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A project for docking management.

# What is docking?
docking is a system in which the user can dynamically change the layout of the application

# Organization and licenses
docking project is organized into maven modules.  
Each module has its own license.
* <h2>dockingcore</h2>
    dockingcore is the module that describes eveything needed to do some docking in your application.  
    It proposes some interfaces and abstract classes, the implementation/concretization of which is done in other modules.  
    This way, it gives some common way to manage docking without knowning the implementation library.  

    It is licensed under LGPL V3.
* <h2>dockinginfonode</h2>
    Concretization of dockingcore using [InfoNode Docking Windows](https://sourceforge.net/projects/infonode/).  

    It is licensed under GPL V3.
* <h2>dockingvl</h2>
    Concretization of dockingcore using a fork of [VLDocking](https://bitbucket.org/akuhtz/vldocking/src/master/).  

    It is licensed under GPL V3.