From b759cff93956a93532c77fc93fb281fec3248ed9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Romain=20Bron=C3=A8s?= <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2023 11:23:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] feat: Add a second LL corrector

*  Allows second order correction
 hdl/top_corr_matrix.vhd | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 rdl/corr_matrix.rdl     | 29 ++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 2 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/hdl/top_corr_matrix.vhd b/hdl/top_corr_matrix.vhd
index 7444311..38ead47 100644
--- a/hdl/top_corr_matrix.vhd
+++ b/hdl/top_corr_matrix.vhd
@@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ architecture struct of top_corr_matrix is
     signal matmult_seq            : std_logic_vector(C_W_BPMSEQ-1 downto 0);
     -- Corrector result, parallel
+    signal corrfirst_valid : std_logic;
+    signal corrfirst_seq   : std_logic_vector(C_W_BPMSEQ-1 downto 0);
+    signal corrfirst       : signed_array(0 to C_N_MM_PSC-1)(C_W_COR-1 downto 0);
+    signal corrfirst_resize: signed_array(0 to C_N_MM_PSC-1)(C_W_MM-1 downto 0);
     signal corrout_valid   : std_logic;
     signal corrout_seq     : std_logic_vector(C_W_BPMSEQ-1 downto 0);
     signal corrout         : signed_array(0 to C_N_MM_PSC-1)(C_W_COR-1 downto 0);
@@ -165,10 +169,39 @@ begin
         matmult_seq     => matmult_seq,
         -- Corr coefs
-        coef_a          => signed(,
-        coef_b          => signed(,
-        coef_ic         => signed(,
-        coef_d          => signed(,
+        coef_a          => signed(,
+        coef_b          => signed(,
+        coef_ic         => signed(,
+        coef_d          => signed(,
+        reset_corr      =>,
+        enable_corr     =>,
+        -- Corr output
+        corrout_valid   => corrfirst_valid,
+        corrout_seq     => corrfirst_seq,
+        corrout         => corrfirst
+    );
+    gen_resize:for I in 0 to C_N_MM_PSC-1 generate
+        corrfirst_resize(I) <= resize(corrfirst(I), C_W_MM);
+    end generate;
+    inst_corr2: entity work.corr_ll
+    port map(
+        clk             => clk,
+        rst_n           => rst_n,
+        -- matmult input
+        matmult         => corrfirst_resize,
+        matmult_valid   => corrfirst_valid,
+        matmult_seq     => corrfirst_seq,
+        -- Corr coefs
+        coef_a          => signed(,
+        coef_b          => signed(,
+        coef_ic         => signed(,
+        coef_d          => signed(,
         reset_corr      =>,
         enable_corr     =>,
@@ -179,6 +212,7 @@ begin
         corrout         => corrout
diff --git a/rdl/corr_matrix.rdl b/rdl/corr_matrix.rdl
index 0feacce..f3c428e 100644
--- a/rdl/corr_matrix.rdl
+++ b/rdl/corr_matrix.rdl
@@ -36,22 +36,43 @@ addrmap corr_matrix {
     reg {
         desc="Correction coefficient A.";
         field {sw = rw; hw = r;} data[`C_W_COR_COEF];
-    } CORR_KA;
+    } CORR_K1A;
     reg {
         desc="Correction coefficient B.";
         field {sw = rw; hw = r;} data[`C_W_COR_COEF];
-    } CORR_KB;
+    } CORR_K1B;
     reg {
         desc="Correction coefficient (inverse) C.";
         field {sw = rw; hw = r;} data[`C_W_COR_COEF];
-    } CORR_KIC;
+    } CORR_K1IC;
     reg {
         desc="Correction coefficient D.";
         field {sw = rw; hw = r;} data[`C_W_COR_COEF];
-    } CORR_KD;
+    } CORR_K1D;
+    reg {
+        desc="Correction coefficient A.";
+        field {sw = rw; hw = r;} data[`C_W_COR_COEF];
+    } CORR_K2A;
+    reg {
+        desc="Correction coefficient B.";
+        field {sw = rw; hw = r;} data[`C_W_COR_COEF];
+    } CORR_K2B;
+    reg {
+        desc="Correction coefficient (inverse) C.";
+        field {sw = rw; hw = r;} data[`C_W_COR_COEF];
+    } CORR_K2IC;
+    reg {
+        desc="Correction coefficient D.";
+        field {sw = rw; hw = r;} data[`C_W_COR_COEF];
+    } CORR_K2D;
     reg {
         desc="Number of ID to count for matrix multiplication.";