= FofbTool Module
This python module provides functions to deal with the Fofb MTCA platform.
It connects to the OPCUAProxy tango devices.
The module is packaged in sections
* FofbTool.Configuration: For application configuration
* FofbTool.Operation: Function to perform operation (start, stop...)
* FofbTool.DeviceAttributeConfiguration: contains functions to apply tango attribute configuration
* FofbTool.Utils: Usefull function that relies on ConfigParser files and call the operation/configuration. Used by the command line tool.
There is also a Command Line Interface bin/FofbTool written in python.
This stops the communication on all the nodes.
Also stops Bpm to CellNode communication blocks.
Then apply the default configuration on FPGA blocks:
* ComCellNode (Expected packets, correct MAC size...)
* ComBPM (BPM ID filter Filter for each CellNode...)
* ComCorr (Default PSCID on output...)
IMPORTANT: This do not configure Orbit Reference or Inv Response Matrix.
This do not start the FOFB, only the communication.
WARNING: PSC will receive frames upon start. Better stop the FOFB beforehand. The CLI won't let you do that.
$ FofbTool --stop --conf --start
== Synchronize BPMs
$ FofbTool --sync
== Align Electron and LBP FA stream
$ FofbTool --align-fa cellnode-c09
Upon restart of OPCUAProxy Tango DS, to reapply attribute configuration (units, alarm level, descriptions...)
usage: FofbTool [-h] [--log LOG] [--force] [--fileconfig FILECONFIG]
[--DS-init-opcua] [--DS-init-watcher] [--DS-conf] [--stop]
[--stop-combpm] [--stop-ccn] [--stop-comlbp]
[--dump-configuration DUMP_CONFIGURATION]
[--configure [{combpm,ccn,comcorr,corr,all}]]
[--align-fa cellnode-cXX] [--nolbp] [--start] [--start-combpm]
[--start-comlbp] [--start-ccn] [--sync]
version x.x
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--log LOG Log level (error, warning, info, debug)
--force Force operation even if FOFB is running.
--fileconfig FILECONFIG
Path to config file to apply.
--DS-init-opcua Run init on opcua devices.
--DS-init-watcher Run init on the Fofb-Watcher device, and then the
--DS-conf Applying attribute configuration on Tango Device
Servers. This is required after restart of devices.
--stop Stop command for the CCN and ComBPM applications
--stop-combpm Stop command for the ComBPM applications blocks.
--stop-ccn Stop command for the ComBPM applications blocks.
--stop-comlbp Stop command for the ComLBP applications blocks.
--dump-configuration DUMP_CONFIGURATION
Dump the current configuration in a file at the giver
--configure [{combpm,ccn,comcorr,corr,all}]
blocs. 'all' is for all com and corrector. Default is
--align-fa cellnode-cXX
Start alignement process for electron and brillance
plus FA sequence. The designation of the cellnode must
be set as argument.
--nolbp Do not start comlbp module when doing start.
--start Start command for the CCN and ComBPM applications
--start-combpm Start command for the ComBPM applications blocks.
--start-comlbp Start command for the ComLBP applications blocks.
--start-ccn Start command for the ComBPM applications blocks.
--sync Start synchronization sequence for Libera Electron and
Libera Brillance Plus.