diff --git a/FofbTool/Configuration.py b/FofbTool/Configuration.py
index 755e60c07cac9282ac1e977dc82530e04681263b..dca0bf78f15b3cfac0fa530add1e971f2b1f18aa 100644
--- a/FofbTool/Configuration.py
+++ b/FofbTool/Configuration.py
@@ -8,120 +8,28 @@
 import tango
 import logging
-import configparser
 import numpy as np
 import FofbTool.Utils
-import os
 # Get the module logger
 logger = logging.getLogger("FofbTool")
-# Configuration
-config = configparser.ConfigParser()
-# Try to load default
-defconfpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__spec__.origin), "default.cfg"))
-if len(config.read(defconfpath)) < 1:
-    logger.warning("Default configuration file not found: {}".format(defconfpath))
-def logdebugconf():
-    logger.debug("Display config:")
-    for s in config.sections():
-        for o in config.options(s):
-            logger.debug("{:20} {:10} {}".format(s,o, config[s][o]))
-def loadconfig(filepath):
-    """
-    Load a configuration file for the module.
-    It supersed the default configuration, if found.
-    ----------
-    filepath: str
-        Path to the config file
-    """
-    global config
-    logger.info("Load configuration from file {}".format(filepath))
-    if len(config.read(filepath)) < 1:
-        logger.warning("Configuration file not found: {}".format(filepath))
-def getconf(option, section, nodename="", t="", l=False):
-    """
-    Helper method to retrieve an option in the loaded configuration.
-    It tries to find a section named section.nodename and fall back to section only if fails.
-    ----------
-    option: str
-        Name of the option to retrieve
-    section: str
-        Section in wich to search
-    nodename: str
-        Specify a particular nodename. If not found in config, fall back to section default.
-    t: str ('i', 'f', 'b', '')
-        Give the type to cast, integer, float, boolean or string.
-    l: boolean
-        Cast from a list
-    -------
-    roption: str, int, float or boolean
-        Read option
-    """
-    if l:
-        if t=='b':
-            raise NotImplemented("List of boolean not implemented")
-        try:
-            val= np.asarray(config.get("{}.{}".format(section,nodename), option).split(), dtype=t)
-        except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError):
-            val= np.asarray(config.get(section, option).split(), dtype=t)
-    else:
-        try:
-            func = getattr(config, {'i':"getint", 'f':"getfloat", 'b':"getboolean", '':"get"}[t])
-        except KeyError as e:
-            log.debug(str(e))
-            raise ValueError("Allowed t argument are 'i', 'f', 'b' or ''")
-        try:
-            val= func("{}.{}".format(section,nodename), option)
-        except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError):
-            val= func(section, option)
-    return val
-# Filter list depends on the cellnode. These are the default values.
-bpmfilterlist = {
-        "cellnode-c01":np.array(list(range(1,23))+list(range(115,123))),
-        "cellnode-c06":np.array(range(23,53)),
-        "cellnode-c09":np.array(range(53,83)),
-        "cellnode-c14":np.array(range(83,115)),
-        }
-def cellnode_configure_combpm(cellnodename, bpmallowed=None):
+def cellnode_configure_combpm(node_tangopath, bpmallowed):
     Configure the combpm block of a CellNode.
-    The BPM data allowed through are either taken in the argument, or default to configuration.
+    The BPM data allowed through are taken in the argument.
-    cellnodename: str
-        The target cellnode, ie 'cellnode-c09'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
     bpmallowed: [int], None
-        List of BPMID allowed through the block. If None, default to nominal values.
+        List of BPMID allowed through the block.
@@ -131,46 +39,37 @@ def cellnode_configure_combpm(cellnodename, bpmallowed=None):
     # Get device proxy
-        p = config["tangopath.fofbnodes"][cellnodename.lower()]
-    except KeyError:
-        logger.error("Wrong cellnodename. Possibilities are {}".format(list(config['tangopath.fofbnodes'].keys())))
-        return False
-    try:
-        prx= tango.DeviceProxy(p)
-    except tango.DevFailed as e:
-        logger.error("Failed to get the Device proxy to '{}'".format(p))
-        logger.debug(str(e))
-        return False
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
-    # Select BPM id allowed to pass through
-    if bpmallowed is None:
-        logger.debug("Default to nominal values for BPM filter")
-        bpmallowed = getconf("bpmfilter", "combpm", cellnodename.lower(), 'i', True)
-    logger.debug("Activate BPMs {} in the filter for {}".format(bpmallowed, p))
+    logger.debug("Activate BPMs {} in the filter for {}".format(bpmallowed, node_tangopath))
     f = prx["combpm_filter_table"].value
     f[:] = 0
     f[np.array(bpmallowed)] = 0x80
     prx["combpm_filter_table"] = f
-    logger.info("Configuration of ComBpm done on {}.".format(p))
+    logger.info("Configuration of ComBpm done on {}.".format(node_tangopath))
     return True
-def cellnode_configure_comlbp(cellnodename, bpmallowed=None):
+def cellnode_configure_comlbp(node_tangopath, seqoffset=0):
     Configure the comlbp block of a CellNode.
     For now, nothing done
-    cellnodename: str
-        The target cellnode, ie 'cellnode-c09'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
+    seqoffset: int
+        Sequence offset to configure
@@ -178,7 +77,19 @@ def cellnode_configure_comlbp(cellnodename, bpmallowed=None):
         True if configuration is a success
-    logger.info("Configuration of ComLBP done on {}.".format(p))
+    # Get device proxy
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
+    logger.debug("Program sequence offset {} in {}".format(seqoffset, node_tangopath))
+    for n in range(4):
+        prx["comlbp{}_seqoffset".format(n)]=seqoffset
+    logger.info("Configuration of ComLBP done on {}.".format(node_tangopath))
     return True
@@ -186,21 +97,19 @@ def cellnode_configure_comlbp(cellnodename, bpmallowed=None):
-def cellnode_configure_ccn(cellnodename, nbpm=None, npsc=None):
+def cellnode_configure_ccn(node_tangopath, nbpm, npsc):
     Configure the ComCellNode block on a cellnode.
     Automatically set the number of bpm/psc packets and MAC length.
-    cellnodename: str
-        The target cellnode, ie 'cellnode-c09'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
         Number of BPM allowed by the filter, hence the number of expected BPM packets.
-        If None, auto detect the number from the combpm_filter_table attribute.
         Number of total PSC, hence the number of expected PSC packets.
-        Default to 100.
@@ -210,28 +119,14 @@ def cellnode_configure_ccn(cellnodename, nbpm=None, npsc=None):
     # Get device proxy
-        p = config["tangopath.fofbnodes"][cellnodename.lower()]
-    except KeyError:
-        logger.error("Wrong cellnodename. Possibilities are {}".format(list(config['tangopath.fofbnodes'].keys())))
-        return False
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
-    try:
-        prx= tango.DeviceProxy(p)
-    except tango.DevFailed as e:
-        logger.error("Failed to get the Device proxy to '{}'".format(p))
-        logger.debug(str(e))
-        return False
-    if nbpm is None:
-        logger.debug("Default to nominal values for number of BPM packets")
-        # Get number of BPM activated in the filter
-        nbpm = getconf("nbpm", "ccn", cellnodename, 'i')
-    logger.debug("{} bpm allowed in the ethernet frame on {}".format(nbpm, p))
-    if npsc is None:
-        logger.debug("Default to nominal values for number of PSC packets")
-        npsc = getconf("npsc", "ccn", cellnodename, 'i')
-    logger.debug("{} psc expected in the ethernet frame on {}".format(nbpm, p))
+    logger.debug("{} bpm allowed in the ethernet frame on {}".format(nbpm, node_tangopath))
+    logger.debug("{} psc expected in the ethernet frame on {}".format(nbpm, node_tangopath))
     maclen = 10*nbpm+10
     logger.debug("Configure packeter framesize (mac length) to {}".format(maclen))
@@ -244,16 +139,18 @@ def cellnode_configure_ccn(cellnodename, nbpm=None, npsc=None):
     logger.debug("Configure unpacketer framesize (mac length) to {}".format(maclen))
     prx["ccnunpack0_framesize"] = maclen
-    logger.info("Configuration of CCN done on {}.".format(p))
+    logger.info("Configuration of CCN done on {}.".format(node_tangopath))
     return True
-def centralnode_configure_ccn(nbpm=None, npsc=None):
+def centralnode_configure_ccn(node_tangopath, nbpm, npsc):
     Configure the ComCellNode block on the centralnode.
     Automatically set the number of bpm/psc packets and MAC length.
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-centralnode'
     nbpm: list(int)
         Number of BPM packet received on each interface.
@@ -264,24 +161,13 @@ def centralnode_configure_ccn(nbpm=None, npsc=None):
     success: boolean
         True if configuration is a success
-    p = config["tangopath.fofbnodes"]["centralnode"]
+    # Get device proxy
-        prx= tango.DeviceProxy(p)
-    except tango.DevFailed as e:
-        logger.error("Failed to get the Device proxy to '{}'".format(p))
-        logger.debug(str(e))
-        return False
-    if nbpm is None:
-        logger.debug("Use default value for nbpm")
-        nbpm = [getconf("nbpm", "ccn", n, 'i') for n in config['tangopath.fofbnodes'].keys() if 'cellnode' in n]
-    logger.debug("{} bpm expected in the ethernet frame on {}".format(nbpm, p))
-    if npsc is None:
-        logger.debug("Default to nominal values for number of BPM packets")
-        # Get number of BPM activated in the filter
-        npsc = getconf("npsc", "ccn", 'centralnode', 'i')
-    logger.debug("{} psc allowed in the ethernet frame on {}".format(nbpm, p))
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
     for n in range(len(nbpm)):
         maclen = npsc*6+10
@@ -295,14 +181,14 @@ def centralnode_configure_ccn(nbpm=None, npsc=None):
         logger.debug("Configure unpacketer {} framesize (mac length) to {}".format(n, maclen))
         prx["ccnunpack{}_framesize".format(n)] = maclen
-    logger.info("Configuration of CCN done on {}.".format(p))
+    logger.info("Configuration of CCN done on {}.".format(node_tangopath))
     return True
-def cellnode_configure_comcorr(cellnodename, pscid=None, enable=True):
+def cellnode_configure_comcorr(node_tangopath, pscid, enable):
     Configure the comcorr block of a CellNode.
     The PSC ID either taken in the argument, or default to nominal values.
@@ -310,8 +196,8 @@ def cellnode_configure_comcorr(cellnodename, pscid=None, enable=True):
-    cellnodename: str
-        The target cellnode, ie 'cellnode-c09'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
     pscid: [int], None
         List of 32 PSCID to program on the output board. If None, default to nominal values.
@@ -323,84 +209,60 @@ def cellnode_configure_comcorr(cellnodename, pscid=None, enable=True):
     success: boolean
         True if configuration is a success
     # Get device proxy
-        p = config["tangopath.fofbnodes"][cellnodename.lower()]
-    except KeyError:
-        logger.error("Wrong cellnodename. Possibilities are {}".format(list(config['tangopath.fofbnodes'].keys())))
-        return False
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
-    try:
-        prx= tango.DeviceProxy(p)
-    except tango.DevFailed as e:
-        logger.error("Failed to get the Device proxy to '{}'".format(p))
-        logger.debug(str(e))
-        return False
-    if pscid is None:
-        logger.debug("Default to nominal values for PSCID")
-        pscid = getconf("pscid", "comcorr", cellnodename, 'i', True)
-    else:
-        if len(pscid) != 32:
-            logger.error("pscid shall have length 32")
-            return False
-    logger.debug("Set PSCIDs {} in the filter for {}".format(pscid, p))
+    logger.debug("Set PSCIDs {} in the filter for {}".format(pscid, node_tangopath))
     f= prx["comcorr_line_id"].value
     f[:] = pscid
     f[:] = f+ 0x10000*bool(enable)
-    logger.debug("Set comcorr_line_id {} for {}".format(f, p))
+    logger.debug("Set comcorr_line_id {} for {}".format(f, node_tangopath))
     prx["comcorr_line_id"] = f
-    logger.info("Configuration of ComCorr done on {}.".format(p))
+    logger.info("Configuration of ComCorr done on {}.".format(node_tangopath))
     return True
-def centralnode_configure_corr():
+def centralnode_configure_corr(node_tangopath, numbpm, pscid, k1x, k1y, k2x, k2y):
     Configure the correction algorithm on the centralnode.
+    ----------
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-centralnode'
+    k1x, k1y, k2x, k2y: list(int)
+        List of coefficient for each filter. 4 coefficients : ABCD
-    p = config["tangopath.fofbnodes"]["centralnode"]
+    # Get device proxy
-        prx= tango.DeviceProxy(p)
-    except tango.DevFailed as e:
-        logger.error("Failed to get the Device proxy to '{}'. Configuration of corrector algorithm failed.".format(p))
-        logger.debug(str(e))
-        return False
-    # Legacy
-    prx["corr_k1a_x"]=getconf( "k1a_x", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k1b_x"]=getconf( "k1b_x", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k1ic_x"]=getconf( "k1ic_x", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k1d_x"]=getconf( "k1d_x", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k1a_y"]=getconf( "k1a_y", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k1b_y"]=getconf( "k1b_y", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k1ic_y"]=getconf( "k1ic_y", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k1d_y"]=getconf( "k1d_y", "corr", t='i')
-    # Unitary
-    prx["corr_k2a_x"]=getconf( "k2a_x", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k2b_x"]=getconf( "k2b_x", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k2ic_x"]=getconf( "k2ic_x", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k2d_x"]=getconf( "k2d_x", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k2a_y"]=getconf( "k2a_y", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k2b_y"]=getconf( "k2b_y", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k2ic_y"]=getconf( "k2ic_y", "corr", t='i')
-    prx["corr_k2d_y"]=getconf( "k2d_y", "corr", t='i')
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
+    for i,l in enumerate(["a","b","ic","d"]):
+        prx["corr_k1{}_x".format(l)]=k1x[i]
+        prx["corr_k2{}_x".format(l)]=k2x[i]
+        prx["corr_k1{}_y".format(l)]=k1y[i]
+        prx["corr_k2{}_y".format(l)]=k2y[i]
     f= prx["corr_pscid"].value
-    f[0:100] = getconf('pscid', 'corr', t='i', l=True)
+    f[0:100] = pscid
     prx["corr_pscid"] = f
-    prx["corr_num_bpm"] = getconf('numbpm', 'corr', t='i')
+    prx["corr_num_bpm"] = numbpm
-    logger.info("Configuration of Corr done on {}.".format(p))
+    logger.info("Configuration of Corr done on {}.".format(node_tangopath))
     return True
diff --git a/FofbTool/Operation.py b/FofbTool/Operation.py
index 33e9a2e371153be2073223e0a30418ba508f760d..3208814f53dcdaf86db2a7949b2bdcb9f1dd095e 100644
--- a/FofbTool/Operation.py
+++ b/FofbTool/Operation.py
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import tango
 import logging
 import numpy as np
 import time
-import FofbTool.Utils
 # Get the module logger
@@ -21,39 +20,62 @@ logger = logging.getLogger("FofbTool")
-def align_ccn(nodename):
+def align_ccn(node_tangopath, comlbpif=0):
-    Align FA sequence number on a cellnode
+    Align FA sequence number on a cellnode. Returns the computed offset.
-    nodename: str
-        The target fofbnode, ie 'cellnode-c09' or 'centralnode'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
+    comlbpif: int
+        which comlbp interface to use (0 to 3)
+    -------
+    seqoffset: int or None
+        If success, return the found sequece offset.
+        Return None on failure.
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(nodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to align CCN on {}".format(nodename))
-        return
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
     logger.info("Trying to detect and align FA sequences")
-    logger.debug("Reset offsets on comlbp")
-    set_comlbp_seqoffset(nodename, 0)
+    logger.debug("Reset offset on comlbp")
+    prx["comlbp{}_seqoffset".format(comlbpif)]=0
+    # TODO reset and start comlbp and combpm
     # Loop until two consecutives identical measures
-    N=[7,3]
+    N=[7,3]  # random start
     while N[-2] != N[-1]:
         if len(N) > 7:
             logger.error("Could not measure sequence offset.")
-            return False
+            return None
         logger.debug("Latch two sequence numbers without offset")
         prx.ccnpack0_control=1 # let it roll a bit to collect data
         prx.ccnpack0_control=2 # latch it
-        N.append(prx.ccnpack0_latchedseq1-prx.ccnpack0_latchedseq2)
+        _N = prx.ccnpack0_latchedseq1-prx.ccnpack0_latchedseq2
+        # handle diff going from 17 bits to 16bits offset
+        if _N > 0x7FFF:
+            _N=_N-0x10000
+        if -_N > 0x8000:
+            _N=_N+0x10000
+        N.append(_N)
         logger.debug("seq ({}, {}, {})".format(prx.ccnpack0_latchedseq1, prx.ccnpack0_latchedseq2, N[-1]))
@@ -63,14 +85,9 @@ def align_ccn(nodename):
     if N in (-1, 0, 1):
         logger.warning("Sequence offset measured = {}, something might be wrong".format(N))
-    # handle diff going from 17 bits to 16bits offset
-    if N > 0x7FFF:
-        N=N-0x10000
-    if -N > 0x8000:
-        N=N+0x10000
-    set_comlbp_seqoffset(nodename, N)
+    logger.debug("Setting sequence offset to {}".format(N))
+    prx["comlbp{}_seqoffset".format(comlbpif)]=N
     logger.debug("Perform autocheck")
@@ -83,130 +100,145 @@ def align_ccn(nodename):
     if not N in (-1, 1):
         logger.warning("Corrected sequence offset measured = {}, something might be wrong. Run it again".format(N))
-        return False
+        return None
     return seqoffset
-def set_comlbp_seqoffset(nodename, N):
-    """ Set sequence offset for all comlbp interfaces """
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(nodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to align CCN on {}".format(nodename))
-        return
-    logger.info("Program sequence offset {} in {}".format(N, nodename))
-    for n in range(4):
-        prx["comlbp{}_seqoffset".format(n)]=N
-def stop_ccn(nodename):
+def stop_ccn(node_tangopath, ccnif=[]):
     Stop the communication with cellnode on the specified fofbnode.
-    nodename: str
-        The target fofbnode, ie 'cellnode-c09' or 'centralnode'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
+    ccnif: list(int)
+        List of the interface to stop. If empty, all the possible interface will be stopped.
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(nodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to stop CCN on {}".format(nodename))
-        return
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
+    if len(ccnif) == 0:
+        ccnif = [int(a[7]) for a in prx.get_attribute_list() if "ccnpack" in a if "control" in a]
-    logger.info("Stopping CCN on {}".format(nodename))
-    nint=1
-    if 'central' in nodename:
-        nint = 4
-    for n in range(nint):
-        prx["ccnpack{}_control".format(n)] = False
-        prx["ccnunpack{}_control".format(n)] = False
+    logger.info("Stopping CCN on {}".format(node_tangopath))
+    for n in ccnif:
+        if 'central' in node_tangopath:
+            prx["ccnunpack{}_control".format(n)] = False
+            prx["ccnpack{}_control".format(n)] = False
+        else:
+            prx["ccnpack{}_control".format(n)] = False
+            prx["ccnunpack{}_control".format(n)] = False
-def reset_ccn(nodename):
+def reset_ccn(node_tangopath, ccnif=[]):
     Reset the communication with cellnode on the specified fofbnode.
-    nodename: str
-        The target fofbnode, ie 'cellnode-c09' or 'centralnode'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
+    ccnif: list(int)
+        List of the interface to stop. If empty, all the possible interface will be stopped.
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(nodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to reset CCN on {}".format(nodename))
-        return
-    logger.info("Reset CCN on {}".format(nodename))
-    nint=1
-    if 'central' in nodename:
-        nint = 4
-    for n in range(nint):
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
+    if len(ccnif) == 0:
+        ccnif = [int(a[6]) for a in prx.get_attribute_list() if "ccneth" in a if "gt_reset" in a]
+    logger.info("Reset CCN on {}".format(node_tangopath))
+    for n in ccnif:
         prx["ccneth{}_reset".format(n)] = 0x60000001 # impossible to write 0xE0000001
         prx["ccneth{}_gt_reset".format(n)] = 1
-    for n in range(nint):
+    for n in ccnif:
         prx["ccneth{}_gt_reset".format(n)] = 0
         prx["ccneth{}_reset".format(n)] = 0
-    ack_ccn(nodename)
+    ack_ccn(node_tangopath, ccnif)
-def start_ccn(nodename):
+def start_ccn(node_tangopath, ccnif=[]):
     Start the communication with cellnode on the specified fofbnode.
-    nodename: str
-        The target fofbnode, ie 'cellnode-c09' or 'centralnode'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
+    ccnif: list(int)
+        List of the interface to stop. If empty, all the possible interface will be stopped.
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(nodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to start CCN on {}".format(nodename))
-        return
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
-    logger.info("Starting CCN on {}".format(nodename))
+    if len(ccnif) == 0:
+        ccnif = [int(a[7]) for a in prx.get_attribute_list() if "ccnpack" in a if "control" in a]
-    ack_ccn(nodename)
+    logger.info("Starting CCN on {}".format(node_tangopath))
-    nint=1
-    if 'central' in nodename:
-        nint = 4
-    for n in range(nint):
-        prx["ccnpack{}_control".format(n)] = True
-        prx["ccnunpack{}_control".format(n)] = True
+    ack_ccn(node_tangopath, ccnif)
-def ack_ccn(nodename):
+    for n in ccnif:
+        if 'central' in node_tangopath:
+            prx["ccnunpack{}_control".format(n)] = 1
+            prx["ccnpack{}_control".format(n)] = 1
+        else:
+            prx["ccnpack{}_control".format(n)] = 1
+            prx["ccnunpack{}_control".format(n)] = 1
+def ack_ccn(node_tangopath, ccnif=[]):
     Start the communication with cellnode on the specified fofbnode.
-    nodename: str
-        The target fofbnode, ie 'cellnode-c09' or 'centralnode'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
+    ccnif: list(int)
+        List of the interface to stop. If empty, all the possible interface will be stopped.
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(nodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to ack CCN on {}".format(nodename))
-        return
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
+    if len(ccnif) == 0:
+        ccnif = [int(a[7]) for a in prx.get_attribute_list() if "ccnpack" in a if "control" in a]
-    logger.info("Ack CCN error on {}".format(nodename))
-    nint=1
-    if 'central' in nodename:
-        nint = 4
-    for n in range(nint):
+    logger.info("Ack CCN error on {}".format(node_tangopath))
+    for n in ccnif:
         prx["ccnpack{}_reset_error".format(n)] = True
         prx["ccnunpack{}_reset_error".format(n)] = True
-    for n in range(nint):
+    for n in ccnif:
         prx["ccnpack{}_reset_error".format(n)] = False
         prx["ccnunpack{}_reset_error".format(n)] = False
@@ -214,129 +246,142 @@ def ack_ccn(nodename):
-def stop_combpm(cellnodename):
+def stop_combpm(node_tangopath):
     Stop the communication with bpm on the specified cellnode.
-    cellnodename: str
-        The target fofbnode, ie 'cellnode-c09'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(cellnodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to stop ComBPM on {}".format(p))
-        return
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
-    logger.info("Stopping ComBPM on {}".format(cellnodename))
+    logger.info("Stopping ComBPM on {}".format(node_tangopath))
     prx["combpm_reset"] = 1
     prx["combpm_gt_control"] = 0x5
-def start_combpm(cellnodename):
+def start_combpm(node_tangopath):
     Start the communication with bpm on the specified cellnode.
-    cellnodename: str
-        The target fofbnode, ie 'cellnode-c09'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(cellnodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to start ComBPM on {}".format(cellnodename))
-        return
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
-    logger.info("Starting ComBpm on {}".format(cellnodename))
+    logger.info("Starting ComBpm on {}".format(node_tangopath))
     prx["combpm_reset"] = 0
     prx["combpm_gt_control"] = 0x1
-    ack_combpm(cellnodename)
+    ack_combpm(node_tangopath)
-def ack_combpm(cellnodename):
+def ack_combpm(node_tangopath):
     Ack errors on the communication with bpm on the specified cellnode.
-    cellnodename: str
-        The target fofbnode, ie 'cellnode-c09'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(cellnodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to start ComBPM on {}".format(cellnodename))
-        return
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
-    logger.info("Ack ComBpm on {}".format(cellnodename))
+    logger.info("Ack ComBpm on {}".format(node_tangopath))
     prx["combpm_reset_error"] = True
     prx["combpm_reset_error"] = False
-def stop_comlbp(cellnodename):
+def stop_comlbp(node_tangopath):
     Stop the communication with LBP on the specified cellnode.
-    cellnodename: str
-        The target fofbnode, ie 'cellnode-c09'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(cellnodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to stop ComLBP on {}".format(p))
-        return
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
-    logger.info("Stopping ComLBP on {}".format(cellnodename))
+    logger.info("Stopping ComLBP on {}".format(node_tangopath))
     for n in range(4):
         prx["comlbp{}_control".format(n)] = 1
     for n in range(4):
         prx["comlbp{}_control".format(n)] = 0
-def start_comlbp(cellnodename):
+def start_comlbp(node_tangopath):
     Start the communication with LBP on the specified cellnode.
-    cellnodename: str
-        The target fofbnode, ie 'cellnode-c09'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(cellnodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to start ComLBP on {}".format(p))
-        return
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
-    logger.info("Starting ComLBP on {}".format(cellnodename))
+    logger.info("Starting ComLBP on {}".format(node_tangopath))
     for n in range(4):
         prx["comlbp{}_control".format(n)] = 0x10
-def reset_comlbp(cellnodename):
+def reset_comlbp(node_tangopath):
     Reset the communication with LBP on the specified cellnode.
-    cellnodename: str
-        The target fofbnode, ie 'cellnode-c09'
+    node_tangopath: str
+        The target fofbnode tango path, ie 'ans/dg/fofb-cellnode-c09'
-    prx=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(cellnodename)
-    if prx is None:
-        logger.error("Failed to reset ComLBP on {}".format(p))
-        return
+    try:
+        prx=tango.DeviceProxy(node_tangopath)
+        prx.ping()
+    except tango.DevFailed:
+        logger.error("Failed to obtain tango proxy or to ping to {}".format(node_tangopath))
+        return None
-    logger.info("Reset ComLBP on {}".format(cellnodename))
+    logger.info("Reset ComLBP on {}".format(node_tangopath))
     for n in range(4):
         prx["comlbp{}_control".format(n)] = 0x3
@@ -508,28 +553,27 @@ def electron_stop_com(bpmlist):
-def sync_all_bpm():
+def sync_bpm(bpmlist, bpmidlist, lbpevrx, tlocal, tcentral):
     Synchronize all BPM electronics, Electron and Brillance Plus.
     This will use the timing system (central and local board).
+    -----------
+    bpmlist: list
+        list of Libera Electron tango path
+    bpmidlist: list
+        list of ID to put on Libera Electron
+    lbpevrx: list
+        list of LBP Evrx tanfo path
+    tlocal: list
+        list of Timing local board to set event
+    tcentral: str
+        Tango path of timing central
     EVN=240 # Event number
-    db = tango.Database()
-    bpmlist = [n.split(':')[2] for n in db.get_property("FOFB", "bpmlist")['bpmlist'] if ":LIBERA:" in n]
-    bpmidlist = [(int(n.split(':')[0]), n.split(':')[2]) for n in db.get_property("FOFB", "bpmlist")['bpmlist'] if 'LIBERA' in n]
-    tlocal = tango.Group('tlocal')
-    tlocal.add([n.split(':')[2] for n in db.get_property("FOFB", 'TimingBoardList')['TimingBoardList'] if "LOCAL" in n])
-    # Set a group of Libera Brillance Plus EVRX board, from FofbTool configuration
-    lbpevrx = tango.Group('lbpevrx')
-    lbpevrx.add(FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath"]["lbpevrx"].split())
-    tcentral = tango.DeviceProxy(FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath"]["timing-central"])
     # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     # Init BPMs, stop first and put for each the ID number
diff --git a/FofbTool/Utils.py b/FofbTool/Utils.py
index b273b14fbcab7c92f54c3a7d336b83b411e2c46f..c43e87d2f7b28d16aea9183f908043adbcacb612 100644
--- a/FofbTool/Utils.py
+++ b/FofbTool/Utils.py
@@ -11,10 +11,98 @@ import logging
 import FofbTool.DeviceAttributeConfiguration
 import FofbTool.Configuration
 import FofbTool.Operation
+import configparser
+import os
+import numpy as np
 # Get the module logger
 logger = logging.getLogger("FofbTool")
+# Configuration
+config = configparser.ConfigParser()
+# Try to load default
+defconfpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__spec__.origin), "default.cfg"))
+if len(config.read(defconfpath)) < 1:
+    logger.warning("Default configuration file not found: {}".format(defconfpath))
+def logdebugconf():
+    logger.debug("Display config:")
+    for s in config.sections():
+        for o in config.options(s):
+            logger.debug("{:20} {:10} {}".format(s,o, config[s][o]))
+def loadconfig(filepath):
+    """
+    Load a configuration file for the module.
+    It supersed the default configuration, if found.
+    ----------
+    filepath: str
+        Path to the config file
+    """
+    global config
+    logger.info("Load configuration from file {}".format(filepath))
+    if len(config.read(filepath)) < 1:
+        logger.warning("Configuration file not found: {}".format(filepath))
+def getconf(option, section, nodename="", t="", l=False):
+    """
+    Helper method to retrieve an option in the loaded configuration.
+    It tries to find a section named section.nodename and fall back to section only if fails.
+    ----------
+    option: str
+        Name of the option to retrieve
+    section: str
+        Section in wich to search
+    nodename: str
+        Specify a particular nodename. If not found in config, fall back to section default.
+    t: str ('i', 'f', 'b', '')
+        Give the type to cast, integer, float, boolean or string.
+    l: boolean
+        Cast from a list
+    -------
+    roption: str, int, float or boolean
+        Read option
+    """
+    if l:
+        if t=='b':
+            raise NotImplemented("List of boolean not implemented")
+        try:
+            val= np.asarray(config.get("{}.{}".format(section,nodename), option).split(), dtype=t)
+        except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError):
+            val= np.asarray(config.get(section, option).split(), dtype=t)
+    else:
+        try:
+            func = getattr(config, {'i':"getint", 'f':"getfloat", 'b':"getboolean", '':"get"}[t])
+        except KeyError as e:
+            log.debug(str(e))
+            raise ValueError("Allowed t argument are 'i', 'f', 'b' or ''")
+        try:
+            val= func("{}.{}".format(section,nodename), option)
+        except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError):
+            val= func(section, option)
+    return val
 def init_opcua(force=False):
     Run init on all OPCUA devices. Catch DevFailed and inform via log.
@@ -22,10 +110,10 @@ def init_opcua(force=False):
     if not check_fofbnotrunning(force):
-        logger.warning("Not running configuration of combpm because FOFB seems to be running.")
+        logger.warning("Not running because FOFB seems to be running.")
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
         logger.info("Perform init() on {} '{}'".format(n,p))
@@ -40,10 +128,10 @@ def init_watcher(force=False):
     if not check_fofbnotrunning(force):
-        logger.warning("Not running configuration of combpm because FOFB seems to be running.")
+        logger.warning("Not running because FOFB seems to be running.")
-    p=FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath"]["fofb-watcher"]
+    p=config["tangopath"]["fofb-watcher"]
@@ -60,7 +148,7 @@ def init_watcher(force=False):
     logger.info("Perform init() on Fofb-Command.")
-    p=FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath"]["fofb-command"]
+    p=config["tangopath"]["fofb-command"]
     except tango.DevFailed as e:
@@ -71,7 +159,7 @@ def confds_opcua():
     Apply attribute configuration on all OPCUA devices. Catch DevFailed and inform via log.
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
             prx = tango.DeviceProxy(p)
         except tango.DevFailed as e:
@@ -89,6 +177,11 @@ def confds_opcua():
 def check_fofbnotrunning(force=False):
     Check if the FOFB is not running.
@@ -104,7 +197,7 @@ def check_fofbnotrunning(force=False):
         logger.warning("Forced action even if FOFB might be running")
         return True
-    p=FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath"]["fofb-watcher"]
+    p=config["tangopath"]["fofb-watcher"]
         prx = tango.DeviceProxy(p)
     except tango.DevFailed as e:
@@ -135,9 +228,10 @@ def conf_all_combpm(force=False):
         return False
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
         if 'cellnode' in n:
-            s=FofbTool.Configuration.cellnode_configure_combpm(n)
+            bpmallowed = getconf("bpmfilter", "combpm", n.lower(), 'i', True)
+            s=FofbTool.Configuration.cellnode_configure_combpm(p, bpmallowed)
             success = success and s
     return success
@@ -164,9 +258,10 @@ def conf_all_comcorr(force=False, enable=True):
         return False
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
         if 'cellnode' in n:
-            s=FofbTool.Configuration.cellnode_configure_comcorr(n, enable=enable)
+            pscid = getconf("pscid", "comcorr", n, 'i', True)
+            s=FofbTool.Configuration.cellnode_configure_comcorr(p, pscid, enable=enable)
             success = success and s
     return success
@@ -188,12 +283,17 @@ def conf_all_ccn(force=False):
         return False
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
         if 'cellnode' in n:
-            s=FofbTool.Configuration.cellnode_configure_ccn(n)
+            nbpm = getconf("nbpm", "ccn", n, 'i')
+            npsc = getconf("npsc", "ccn", n, 'i')
+            s=FofbTool.Configuration.cellnode_configure_ccn(p, nbpm, npsc)
             success = success and s
-    s=FofbTool.Configuration.centralnode_configure_ccn()
+    p = config["tangopath.fofbnodes"]["centralnode"]
+    nbpm = [getconf("nbpm", "ccn", n, 'i') for n in config['tangopath.fofbnodes'].keys() if 'cellnode' in n]
+    npsc = getconf("npsc", "ccn", 'centralnode', 'i')
+    s=FofbTool.Configuration.centralnode_configure_ccn(p, nbpm, npsc)
     success = success and s
     return success
@@ -214,9 +314,9 @@ def get_prx_from_nodename(nodename):
     # Get device proxy
-        p = FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"][nodename.lower()]
+        p = config["tangopath.fofbnodes"][nodename.lower()]
     except KeyError:
-        logger.error("Wrong nodename. Possibilities are {}".format(list(FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].keys())))
+        logger.error("Wrong nodename. Possibilities are {}".format(list(config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].keys())))
         return None
@@ -239,9 +339,9 @@ def stop_all_combpm(force=False):
         logger.warning("Not running stop combpm because FOFB seems to be running.")
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
         if 'cellnode' in n:
-            FofbTool.Operation.stop_combpm(n)
+            FofbTool.Operation.stop_combpm(p)
 def stop_all_comlbp(force=False):
@@ -252,14 +352,14 @@ def stop_all_comlbp(force=False):
     if not check_fofbnotrunning(force):
-        logger.warning("Not running stop combpm because FOFB seems to be running.")
+        logger.warning("Not running stop comlbp because FOFB seems to be running.")
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
         if 'cellnode' in n:
-                FofbTool.Operation.reset_comlbp(n)
-                FofbTool.Operation.stop_comlbp(n)
+                FofbTool.Operation.reset_comlbp(p)
+                FofbTool.Operation.stop_comlbp(p)
             except (tango.DevFailed, TypeError):
                 logger.error("Could not stop cpmlbp on {}".format(n))
@@ -272,12 +372,12 @@ def stop_all_ccn(force=False):
     if not check_fofbnotrunning(force):
-        logger.warning("Not running stop combpm because FOFB seems to be running.")
+        logger.warning("Not running stop comccn because FOFB seems to be running.")
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
-        FofbTool.Operation.stop_ccn(n)
-        FofbTool.Operation.reset_ccn(n)
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+        FofbTool.Operation.stop_ccn(p)
+        FofbTool.Operation.reset_ccn(p)
@@ -287,9 +387,9 @@ def start_all_combpm():
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
         if 'cellnode' in n:
-            FofbTool.Operation.start_combpm(n)
+            FofbTool.Operation.start_combpm(p)
 def start_all_comlbp():
@@ -297,10 +397,10 @@ def start_all_comlbp():
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
         if 'cellnode' in n:
-                FofbTool.Operation.start_comlbp(n)
+                FofbTool.Operation.start_comlbp(p)
             except (tango.DevFailed, TypeError):
                 logger.error("Could not start LBP on {}".format(n))
@@ -312,8 +412,8 @@ def start_all_ccn():
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
-        FofbTool.Operation.start_ccn(n)
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+        FofbTool.Operation.start_ccn(p)
 def align_all_ccn(cellnodename, force=False):
@@ -325,15 +425,52 @@ def align_all_ccn(cellnodename, force=False):
     logger.debug("Use {} for sequence alignement".format(cellnodename))
-    seqoffset = FofbTool.Operation.align_ccn(cellnodename)
-    if not seqoffset:
+    cellnodepath=FofbTool.Utils.get_prx_from_nodename(cellnodename)
+    seqoffset = FofbTool.Operation.align_ccn(cellnodepath, 0)
+    if seqoffset is None:
         logger.error("Could not align all ccn")
-    for n,p in FofbTool.Configuration.config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
+    for n,p in config["tangopath.fofbnodes"].items():
         if 'cellnode' in n:
-                FofbTool.Operation.set_comlbp_seqoffset(n, seqoffset)
+                FofbTool.Configuration.cellnode_configure_comlbp(p, seqoffset)
             except (tango.DevFailed, TypeError):
                 logger.error("Could not set comlbp offset on {}".format(n))
+def conf_centralnode_corr():
+    p = config["tangopath.fofbnodes"]["centralnode"]
+    FofbTool.Configuration.centralnode_configure_corr(p,
+            getconf('numbpm', 'corr', t='i'),
+            getconf('pscid', 'corr', t='i', l=True),
+            [getconf( "k1{}_x".format(l), "corr", t='i') for l in ["a","b","ic","d"]],
+            [getconf( "k1{}_y".format(l), "corr", t='i') for l in ["a","b","ic","d"]],
+            [getconf( "k2{}_x".format(l), "corr", t='i') for l in ["a","b","ic","d"]],
+            [getconf( "k2{}_y".format(l), "corr", t='i') for l in ["a","b","ic","d"]],
+            )
+def sync_all_bpm():
+    """
+    Synchronize all BPM electronics, Electron and Brillance Plus.
+    This will use the timing system (central and local board).
+    """
+    db = tango.Database()
+    bpmlist = [n.split(':')[2] for n in db.get_property("FOFB", "bpmlist")['bpmlist'] if ":LIBERA:" in n]
+    bpmidlist = [(int(n.split(':')[0]), n.split(':')[2]) for n in db.get_property("FOFB", "bpmlist")['bpmlist'] if 'LIBERA' in n]
+    tlocal = tango.Group('tlocal')
+    tlocal.add([n.split(':')[2] for n in db.get_property("FOFB", 'TimingBoardList')['TimingBoardList'] if "LOCAL" in n])
+    # Set a group of Libera Brillance Plus EVRX board, from FofbTool configuration
+    lbpevrx = tango.Group('lbpevrx')
+    lbpevrx.add(config["tangopath"]["lbpevrx"].split())
+    tcentral = tango.DeviceProxy(config["tangopath"]["timing-central"])
+    FofbTool.Operation.sync_bpm(bpmlist, bpmidlist, lbpevrx, tlocal, tcentral)
diff --git a/FofbTool/__init__.py b/FofbTool/__init__.py
index f0545d8b3e912969cfaedcd875d7a030bfd1a5ac..48a75d5699318fe354aa6c03c11df899039efc31 100644
--- a/FofbTool/__init__.py
+++ b/FofbTool/__init__.py
@@ -14,4 +14,4 @@ This package is cut in several modules:
 For basic usage, see doc of FofbTool.Utils
-__version__ = "2.5"
+__version__ = "3.0"
diff --git a/scripts/FofbTool b/scripts/FofbTool
index 3df7a6674e5c854b6afddc78af55c5c53b26e7b2..15449ce191bbf07c576e4f4d5457e0724afde1a2 100755
--- a/scripts/FofbTool
+++ b/scripts/FofbTool
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..')))
     import FofbTool.Utils
     import FofbTool.Operation
-    import FofbTool.Configuration # Still needs for one function, TODO
     # Get the module logger
     logger = logging.getLogger("FofbTool")
@@ -101,11 +99,11 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     logger.info("FofbTool version {}".format(FofbTool.__version__))
     if not args.fileconfig is None:
-        FofbTool.Configuration.loadconfig(args.fileconfig)
-    FofbTool.Configuration.logdebugconf()
+        FofbTool.Utils.loadconfig(args.fileconfig)
+    FofbTool.Utils.logdebugconf()
     if not args.dump_configuration is None:
-        FofbTool.Configuration.config.write(args.dump_configuration)
+        FofbTool.Utils.config.write(args.dump_configuration)
@@ -138,10 +136,10 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     if args.configure in ("ccn", "all"):
     if args.configure in ("corr", "all"):
-        FofbTool.Configuration.centralnode_configure_corr()
+        FofbTool.Utils.conf_centralnode_corr()
     if args.sync:
-        FofbTool.Operation.sync_all_bpm()
+        FofbTool.Utils.sync_all_bpm()
     if (args.start or args.start_comlbp) and not args.nolbp: