- Nov 24, 2010
- Nov 23, 2010
- Nov 16, 2010
- Nov 15, 2010
- Nov 04, 2010
- Nov 02, 2010
nadolski authored
zhang authored
1) Modify FittuneFlag to fit tunes for soleil lattice. 2) Add parameter in MomAccFlag to set 4D/6D tracking to get MomAcc.
zhang authored
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zhang authored
1) Modify the bug to get the element name in ElemIndex.
zhang authored
1) Call functions to fit tunes for soleil ring. 2) Print the quadrupole and sextupoles values before and after the fitting to the screen. 3) Add the routines to calculate Touschek lifetime.
zhang authored
1) Add routines to fit tunes for soleil lattice. 2) Change the name SetCorrQtErr_fam( ) to AddCorrQtErr_fam( ).
zhang authored
1) Add routines to fit tunes for soleil lattice. 2) Add flag to set using 4D/6D in MomentumAcc
zhang authored
1) Add routines to fit tunes for soleil lattice. 2) Add flag to set using 4D/6D in MomentumAcc
zhang authored
1) Add comments
- Oct 21, 2010
- Oct 20, 2010
zhang authored
1) Add the interface to read multipole error from a file, set and read RF voltage, read FMAPdp.
zhang authored
1) Add the interface to read multipole error from a file, set and read RF voltage, read FMAPdp.
zhang authored
1) The test version for the input script. Always the newest version.
zhang authored
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zhang authored
1) Fix the bug to read blank line in ReadCh( ) 2) Add functions to read multipole errors from a file, and then add all the errors to the previous values of the corresponding multipoles, and then the summation value replace the previous values. Speicific for the multipole error in Soleil ring.