// ============================================================================
//    TANGO Project - Keithley Electrometer Support Library
//    CommunicationLink.h
//    X. Elattaoui
// $Author: xavela $
// $Revision: 1.3 $
// $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
// Revision 1.2  2008/02/11 16:55:04  xavela
// xavier : for DDC part
// - integration mode OK (tests done with K_486)
// integration time for ScanServer compatibility.
// report config for all DDC
// add configuration in SCPI start command
// Revision 1.1  2007/07/09 13:20:35  stephle
// initial import
// ============================================================================


#include <string>

// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

 *  \addtogroup Communication Management
 *  @{

 *  \brief Abstract class to manage a specific communication bus
 *  \author Xavier Elattaoui
 *  \date 11-2006

class CommunicationLink
public :
	* Initialization. 
	CommunicationLink (std::string& communication_link_name);
	* Release resources.
	virtual ~CommunicationLink (void);

	*  \brief Send command (data) as string to hardware.
	*  \throws Tango::DevFailed
	virtual void write(std::string)	= 0; 
	*  \brief Gets hardware response as string.
	*  \throws Tango::DevFailed
	virtual std::string read(void)	= 0;

	*  \brief Performs a write read operation as string.
	*  \throws Tango::DevFailed
	virtual std::string write_read(std::string cmd_to_send) = 0;

	*  \brief Returns the Gpib SRQ line state : used here to know if Keithley 
  *           device is ready after an integration cycle.
	*  \throws Tango::DevFailed
	virtual bool isSRQLineUp(void);

	*  \brief Clear a specific device (same as reset *RST).
	*  \throws Tango::DevFailed
	virtual void clear(void);

	*  \brief Trigg device on the gpib bus.
	*  \throws Tango::DevFailed
	virtual void trigger(void);

protected :
	std::string _communication_Device_name;


/** @} */	//- end addtogroup