# This script generate simulation data for the PI corrector + matrix multiplication.
import numpy as np
# Response matrix, ref orbit and data input model
# The inverted response matrix, we use an actual true dataset
respmat = np.load("respmat.npy")
# Remove weirdcoeff and set to nm/DAC
#respmat= np.round(respmat/1.77/1717.412/170*10*0x7FFF*1e-6*2**30).astype('i4')
# write to file
with open("respmat.txt", "w") as fp:
for r in respmat.flatten():
# The orbit reference, again this is from true data
refmat = np.load("reforbit.npy")
# write to file
with open("reforbit.txt", "w") as fp:
for r in refmat:
# BPM data generation
def generate_bpm_data(size, DC=0, A=0, F=100, N=0):
""" Generate dummy BPM data, based on a simple model of DC + A.sin(F) + N.noise """
sig = DC + A*np.sin(2*np.pi*F*np.arange(size)*1e-4+np.random.rand()*2*np.pi) + np.random.default_rng().normal(0, N, size)
return sig.astype("int32")
# Parameters
# Generate data input
bpmdata=np.empty((N_BPM, size), dtype="int32")
for i, DC, A, F, N in zip(
np.arange(N_BPM, dtype="int"),
np.random.default_rng().uniform(0, 200e3, N_BPM),
np.random.default_rng().uniform(2,2000, N_BPM),
np.random.default_rng().uniform(0, 20e3, N_BPM),):
bpmdata[i] = generate_bpm_data(size, DC, A, F, N)
# write to file
# Warning, write x then y for each bpm, not all x then all y as the array is packed.
with open("bpmdata.txt", "w") as fp:
for i in range(size):
for j in range(N_BPM//2):
fp.write("{} {} ".format(bpmdata[j,i], bpmdata[j+N_BPM//2,i]))
#fp.write(" ".join(bpmdata[:,i].astype("str"))+"\n")
# Compute correction
# change respmat shape, tiled
trespmat = np.zeros((N_PSC, N_BPM), dtype="int64")
trespmat[:50,:122] = respmat[:50]
trespmat[50:,122:] = respmat[50:]
## -----------------------
# Model computation
# Step 1: error computation
# Step 2: matrix multiplication
for i in range(size):
# Stage 1 : matmul
_mm= np.matmul(oe[:,i].astype("int64"), trespmat.T, dtype='int64')
corrfp[:,0] = mm[:,0] *K_A*2**-C_N_RND *K_C*2**-C_N_RND
for i in range(1,size):
corrfp[:,i] = (mm[:,i] *K_A*2**-C_N_RND +
mm[:,i-1] *K_B*2**-C_N_RND +
corrfp[:,i-1] *K_D*2**-C_N_RND
corr = np.round(corrfp*2**-C_N_FP).astype('i2')
# Write partial and results to files
with open("orbiterror.txt", "w") as fp:
for i in range(size):
fp.write(" ".join(oe[:,i].astype("str"))+"\n")
with open("matmult.txt", "w") as fp:
for i in range(size):
fp.write(" ".join(mm[:,i].astype("str"))+"\n")
with open("corrout.txt", "w") as fp:
for i in range(size):
fp.write(" ".join(corr[:,i].astype("str"))+"\n")