<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <Title> Tango Device Server User's Guide </Title> </HEAD> <BODY TEXT="#000000" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="#0000FF" VLINK="#7F00FF" ALINK="#FF0000"> <P><!-------TITLE------></P> <TABLE BORDER="0" WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD ALIGN="left"> <A HREF="http://www.esrf.fr/" TARGET=new> <IMG SRC="http://www.esrf.fr/gifs/logo/80.gif" BORDER=0 Height="60"></A> </Td> <TD ALIGN="center"> <A HREF="http://www.elettra.trieste.it/" TARGET=new> <IMG SRC="http://www.esrf.fr/computing/cs/tango/elettra_logo.gif" BORDER=0 Height="60"></A> </Td> <TD ALIGN="center"> <A HREF="http://www.synchrotron-soleil.fr/" TARGET=new> <IMG SRC="http://www.esrf.fr/computing/cs/tango/soleil_logo.gif" BORDER=0 Height="60"></A> </Td> <TD ALIGN="right"> <A HREF="http://www.cells.es/" TARGET=new> <IMG SRC="http://www.esrf.fr/computing/cs/tango/alba.jpg" BORDER=0 Height="54"></A> </Td> <TD ALIGN="right"> <A HREF="http://www.desy.de/html/home/index_eng.html" TARGET=new> <IMG SRC="http://www.esrf.fr/computing/cs/tango/desy.gif" BORDER=0 Height="60"></A> </Td> <Td> <H2><FONT COLOR="#7F00FF"> <Center><A HREF="http://www.tango-controls.org/" TARGET="_top"> TANGO </a> <Br> Device Server </Center></FONT> </Td> </TR> </TABLE> <HR WIDTH="100%"></H5> <Br> <center> <h1> Keithley428 Current Amplifier <Br> Device Commands Description <Br> <Br> Keithley428 Class <Br> </h1> <b> Revision: - Author: </b> </center> <Br> <Br> <Br> <A NAME="Init"><!-- --></A> <A NAME="Init"><!-- --></A> <h2>1 - Init</h2> <ul> <Li><Strong>Description: </Strong> This commands re-initialise a device keeping the same network connection.<Br> After an Init command executed on a device, it is not necessary for client to re-connect to the device.<Br> This command first calls the device <i> delete_device() </i>method and then execute its <i> init_device()</i> method.<Br> For C++ device server, all the memory allocated in the <i> nit_device() </i> method must be freed in the <i> delete_device() </i> method.<Br> The language device desctructor automatically calls the <i> delete_device() </i> method.<Br>  <Li><Strong>Argin:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : none.<Br>  <Li><Strong>Argout:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : none.<Br>  <Li><Strong>Command allowed for: </Strong><Ul> <Li>Tango::ON<Li>Tango::FAULT</Ul> <Br>  </ul><Br> <Br> <A NAME="State"><!-- --></A> <A NAME="State"><!-- --></A> <h2>2 - State</h2> <ul> <Li><Strong>Description: </Strong> This command gets the device state (stored in its <i>device_state</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.<Br>  <Li><Strong>Argin:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : none.<Br>  <Li><Strong>Argout:<Br>DEV_STATE</Strong> : State Code<Br>  <Li><Strong>Command allowed for: </Strong><Ul> <Li>Tango::ON<Li>Tango::FAULT</Ul> <Br>  </ul><Br> <Br> <A NAME="Status"><!-- --></A> <A NAME="Status"><!-- --></A> <h2>3 - Status</h2> <ul> <Li><Strong>Description: </Strong> This command gets the device status (stored in its <i>device_status</i> data member) and returns it to the caller.<Br>  <Li><Strong>Argin:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : none.<Br>  <Li><Strong>Argout:<Br>CONST_DEV_STRING</Strong> : Status description<Br>  <Li><Strong>Command allowed for: </Strong><Ul> <Li>Tango::ON<Li>Tango::FAULT</Ul> <Br>  </ul><Br> <Br> <A NAME="PerformZeroCorrect"><!-- --></A> <A NAME="PerformZeroCorrect"><!-- --></A> <h2>4 - PerformZeroCorrect</h2> <ul> <Li><Strong>Description: </Strong> Perform Zero correction.<Br>  <Li><Strong>Argin:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : <Br>  <Li><Strong>Argout:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : <Br>  <Li><Strong>Command allowed for: </Strong><Ul> <Li>Tango::ON<Li>Tango::FAULT</Ul> <Br>  </ul><Br> <Br> <A NAME="FilterOn"><!-- --></A> <A NAME="FilterOn"><!-- --></A> <h2>5 - FilterOn</h2> <ul> <Li><Strong>Description: </Strong> Turn the filter ON<Br>  <Li><Strong>Argin:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : <Br>  <Li><Strong>Argout:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : <Br>  <Li><Strong>Command allowed for: </Strong><Ul> <Li>Tango::ON</Ul> <Br>  </ul><Br> <Br> <A NAME="FilterOff"><!-- --></A> <A NAME="FilterOff"><!-- --></A> <h2>6 - FilterOff</h2> <ul> <Li><Strong>Description: </Strong> Turn the filter OFF<Br>  <Li><Strong>Argin:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : <Br>  <Li><Strong>Argout:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : <Br>  <Li><Strong>Command allowed for: </Strong><Ul> <Li>Tango::ON</Ul> <Br>  </ul><Br> <Br> <A NAME="AutoFilterOn"><!-- --></A> <A NAME="AutoFilterOn"><!-- --></A> <h2>7 - AutoFilterOn</h2> <ul> <Li><Strong>Description: </Strong> Enable Auto Filter<Br>  <Li><Strong>Argin:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : <Br>  <Li><Strong>Argout:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : <Br>  <Li><Strong>Command allowed for: </Strong><Ul> <Li>Tango::ON</Ul> <Br>  </ul><Br> <Br> <A NAME="AutoFilterOff"><!-- --></A> <A NAME="AutoFilterOff"><!-- --></A> <h2>8 - AutoFilterOff</h2> <ul> <Li><Strong>Description: </Strong> Disable Auto Filter<Br>  <Li><Strong>Argin:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : <Br>  <Li><Strong>Argout:<Br>DEV_VOID</Strong> : <Br>  <Li><Strong>Command allowed for: </Strong><Ul> <Li>Tango::ON</Ul> <Br>  </ul><Br> <Br> <!--- html Footer ---> <Center> <Font size=-1> <br> <br> <TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="100%"> <Tr> <!--- Hosted by Sourceforge ---> <Td Align="Center"> <Font size=-1> <b>TANGO</b> is an open source project hosted by :<br> <A href="http://sourceforge.net" Target="new"> <IMG title="Sourceforge logo" alt="Sourceforge logo small" src="http://www.esrf.fr/computing/cs/tango/sourceforge.gif" border=0> </a> </Font> </Td> <!--- 2 Sourceforge Repositories ---> <Td Align="Center"> <Font size=-1> Core and Tools : <a href="http://tango-cs.cvs.sourceforge.net/tango-cs/" Target="new"> CVS repository</a> on <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/tango-cs" Target=new> tango-cs project</a> <br> Device Servers : <a href="http://tango-ds.cvs.sourceforge.net/tango-ds/" Target="new"> CVS repository</a> on <a href="https://sourceforge.net/projects/tango-ds" Target=new> tango-ds project</a> </Font> </Td> </Tr> </Table> </Font> </Center> </body> </html>