- Oct 30, 2023
BRONES Romain authored
* Same generic bloc for operations * Capture the stream of data and retains accumulator in memory * Mirror memory for CPU readout wip: initial commit wip: Now a more generic bloc wip: Add average tables to RDL wip: integrate ma for oe in toplevel wip: first corrections for simulation, alpha declared in package wip: fixes for simulation wip: fixes, secondary memory is smaller, no decimal part wip: true rounding before wrinting to secondary memory wip: Add average for PSC command wip: fix sign extension on average orbit read
- Jul 11, 2023
BRONES Romain authored
* A simple threhshold comparator on data output. * When Thresh is reached, disable correction (keep value). * User can unlock the situation via control bits. * Same threshold for all pscid.
- Jun 23, 2023
BRONES Romain authored
* The corrector contains 4 coefficients that are enought to make a lag-compensator or lead-compensator * Change the name of the block to erase "pi" * Update the simulation data !! Still error on simulation, to be fixed
- May 30, 2023
BRONES Romain authored
* Tie version register * Import lib * Copy data input before simulation
- Apr 28, 2023
BRONES Romain authored
* This avoid a nasty bug in GHDL (LLVM backend) which doesn't work well with files with same names. We have another file named that way with DESYRDL.
BRONES Romain authored
* Also change the package constant declaration, add a few. All mathematic will be done outside of the package.
- Apr 26, 2023
BRONES Romain authored