The underlying beam dynamics model is open source; courtesy Michael Böge.
(A CORBA Based Distributed Client/Server Model for Beam Dynamics Applications at the SLS ICALEPS'99)
@@ -86,10 +89,3 @@ Johan used it to guide the control of the nonlinear dynamics for the SLS concept
(Having validated the model by beam studies for the ALS commissioning (& also provided a realistic estimate of the Touschek lifetime; for a medium energy ring): Modeling of Beam Dynamics and Comparison with Measurements for the Advanced Light Source (ALS) EPAC'94)
After which M. Böge machine translated my beam dynamics library from Pascal to C (with GNU p2c) & used it as an on-line model server to guide the commissioning (i.e., including e.g. modeling of girder correlations, etc. & the related correction algorithms that I provided to model the real lattice for the SLS conceptual design).