use '-lA -lB' in this order as link flags, otherwise you will get
# 'undefined reference' errors
# -lACE for ACE
# -lASL for ASL
# -lHKL for HKL
# CXXFLAGS_USR lists the compilation flags specific for your library/device/exe
# This is the place where to put your compile-time macros using '-Dmy_macro'
# include Standard TANGO compilation options
include $(SOLEIL_ROOT)/env/tango.opt
# SVC_OBJS is the list of all objects needed to make the output
SVC_OBJS = $(OBJDIR)/CommunicationLink.o \
$(OBJDIR)/TangoGpibLink.o \
$(OBJDIR)/TangoSerialLink.o \
$(OBJDIR)/ElectrometerProtocol.o \
$(OBJDIR)/KeithleyDDCProtocol.o \
$(OBJDIR)/KeithleySCPIProtocol.o \
$(OBJDIR)/NovelecProtocol.o \
$(OBJDIR)/AbstractElectrometerClass.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Novelec_MCCE2.o \
$(OBJDIR)/N_PhotoVoltaique.o \
$(OBJDIR)/N_PhotoConducteur.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Keithley_485.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Keithley_486.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Keithley_487.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Keithley_617.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Keithley_6512.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Keithley_6485.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Keithley_6487.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Keithley_6514.o \
$(OBJDIR)/Keithley_6517.o \
# Verbose mode
# include common targets
include $(SOLEIL_ROOT)/env/common_target.opt