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Input_test.prm 6.75 KiB
# 15 March 2010
# File for checking TRacy is running well
# input script to set the file and bool flag
# comments:
# 1) Blank line and line starting with "#" (comment) are ignored
# 2) Obligatory parameter: lat_file,
# lat file name is without the extension of .lat
# 3) All the other parameters are optional, and all the default
# values for flags are false
# 4) Default FMAP values are:
# _FmapFlag_nxpoint=31, _FmapFlag_nypoint=21,
# _FmapFlag_nturn=516; _FmapFlag_xmax=0.025,
# _FmapFlag_ymax=0.005, _FmapFlag_delta=0.0;
# _FmapFlag_diffusion = true;
# 5) Default values of FMAPdp are the same as FMAP.
# Test verison for the development of Tracy 3, always the nearest
# input file verison.
# 03/2011 Jianfeng Zhang
# relative directory of the files in the script
in_dir /home/zhang/codes/TracyIII/lattice/
# lattice file must be wihout .lat extension
lat_file soleil_120cor
# H-corrector name in lattice file
h_corr HCM
#V-corrector name in lattice file
v_corr VCM
#girder start symbol
gs GS
#girder end symbol
ge GE
# BPM name in lattice file
bpm_name BPM
# skew quadrupole in the lattice file
qt QT
#turn on the quadrupole fringe field
# vacuum chamber file
chamber_file example_Chamber.dat
# multipole error file
multipole_file multipole_error.dat
# files for looking for the multipole of corrector (Machine current based)
fic_hcorr corh.txt
fic_vcorr corv.txt
fic_skew corqt.txt
# Read the field error, and replacement the corresponding components
# in the element.
# Generic features
ReadfefileFlag dip.fe
#specific for soleil lattice
# multipole_file multipole_error_fullquad.dat
# fic_hcorr corh.txt
# fic_vcorr corv.txt
# fic_skew corqt.txt
# FitTune4Flag qp7a qp7b qp9a qp9b 18.202 10.317
# FitChromFlag sx9 sx10 2.0 2.0
#PrintGirderFlag testgirder.out
# alignment error file, after read the misalignment, the orbit is corrected
# orbit correction
hcorr_file hcorr_56nom.state
vcorr_file vcorr_56nom.state
#number of statistics (seeds) --> N flat-files
n_stat 2
#number of times to scale the errors
n_scale 1
#number of iterations for orb. cors
n_orbit 0
#number of singular values in H-plane, must be the same as the correctors used for orbit correction
nwh 60
#number of singular values in V-plane, must be the same as the correctors used for orbit correction
nwv 60
#*******boolean flag***********
#print the twiss paramters to a file
PrintTwissFlag twisstest.out
#print close orbit to a file
PrintCODFlag testcod.out
#print coordinates tracking around COD at each element
PrintTrackFlag track.out 0.001 0.000 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50
# read vacuum chamber from chamber_file
# Activate quadrupole Fringefield
# set RF voltage, if false, then use the definition value
# of RF cavity in the lattice
# name, flag, RF voltage [V]
RFvoltageFlag 4000000
# tune obtained by tracking
# chromaticity obtained by tracking
# tune shift with amplitude and energy
# AmplitudeTuneShiftFlag flag Nbx Nby TurnNumber xmax(m) ymax(m) delta
# Nbx and Nby Number of amplitude values in H et V planes
# TurnNumber number of turns for tracking
# xmax ymax maximum amplitude value (sqrt law)
# delta energy offset
# AmplitudeTuneShiftFlag 50 30 516 0.035 0.02 0.0
# EnergyTuneShiftFlag flag Nb TurnNumber emax
# Nb point number
# TurnNumber number of turn for tracking
# emax maximum energy for tracking
EnergyTuneShiftFlag 31 1026 0.06
# FMA calculate frequency map
# Nbx Nby number of point in h and v planes
# TurnNumber Number of turns for tracking
# xmax, ymax maximum amplitude
# energyoffset
# diffusionflag to compute tunediffusion
FmapFlag 31 21 516 0.025 0.005 0.0 true
# FMA dp calculate frequency map
# Nbx: number of point in h planes
# Nbe: number of point for the energy
# TurnNumber: Number of turns for tracking
# xmax: maximum amplitude in the horizontal plane
# emax: maximum energyoffset
# y: vertical amplitude
# diffusionflag to compute tunediffusion
FmapdpFlag 101 121 1026 25e-3 0.06 0.3e-3 true
# error coupling
# add random rotation error to the two half quadrupoles
#delicated for soleil lattice
# flag, random seed number, RMS value of the rotation angle
# of the quadrupole
ErrorCoupling2Flag 0 0.0007
# coupling flag
# calcualte the coupling factor in the lattice
# calculate momentum acceptance for Touscheck lifetime
# Dim istart istop eminp emaxp nstepp eminn emaxn nstepn nturns
# Dim: 4D/6D tracking, default value is 6D
MomentumAccFlag 6D 1 209 0.01 0.05 100 -0.01 -0.05 100 1026
# read multipole error from a file
#******to be obsoleted************************
# include multipole error into the lattice, the mutipole error
# of Horizontal and vertical correctors, and skew quadrupole
# is read from the files, the name of which are set at the
# beginning of this script.
# MultipoleFlag
# set multipole with thin or thick lens model,
# MultipoleFlag must be true if ThinsextFlag is true
# ThinsextFlag
# fit tune
# name, flag, tuned quadrople,tuned quadrople,targetnudx targetnudz
FitTune4Flag qp7a qp7b qp9a qp9b 18.202 10.317
# fit chromaticity
# name,flag, tuned sextupole, tuned sextupole, targetksix targetksiz
FitChromFlag sx9 sx10 2.0 2.6
### Touschek lifetime
# calculate Touschek lifetime
# name, flag
# Intra Beam Scattering
# Track momentum acceptance and then get Touschek lifetime
# calculate induced amplitude
# specific for test
# calculate Eta function
# calculate phase space
# parameters are:
# 4D/6D dimension to track the phase space;
# x[m],x',y[m],y',delta,c*tau, Number of turns, flag to turn on/off
# damping during the tracking
PhaseSpaceFlag 6D 1e-6 0.0 1e-6 0.0 0.012 0.0 1000 false