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TIMIQException.h 4.20 KiB
// TIMIQException.h
// abstraction.......Tim IQ Application Programming Interface
// class.............TIMIQ Error & Exception specification
// original author...xxxxxx
// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace TIMIQLib_ns {
// ============================================================================
// TIMIQ error severities
// ============================================================================
typedef enum {
} Severity;
// ============================================================================
// The TIMIQ Error abstraction base class.
// Contains 5 fields:
// ° reason
// ° description
// ° origin
// ° error code
// ° severity
// ============================================================================
class Error
// Constructor.
Error ();
// Constructor with parameters.
Error (const char *_reason,
const char *_desc,
const char *_origin,
int _code = -1,
TIMIQLib_ns::Severity _severity = TIMIQLib_ns::ERR);
// Constructor with parameters.
Error (const std::string& _reason,
const std::string& _desc,
const std::string& _origin,
int _code = -1,
TIMIQLib_ns::Severity _severity = TIMIQLib_ns::ERR);
// Copy constructor.
Error (const Error& _src);
// Destructor.
virtual ~Error ();
// Operator=
Error& operator= (const Error& _src);
// Error details: reason
std::string reason;
// Error details: description
std::string desc;
// Error details: origin
std::string origin;
// Error details: code
int code;
// Error details: severity
TIMIQLib_ns::Severity severity;
// ============================================================================
// The TIMIQ error list.
// ============================================================================
typedef std::vector<Error> ErrorList;
// ============================================================================
// The TIMIQ Exception abstraction base class.
// Contains a list of TIMIQ Errors.
// ============================================================================
class Exception
// Constructor.
Exception ();
// Constructor with parameters.
Exception (const char *_reason,
const char *_desc,
const char *_origin,
int _code = -1,
TIMIQLib_ns::Severity _severity = TIMIQLib_ns::ERR);
// Constructor with parameters.
Exception (const std::string& _reason,
const std::string& _desc,
const std::string& _origin,
int _code = -1,
TIMIQLib_ns::Severity _severity = TIMIQLib_ns::ERR);
// Constructor from Error class.
Exception (const Error& error);
// Copy constructor.
Exception (const Exception& _src);
// Operator=
Exception& operator= (const Exception& _src);
// Destructor.
virtual ~Exception ();
// Pushes the specified error into the errors list.
void push_error (const char *_reason,
const char *_desc,
const char *_origin,
int _code = -1,
TIMIQLib_ns::Severity _severity = TIMIQLib_ns::ERR);
// Pushes the specified error into the errors list.
void push_error (const std::string& _reason,
const std::string& _desc,
const std::string& _origin,
int _code = -1,
TIMIQLib_ns::Severity _severity = TIMIQLib_ns::ERR);
// Pushes the specified error into the errors list.
void push_error (const Error& _error);
// The error list.
ErrorList errors;
} // namespace TIMIQLib_ns