BRONES Romain authored
* The corrector contains 4 coefficients that are enought to make a lag-compensator or lead-compensator * Change the name of the block to erase "pi" * Update the simulation data !! Still error on simulation, to be fixed
BRONES Romain authored* The corrector contains 4 coefficients that are enought to make a lag-compensator or lead-compensator * Change the name of the block to erase "pi" * Update the simulation data !! Still error on simulation, to be fixed
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tc_basic.vhd 7.03 KiB
use work.pkg_corr_matrix_version.all;
architecture basic of TestCtrl is
signal ConfigDone : integer_barrier := 1 ;
signal TestDone : integer_barrier := 1 ;
function f_addr(addr:natural) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(addr, 32));
end function;
function f_sdata(data:integer) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(to_signed(data, 32));
end function;
function f_data(data:natural) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(data, 32));
end function;
function f_bpmpkt(id:natural; x:integer; y:integer) return std_logic_vector is
return std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(id, C_W_BPMID)) & std_logic_vector(to_signed(y, C_W_BPMPOS)) & std_logic_vector(to_signed(x, C_W_BPMPOS));
end function;
-- ControlProc
-- Set up AlertLog and wait for end of test
ControlProc : process
-- Initialization of test
SetLogEnable(PASSED, TRUE); -- Enable PASSED logs
SetLogEnable(INFO, TRUE); -- Enable INFO logs
-- Wait for testbench initialization
wait for 0 ns ; wait for 0 ns;
TranscriptOpen(OSVVM_RESULTS_DIR & "BasicTestTr.txt");
-- Wait for Design Reset
wait until nReset = '1';
-- Wait for test to finish
WaitForBarrier(TestDone, 35 ms);
AlertIf(now >= 35 ms, "Test finished due to timeout");
AlertIf(GetAffirmCount < 1, "Test is not Self-Checking");
end process ControlProc;
-- ManagerProc
-- Generate transactions for AxiManager
ManagerProc : process
variable Data : std_logic_vector(AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1 downto 0) ;
file read_file : text;
variable line_v : line;
variable int_v : integer;
wait until nReset = '1';
WaitForClock(ManagerRec, 2);
log("Read version", INFO) ;
Read(ManagerRec, f_addr(4), Data) ;
AffirmIfEqual(Data, C_VERSION, "Manager Read Data: ") ;
log("==--- Configure the DUT ---==", INFO);
log("+-- Global Config", INFO);
-- Correction coefficients
Write(ManagerRec, f_addr(16#0C#), f_sdata(218));
Write(ManagerRec, f_addr(16#10#), f_sdata(-186));
Write(ManagerRec, f_addr(16#14#), f_sdata(325));
Write(ManagerRec, f_addr(16#18#), f_sdata(-3225));
-- Enable
Write(ManagerRec, f_addr(8), f_sdata(5));
log("+-- Writing orbit reference...", INFO);
-- Load reference orbit from file
file_open(read_file, "reforbit.txt", read_mode);
-- X ref orbit
for I in 0 to C_N_MM_BPM-1 loop
readline(read_file, line_v);
read(line_v, int_v);
Write(ManagerRec, f_addr(16#200#+I*4), f_sdata(int_v));
end loop;
-- Y ref orbit
for I in 0 to C_N_MM_BPM-1 loop
readline(read_file, line_v);
read(line_v, int_v);
Write(ManagerRec, f_addr(16#400#+I*4), f_sdata(int_v));
end loop;
log("+-- Writing PSCID...", INFO);
for J in 0 to C_N_MM_PSC-1 loop
Write(ManagerRec, f_addr(16#800#+J*4), f_sdata(J+1));
end loop;
log("+-- Writing inv. resp. matrix coefficients...", INFO);
-- Set Matrix Coefs
file_open(read_file, "respmat.txt", read_mode);
for J in 0 to C_N_MM_PSC-1 loop
for I in 0 to C_N_MM_BPM-1 loop
readline(read_file, line_v);
read(line_v, int_v);
Write(ManagerRec, f_addr(16#C00#+J*512+I*4), f_sdata(int_v));
end loop;
end loop;
log("+-- Configuration done", INFO);
-- Global Enable
WaitForClock(ManagerRec, 10) ;
--Write(ManagerRec, std_logic_vector(C_REGISTER_INFO(C_CONFIG_ID).address), X"00000001") ;
wait ;
end process ManagerProc ;
-- AxiTransmitterProc
-- Generate transactions for AxiTransmitter
TransmitterProc : process
file read_file : text;
variable line_v : line;
variable intx_v : integer;
variable inty_v : integer;
variable nturn : natural := 0;
wait until nReset = '1' ;
WaitForClock(StreamTxRec, 2) ;
-- Load data input file
file_open(read_file, "bpmdata.txt", read_mode);
WaitForBarrier(ConfigDone) ;
log("+-- Sending bpm packets", INFO);
--while (not endfile(read_file)) loop
while nturn < 20 loop
readline(read_file, line_v);
for I in 0 to 121 loop
read(line_v, intx_v);
read(line_v, inty_v);
Send(StreamTxRec, f_bpmpkt(I, intx_v, inty_v), std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(nturn,8)&'0'));
end loop;
nturn := nturn+1;
-- Simulate interpacket delay
WaitForClock(StreamTxRec, 150) ;
end loop;
WaitForBarrier(TestDone) ;
wait ;
end process TransmitterProc ;
-- AxiReceiverProc
-- Generate transactions for AxiReceiver
ReceiverProc : process
variable ExpData, RxData : std_logic_vector(C_W_COR+C_W_PSCID-1 downto 0);
file read_file : text;
variable line_v : line;
variable int_v : integer;
wait until nReset = '1' ;
WaitForClock(StreamRxRec, 2) ;
-- Load data input file
file_open(read_file, "corrout.txt", read_mode);
-- Check output
while true loop
readline(read_file, line_v);
for J in 0 to C_N_MM_PSC-1 loop
Get(StreamRxRec, RxData) ;
read(line_v, int_v);
ExpData := std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(J+1, C_W_PSCID)) & std_logic_vector(to_signed(int_v, C_W_COR));
wait for 0 ns;
AffirmIfEqual(RxData, ExpData, "");
end loop;
end loop;
end process ReceiverProc;
end basic;
Configuration tc_basic of tb_corr_matrix is
for TestHarness
for TestCtrl_1 : TestCtrl
use entity work.TestCtrl(basic);
end for;
end for;
end tc_basic;