diff --git a/DG_PY_FOFBTool/DG_PY_FOFBTool.py b/DG_PY_FOFBTool/DG_PY_FOFBTool.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7917be9cc8a646eb206531c18f8f022ed516c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DG_PY_FOFBTool/DG_PY_FOFBTool.py
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# This file is part of the DG_PY_FOFBTool project
+# Distributed under the terms of the GPL license.
+# See LICENSE.txt for more info.
+# PyTango imports
+import tango
+from tango import DebugIt
+from tango.server import run
+from tango.server import Device
+from tango.server import attribute, command
+from tango.server import device_property
+from tango import AttrQuality, DispLevel, DevState
+from tango import AttrWriteType, PipeWriteType
+# Additional import
+#----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DG_PY_FOFBTool.additionnal_import) ENABLED START -----#
+import FofbTool
+import FofbTool.Operation
+import FofbTool.Configuration
+import logging
+import multiprocessing
+import numpy as np
+#----- PROTECTED REGION END -----#	//	DG_PY_FOFBTool.additionnal_import
+__all__ = ["DG_PY_FOFBTool", "main"]
+class DG_PY_FOFBTool(Device):
+    """
+    **Properties:**
+    - Device Property
+        combpm_bpmfilter
+            - Each line gives the BPM id allowed in the combpm engine of the cellnode.\nOne line per cellnode, in the order of the cellnodepath property.
+            - Type:'DevVarStringArray'
+        tangopath_cellnode
+            - Tango path of the cellnodes
+            - Type:'DevVarStringArray'
+        comcorr_pscid
+            - Line by line PSCID to program on cellnode interface.\nOne line by cellnode
+            - Type:'DevVarStringArray'
+        tangopath_watcher
+            - Tango path of FofbWatcher
+            - Type:'DevString'
+        corr_pscid
+            - PSCID of the inv matrix lines
+            - Type:'DevString'
+        ccn_npsc
+            - Number of PSC ID to send in centralnode frames.\nIdentical for all interfaces
+            - Type:'DevULong'
+        ccn_nbpm
+            - Number of BPMID to pack in each cellnode.\nOne valeu per cellnode
+            - Type:'DevVarLongArray'
+        logfilepath
+            - Type:'DevString'
+        tangopath_centraltiming
+            - Type:'DevString'
+        tangopath_centralnode
+            - Type:'DevString'
+        k1_x
+            - Type:'DevVarLongArray'
+        k2_x
+            - Type:'DevVarLongArray'
+        k1_y
+            - Type:'DevVarLongArray'
+        k2_y
+            - Type:'DevVarLongArray'
+        loglevel
+            - Type:'DevString'
+    """
+    d_status = {}
+    """
+    def dev_status(self):
+        return my_status()
+    """
+    def my_status(self):
+        try:
+            return "\n\n".join([str(v) for v in self.d_status.values()])+"\n"
+        except Exception:
+            self.debug_stream(str(self.d_status))
+            return "Status failure\n"
+    # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DG_PY_FOFBTool.class_variable
+    # -----------------
+    # Device Properties
+    # -----------------
+    combpm_bpmfilter = device_property(
+        dtype='DevVarStringArray',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    tangopath_cellnode = device_property(
+        dtype='DevVarStringArray',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    comcorr_pscid = device_property(
+        dtype='DevVarStringArray',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    tangopath_watcher = device_property(
+        dtype='DevString',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    corr_pscid = device_property(
+        dtype='DevString',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    ccn_npsc = device_property(
+        dtype='DevULong',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    ccn_nbpm = device_property(
+        dtype='DevVarLongArray',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    logfilepath = device_property(
+        dtype='DevString',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    tangopath_centraltiming = device_property(
+        dtype='DevString',
+    )
+    tangopath_centralnode = device_property(
+        dtype='DevString',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    k1_x = device_property(
+        dtype='DevVarLongArray',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    k2_x = device_property(
+        dtype='DevVarLongArray',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    k1_y = device_property(
+        dtype='DevVarLongArray',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    k2_y = device_property(
+        dtype='DevVarLongArray',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    loglevel = device_property(
+        dtype='DevString',
+        mandatory=True
+    )
+    # ----------
+    # Attributes
+    # ----------
+    includeLBP = attribute(
+        dtype='DevBoolean',
+        access=AttrWriteType.READ_WRITE,
+    )
+    FofbToolVersion = attribute(
+        dtype='DevString',
+    )
+    logs = attribute(
+        dtype=('DevString',),
+        max_dim_x=1024,
+    )
+    # ---------------
+    # General methods
+    # ---------------
+    def init_device(self):
+        """Initialises the attributes and properties of the DG_PY_FOFBTool."""
+        Device.init_device(self)
+        #----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DG_PY_FOFBTool.init_device) ENABLED START -----#
+        self.info_stream("FofbTool {}".format(FofbTool.__version__))
+        logger = logging.getLogger("FofbTool")
+        try:
+            fh=logging.FileHandler(self.logfilepath)
+        except FileNotFoundError:
+            logger.warning("Not logging to file, could not open location {}".format(self.logfilepath))
+        else:
+            fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+            fh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("{asctime} {levelname:8}: {message}", style='{'))
+            logger.addHandler(fh)
+        self.filehandler = fh
+        logger.setLevel(getattr(logging, self.loglevel.upper()))
+        if not hasattr(self, "_include_lbp"):
+            self._include_lbp= False
+        self.set_state(tango.DevState.ON)
+        #----- PROTECTED REGION END -----#	//	DG_PY_FOFBTool.init_device
+    def always_executed_hook(self):
+        """Method always executed before any TANGO command is executed."""
+        #----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DG_PY_FOFBTool.always_executed_hook) ENABLED START -----#
+        self.set_status(self.my_status())
+        #----- PROTECTED REGION END -----#	//	DG_PY_FOFBTool.always_executed_hook
+    def delete_device(self):
+        """Hook to delete resources allocated in init_device.
+        This method allows for any memory or other resources allocated in the
+        init_device method to be released.  This method is called by the device
+        destructor and by the device Init command.
+        """
+        #----- PROTECTED REGION ID(DG_PY_FOFBTool.delete_device) ENABLED START -----#
+        logger = logging.getLogger("FofbTool")
+        logger.removeHandler(self.filehandler)
+        #----- PROTECTED REGION END -----#	//	DG_PY_FOFBTool.delete_device
+    # ------------------
+    # Attributes methods
+    # ------------------
+    def read_includeLBP(self):
+        """Return the includeLBP attribute."""
+        return self._include_lbp
+        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DG_PY_FOFBTool.includeLBP_read
+    def write_includeLBP(self, value):
+        """Set the includeLBP attribute."""
+        self._include_lbp = value
+        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DG_PY_FOFBTool.includeLBP_write
+    def read_FofbToolVersion(self):
+        # PROTECTED REGION ID(DG_PY_FOFBTool.FofbToolVersion_read) ENABLED START #
+        """Return the FofbToolVersion attribute."""
+        return FofbTool.__version__
+        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DG_PY_FOFBTool.FofbToolVersion_read
+    def read_logs(self):
+        """Return the logs attribute."""
+        with open(self.logfilepath, 'r') as fp:
+            lines = fp.readlines()
+        return [l.replace('\n','') for l in lines[:-100:-1]]
+        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DG_PY_FOFBTool.logs_read
+    # --------
+    # Commands
+    # --------
+    @command(
+        dtype_out='DevBoolean',
+    )
+    @DebugIt()
+    def configure(self):
+        """
+        :return:None
+        """
+        success=True
+        self.d_status["configure"]="Configure: pending"
+        self.info_stream("Configure COMBPM")
+        for cn, bpm in zip(self.tangopath_cellnode, self.combpm_bpmfilter):
+            bpmid = [int(b) for b in bpm.split()]
+            self.debug_stream("Set {} to {}".format(cn, bpmid))
+            s=FofbTool.Configuration.cellnode_configure_combpm(cn, bpmid)
+            success = success and s
+            if not s:
+                self.error_stream("Failed to configure COMBPM on {}".format(cn))
+        self.info_stream("Configure COMCORR")
+        for cn, psc in zip(self.tangopath_cellnode, self.comcorr_pscid):
+            pscid = [int(b) for b in psc.split()]
+            self.debug_stream("Set {} to {}".format(cn, pscid))
+            s=FofbTool.Configuration.cellnode_configure_comcorr(cn, pscid, True)
+            success = success and s
+            if not s:
+                self.error_stream("Failed to configure COMCORR on {}".format(cn))
+        self.info_stream("Configure CCN")
+        for cn, nbpm in zip(self.tangopath_cellnode, self.ccn_nbpm):
+            self.debug_stream("Set {} to {} bpm and {} psc".format(cn, nbpm, self.ccn_npsc))
+            FofbTool.Configuration.cellnode_configure_ccn(cn, nbpm, self.ccn_npsc)
+            success = success and s
+            if not s:
+                self.error_stream("Failed to configure CCN on {}".format(cn))
+        s=FofbTool.Configuration.centralnode_configure_ccn(self.tangopath_centralnode, self.ccn_nbpm, self.ccn_npsc)
+        success = success and s
+        if not s:
+            self.error_stream("Failed to configure CCN on {}".format(self.tangopath_centralnode))
+        numbpm = int(np.sum(self.ccn_nbpm))
+        self.debug_stream("Summed {} bpm for corrector".format(numbpm))
+        FofbTool.Configuration.centralnode_configure_corr(self.tangopath_centralnode,
+                numbpm, [int(p) for p in self.corr_pscid.split()],
+                self.k1_x, self.k1_y, self.k2_x, self.k2_y)
+        if success:
+            self.d_status["configure"]="Configure: success"
+        else:
+            self.d_status["configure"]="Configure: failed"
+        return success
+        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DG_PY_FOFBTool.configure
+    @command(
+    )
+    @DebugIt()
+    def stop(self):
+        """
+        :return:None
+        """
+        self.info_stream("Stopping all")
+        self.d_status["nodes"]="FofbNode: stopping"
+        self.debug_stream("Stopping combpm and comlbp")
+        for cn in self.tangopath_cellnode:
+            FofbTool.Operation.stop_combpm(cn)
+            FofbTool.Operation.stop_comlbp(cn)
+        self.debug_stream("Stopping ccn")
+        for cn in self.tangopath_cellnode:
+            FofbTool.Operation.stop_ccn(cn)
+            FofbTool.Operation.reset_ccn(cn)
+        self.d_status["nodes"]="FofbNode: stopped"
+        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DG_PY_FOFBTool.stop
+    @command(
+    )
+    @DebugIt()
+    def start(self):
+        """
+        :return:None
+        """
+        self.info_stream("Starting all")
+        self.d_status["nodes"]="FofbNode: starting"
+        if self._include_lbp:
+            self.debug_stream("Starting comlbp")
+            for cn in self.tangopath_cellnode:
+                FofbTool.Operation.start_comlbp(cn)
+        else:
+            self.debug_stream("Skipping comlbp")
+        self.debug_stream("Starting combpm")
+        for cn in self.tangopath_cellnode:
+            FofbTool.Operation.start_combpm(cn)
+        self.debug_stream("Starting ccn")
+        for cn in self.tangopath_cellnode:
+            FofbTool.Operation.start_ccn(cn)
+        FofbTool.Operation.start_ccn(self.tangopath_centralnode)
+        self.d_status["nodes"]="FofbNode: started"
+        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DG_PY_FOFBTool.start
+    @command(
+    )
+    @DebugIt()
+    def sync(self):
+        """
+        :return:None
+        """
+        db = tango.Database()
+        self.d_status["synchronize"]="Synchronize: starting"
+        self.debug_stream("Building list form FREE PROPERTIES")
+        bpmidlist = [(int(n.split(':')[0]), n.split(':')[2]) for n in db.get_property("FOFB", "bpmlist")['bpmlist'] if 'LIBERA' in n]
+        tlocal = [n.split(':')[2] for n in db.get_property("FOFB", 'TimingBoardList')['TimingBoardList'] if "LOCAL" in n]
+        lbpevrx = db.get_property("FOFB", 'LBPEVRX')['LBPEVRX']
+        FofbTool.Operation.sync_bpm(bpmidlist, lbpevrx, tlocal, self.tangopath_centraltiming)
+        self.d_status["synchronize"]="Synchronize: done"
+        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DG_PY_FOFBTool.sync
+    @command(
+        dtype_in='DevLong',
+        doc_in="cellnode",
+    )
+    @DebugIt()
+    def align_fa(self, argin):
+        """
+        :param argin: 'DevLong'
+        cellnode
+        :return:None
+        """
+        cn=self.tangopath_cellnode[argin]
+        self.debug_stream("Launch align FA on {}".format(cn))
+        seqoffset = FofbTool.Operation.align_ccn(cn, 0)
+        if (seqoffset is None) or seqoffset in (-1,0,1):
+            self.error_stream("Could not align all ccn")
+            self.d_status["align"]="FA Align: failed"
+            return
+        for cn in self.tangopath_cellnode:
+            FofbTool.Configuration.cellnode_configure_comlbp(cn, seqoffset)
+        self.d_status["align"]="FA Align: OK"
+        # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DG_PY_FOFBTool.align_fa
+# ----------
+# Run server
+# ----------
+def main(args=None, **kwargs):
+    """Main function of the DG_PY_FOFBTool module."""
+    return run((DG_PY_FOFBTool,), args=args, **kwargs)
+    # PROTECTED REGION END #    //  DG_PY_FOFBTool.main
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/DG_PY_FOFBTool/DG_PY_FOFBTool.xmi b/DG_PY_FOFBTool/DG_PY_FOFBTool.xmi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20dda8117dbcc16fe19dff5d7997885040c36b28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DG_PY_FOFBTool/DG_PY_FOFBTool.xmi
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
+<pogoDsl:PogoSystem xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="http://www.omg.org/XMI" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:pogoDsl="http://www.esrf.fr/tango/pogo/PogoDsl">
+  <classes name="DG_PY_FOFBTool" pogoRevision="9.6">
+    <description description="" title="" sourcePath="/home/operateur/GrpDiagnostics/RBT/FOFB/FofbTool_dev/DG_PY_FOFBTool" language="PythonHL" filestogenerate="XMI   file,Code files,Protected Regions" license="GPL" copyright="" hasMandatoryProperty="true" hasConcreteProperty="true" hasAbstractCommand="false" hasAbstractAttribute="false">
+      <inheritances classname="Device_Impl" sourcePath=""/>
+      <identification contact="at synchrotron-soleil.fr - romain.brones" author="romain.brones" emailDomain="synchrotron-soleil.fr" classFamily="SoftwareSystem" siteSpecific="Soleil" platform="Unix Like" bus="Not Applicable" manufacturer="none" reference=""/>
+    </description>
+    <deviceProperties name="combpm_bpmfilter" mandatory="true" description="Each line gives the BPM id allowed in the combpm engine of the cellnode.&#xA;One line per cellnode, in the order of the cellnodepath property.">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:StringVectorType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="tangopath_cellnode" mandatory="true" description="Tango path of the cellnodes">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:StringVectorType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="comcorr_pscid" mandatory="true" description="Line by line PSCID to program on cellnode interface.&#xA;One line by cellnode">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:StringVectorType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="tangopath_watcher" mandatory="true" description="Tango path of FofbWatcher">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:StringType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="corr_pscid" mandatory="true" description="PSCID of the inv matrix lines">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:StringType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="ccn_npsc" mandatory="true" description="Number of PSC ID to send in centralnode frames.&#xA;Identical for all interfaces">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:UIntType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="ccn_nbpm" mandatory="true" description="Number of BPMID to pack in each cellnode.&#xA;One valeu per cellnode">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:IntVectorType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="logfilepath" mandatory="true" description="">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:StringType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="tangopath_centraltiming" description="">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:StringType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="tangopath_centralnode" mandatory="true" description="">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:StringType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="k1_x" mandatory="true" description="">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:IntVectorType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="k2_x" mandatory="true" description="">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:IntVectorType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="k1_y" mandatory="true" description="">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:IntVectorType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="k2_y" mandatory="true" description="">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:IntVectorType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <deviceProperties name="loglevel" mandatory="true" description="">
+      <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:StringType"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </deviceProperties>
+    <commands name="State" description="This command gets the device state (stored in its device_state data member) and returns it to the caller." execMethod="dev_state" displayLevel="OPERATOR" polledPeriod="0">
+      <argin description="none">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:VoidType"/>
+      </argin>
+      <argout description="Device state">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:StateType"/>
+      </argout>
+      <status abstract="true" inherited="true" concrete="true"/>
+    </commands>
+    <commands name="Status" description="This command gets the device status (stored in its device_status data member) and returns it to the caller." execMethod="dev_status" displayLevel="OPERATOR" polledPeriod="0">
+      <argin description="none">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:VoidType"/>
+      </argin>
+      <argout description="Device status">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:ConstStringType"/>
+      </argout>
+      <status abstract="true" inherited="true" concrete="true"/>
+    </commands>
+    <commands name="configure" description="" execMethod="configure" displayLevel="OPERATOR" polledPeriod="0" isDynamic="false">
+      <argin description="">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:VoidType"/>
+      </argin>
+      <argout description="">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:BooleanType"/>
+      </argout>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </commands>
+    <commands name="stop" description="" execMethod="stop" displayLevel="OPERATOR" polledPeriod="0" isDynamic="false">
+      <argin description="">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:VoidType"/>
+      </argin>
+      <argout description="">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:VoidType"/>
+      </argout>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </commands>
+    <commands name="start" description="" execMethod="start" displayLevel="OPERATOR" polledPeriod="0" isDynamic="false">
+      <argin description="">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:VoidType"/>
+      </argin>
+      <argout description="">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:VoidType"/>
+      </argout>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </commands>
+    <commands name="sync" description="" execMethod="sync" displayLevel="OPERATOR" polledPeriod="0" isDynamic="false">
+      <argin description="">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:VoidType"/>
+      </argin>
+      <argout description="">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:VoidType"/>
+      </argout>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </commands>
+    <commands name="align_fa" description="" execMethod="align_fa" displayLevel="OPERATOR" polledPeriod="0" isDynamic="false">
+      <argin description="cellnode">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:IntType"/>
+      </argin>
+      <argout description="">
+        <type xsi:type="pogoDsl:VoidType"/>
+      </argout>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+    </commands>
+    <attributes name="includeLBP" attType="Scalar" rwType="READ_WRITE" displayLevel="OPERATOR" polledPeriod="0" maxX="" maxY="" allocReadMember="true" isDynamic="false">
+      <dataType xsi:type="pogoDsl:BooleanType"/>
+      <changeEvent fire="false" libCheckCriteria="false"/>
+      <archiveEvent fire="false" libCheckCriteria="false"/>
+      <dataReadyEvent fire="false" libCheckCriteria="true"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+      <properties description="" label="" unit="" standardUnit="" displayUnit="" format="" maxValue="" minValue="" maxAlarm="" minAlarm="" maxWarning="" minWarning="" deltaTime="" deltaValue=""/>
+    </attributes>
+    <attributes name="FofbToolVersion" attType="Scalar" rwType="READ" displayLevel="OPERATOR" polledPeriod="0" maxX="" maxY="" allocReadMember="true" isDynamic="false">
+      <dataType xsi:type="pogoDsl:StringType"/>
+      <changeEvent fire="false" libCheckCriteria="false"/>
+      <archiveEvent fire="false" libCheckCriteria="false"/>
+      <dataReadyEvent fire="false" libCheckCriteria="true"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+      <properties description="" label="" unit="" standardUnit="" displayUnit="" format="" maxValue="" minValue="" maxAlarm="" minAlarm="" maxWarning="" minWarning="" deltaTime="" deltaValue=""/>
+    </attributes>
+    <attributes name="logs" attType="Spectrum" rwType="READ" displayLevel="OPERATOR" polledPeriod="0" maxX="1024" maxY="" allocReadMember="true" isDynamic="false">
+      <dataType xsi:type="pogoDsl:StringType"/>
+      <changeEvent fire="false" libCheckCriteria="false"/>
+      <archiveEvent fire="false" libCheckCriteria="false"/>
+      <dataReadyEvent fire="false" libCheckCriteria="true"/>
+      <status abstract="false" inherited="false" concrete="true" concreteHere="true"/>
+      <properties description="" label="" unit="" standardUnit="" displayUnit="" format="" maxValue="" minValue="" maxAlarm="" minAlarm="" maxWarning="" minWarning="" deltaTime="" deltaValue=""/>
+    </attributes>
+    <preferences docHome="../doc/doc_html" makefileHome="$(TANGO_HOME)"/>
+  </classes>
diff --git a/FofbTool/__init__.py b/FofbTool/__init__.py
index 13ceb8282868a97dbc9006e914effe163cb44103..bc70b82bdf7a4243d8f44874e9518817df8b0a0e 100644
--- a/FofbTool/__init__.py
+++ b/FofbTool/__init__.py
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ This package is cut in several modules:
 For basic usage, see doc of FofbTool.Utils
-__version__ = "3.1"
+__version__ = "3.2"