// ============================================================================
//    TANGO Project - Novelec Electrometer Support Library
//    Novelec_MCCE2.h
//    X. Elattaoui
// ============================================================================

#ifndef _NOVELEC_MCCE2_H_
#define _NOVELEC_MCCE2_H_

#include "AbstractElectrometerClass.h"

 *  \addtogroup Novelec
 *  @{

 *  \brief This class manage Novelec MCCE-2 type
 *  \author Xavier Elattaoui
 *  \date 11-2006

class Novelec_MCCE2 : public AbstractElectrometerClass

	*  \brief Initialization.
//	Novelec_MCCE2 (std::string& comLink_device_name, unsigned short channel_address, unsigned short electroType);
	Novelec_MCCE2 (std::string& comLink_device_name, unsigned short channel_address);

	*  \brief Release resources.
	virtual ~Novelec_MCCE2 (void);

  bool init_protocol(void);

	std::string get_ElectroMeterPolarity(void);
	void set_ElectroMeterPolarity	(std::string);

	short get_electrometer_type() {
    return this->_MCCE2electroTypeNumber;
	std::string get_electrometer_typeStr() {
    return this->_MCCE2electroTypeStr;

	*  \brief Electrometer Functions : mode for novelec types.
	void set_Zero_VonF_function			  (void);
	void set_Offset_ZeroV1_function		(void);
	void set_Leakage_ZeroV2_function	(void);
	void set_Test_function				    (void);
	void set_Measure_function			    (void);

	*	\brief Sets the new range value
	//virtual void set_ElectroMeterRange(std::string range_str) = 0;
  virtual void range_up	     (void) {};
  virtual void range_down    (void) {};

	*  \brief Commands to start/stop the data acquisition
	*	This emulate the MCCE2 key ON/OFF
	*	(all parameters must be set before switching ON the MCCE2)
	void mcce_on	(void);
	void mcce_off	(void);

	*  \brief Electrometer Status.
	std::string electrometer_status		(void);

  virtual std::vector<std::string> ranges_list(void) {};

protected :
	unsigned short _rangeLimit;				      //- define the range limit for each novelec type
  unsigned short _address;                //- a DAIP manages 2 "channels" (or address)
	unsigned short _MCCE2electroTypeNumber;	//- the mcce2 electrometer type number (to check range value)
    std::string _MCCE2electroTypeStr;       //-  "      "   "   "   "   "   as string
	*	\brief Checks the new range value
	short check_range_value(const std::string& rgToCheck, const std::vector<std::string>	 electroRangeList);


/** @} */	//- end addtogroup

#endif // _NOVELEC_MCCE2_H_