- Dec 22, 2011
- Oct 12, 2011
zhang authored
Add scaling factors of beta beat dbeta_x, dbeta_y and dnu_x, dnu_y, nu_x, nu_y, for ID compensation using quadrupoles.
- Oct 11, 2011
- Sep 23, 2011
- Jul 20, 2011
- Jul 19, 2011
zhang authored
Add feature in momentumaccpetance( ), so user can define the initial vertical cooridnate which is used to search 6D closed orbit.
zhang authored
Delete incorrect descriptions
zhang authored
set the default file names for printtwiss,printcod, printtrack
zhang authored
Add user interface to define the file name which is used to save printtwiss,printcod, printtrack
zhang authored
New version
zhang authored
Add user interface to define the file name which is used to save calcualted Momacc, phasespace, fmap, fmapdp, nudp, nudx,nudz
- Jun 30, 2011
zhang authored
Removed from CVS.
zhang authored
Add the globval variable for the family index of RF cavity
zhang authored
Fix the bug to get correct chromaticites for the lattice with negative momentum compact factor.
zhang authored
Fix the bug to get the correct PName of the lattice element
zhang authored
Add comments.
zhang authored
Correct the bug to get COD and one turn map for the lattice with negative momentum compact factor.
zhang authored
Access RF cavity family index by global variable
zhang authored
Fix the bug to get momentum compact factor.
zhang authored
Get the family index of RF cavity and check whether RF harmonic number is defined or not for the lattice of the ring.
zhang authored
1) fix the bug of RF acceptance for the lattice with negative momentum compact factor 2) Fix the bug to get momentum accpetance.
zhang authored
Access RF cavity family index by global variable
- May 23, 2011
nadolski authored