""" Generic Application checker class Describe a set of functions to operate to check an application """ import PyTango as tango import logging class AppChecker: def __init__(self, appname): """ Constructor. Parameters ========== appname: string Name of the application. Usefull for logs. Returns ======= AppChecker object """ # Memorize name self.appname = appname # Get a logger with the app name self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.appname) # We will use this level log_level = logging.DEBUG # Create a stream handler s_handler = logging.StreamHandler() s_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s\t[%(funcName)s]\t%(message)s")) s_handler.setLevel(level=log_level) # Attach the stream handler self.logger.addHandler(s_handler) # Set level of logger self.logger.setLevel(level=log_level) ################################## ## CHECK DEVICES STATUS ################################## def check_status(self, device_list): """ Check the DS state of all devices used by this equipment. Handles ConnectionFailed exceptions, i.e. when device is not started. Parameters ========== device_list: array of string List of tango path to devices. Will check status of all those devices. Returns ======= tuple (status, devlist) status: boolean False if a problem was encountered devlist: array of string List of devices with problem """ self.logger.info("Checking state of tango devices...") # Function returns status=True devlist=[] # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # For all devices in list, try to connect and check that state is running, on or standby. for device in device_list: prox = tango.DeviceProxy(device) try: state = prox.state() except tango.ConnectionFailed: self.logger.warning("Device %s is probably not started, connection failed."%device) status=False devlist.append(device) continue if not state in [tango.DevState.RUNNING, tango.DevState.ON, tango.DevState.STANDBY, ]: self.logger.warning("Device %s is in state %s"%(device, state)) status=False devlist.append(device) else: self.logger.info("Device %s is in state %s"%(device, state)) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return (status, devlist) ################################## ## CHECK CONFIGURATION ################################## def check_configuration(self, context): """ Check the context (dict of attributes and properties on devices) Parameters ========== context: dict Dict of device, attributes and properties with their values Returns ======= tuple (status, attrlist) status: boolean False if a problem was encountered context: dict Context that mismatch, with the actual values """ # Function returns status=True failcontext=dict() # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Loop on every device of the context for devicepath in context.keys(): # Get a proxy to device prox = tango.DeviceProxy(devicepath) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Check write attributes wattr = context[devicepath]["wattributes"] failattr = dict() for attr in wattr.keys(): value = prox[attr].value if value != wattr[attr] self.logger.warning("Attribute %s/%s value mismatch. Read %s, expect %s."%( devicepath, attr, value, wattr[attr]) status=False failattr[attr]=value else: self.logger.info("Attribute %s/%s is correctly set to value %s."%( devicepath, attr, value) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Check properties props = context[devicepath]["properties"] failprop = dict() rprops = prox.get_property(list(props.keys())) for k in props.keys(): value = list(rprops[k]) if props[k] != value: self.logger.warning("Property %s of device %s value mismatch.\nRead %s\nExpect %s"%( k, devicepath, value, props[k]) status=False failprop[k]=value else: self.logger.info("Property %s of device %s is correctly set to %s"%( k, devicepath, value) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Append to faild context if any fail if len(failattr.keys()) + len(failprop.keys())>0: failcontext[devicepath]= { "properties":failprops, "wattributes":failattr, } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return (status, failcontext)