# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Tools for Soleil Synchrotron @author: broucquart """ import numpy as np import logging import datetime import matplotlib.colors as mcol import pickle import matplotlib logger=logging.getLogger(__name__) ############################################################################### # VECTORIZED DATE FUNCTIONS ############################################################################### ArrayTimeStampToDatetime = np.vectorize(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp) ArrayDatetimeToTimeStamp = np.vectorize(datetime.datetime.timestamp) ArrayStrpToDateTime = np.vectorize(lambda x : datetime.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S.%f")) ############################################################################### # DATA IMPORTATION ############################################################################### ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## def load_filer_trend(filename, delimiter='\t'): """ Load data from a file generated by atkfilertrend. Delimiter must be comma ','. Parameters ---------- filename : String Path to the file to load. Returns ------- ddata : dict Dictionary of data. Key is the attribute tango path, data is the numpy array of data. The special key "Time" hold the timestamps. """ # Load the file data logger.info("Load file %s"%filename) data = np.genfromtxt(filename, skip_header=1, skip_footer=1, delimiter=delimiter).transpose() logger.debug("data shape : %s"%str(data.shape)) # Read the first line and parse attribute names with open(filename, 'r') as fp: head = fp.readline() # Split head logger.debug("read head : %s"%head) head = head.split(delimiter) logger.debug("parsed head : %s"%str(head)) # Create the dictionnary # Convert microsecond to seconds # Convert timestamps to datetime ddata = {"Time":ArrayTimeStampToDatetime(data[0]/1000)} # Attach data to key in dict. for i in range(1, len(head)-1): ddata[head[i]] = data[i] return ddata ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## def load_mambo_file(filename): """ Load data from a file extracted from Mambo. Parameters ---------- filename : string Filepath. Returns ------- ddata : dict Dictionary of data. Key is the attribute tango path, data is a tuple of two numpy arrays. First array is datetime values, second is attribute value. """ # Load the file data as string logger.info("Load file %s"%filename) data = np.genfromtxt(filename, delimiter='\t', skip_header=1, dtype=str).transpose() logger.debug("data shape : %s"%str(data.shape)) # Read the first line and parse attribute names with open(filename, 'r') as fp: head = fp.readline() # Split head, remove last char (newline) logger.debug("read head : %s"%head) head = head[:-1].split('\t') logger.debug("parsed head : %s"%str(head)) # Convert string to datetime tdata = ArrayStrpToDateTime(data[0]) ddata = dict() # Find correct values for each dataset (ignore "*") # Add to dictionnary, key is the attribute tango path, value is tuple of # time array and value array for n in range(1, len(data)): good=np.where(data[n]!="*")[0] ddata[head[n]] = (tdata[good], data[n][good].astype(np.float)) return ddata ############################################################################### # SIGNAL PROCESSING ############################################################################### ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## def MM(datax, datay, N, DEC=1): """ Mobile Mean along x. Averaging window of N points. Parameters ---------- datax : numpy.ndarray X axis, will only be cut at edge to match the length of mean Y. Set to "None" if no X-axis datay : numpy.ndarray Y axis, will be averaged. N : int Averaging window length in points. Returns ------- Tuple of numpy.ndarray (X axis, Y axis) averaged data. """ if datax is None: return (np.arange(N//2, len(datay)-N//2+1)[::DEC], np.convolve(datay, np.ones(N)/N, mode='valid')[::DEC]) return (np.asarray(datax[N//2:-N//2+1])[::DEC], np.convolve(datay, np.ones(N)/N, mode='valid')[::DEC]) ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## def meanstdmaxmin(x, y, N): """ Compute mean, max, min and +- std over block of N points on the Y axis. Return arrays on length len(x)//N points. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray X vector, i.e sampling times. y : numpy.ndarray Y vector, i.e. values. N : int Number on points to average. Returns ------- xmean : numpy.ndarray New x vector. ymean : numpy.ndarray Means of Y. ystd : numpy.ndarray Std of Y. ymax : numpy.ndarray Maxes of Y. ymin : numpy.ndarray Mins of Y.. """ # If x vector is datetime, convert to timestamps if type(x[0]) is datetime.datetime: xIsDatetime=True x = ArrayDatetimeToTimeStamp(x) else: xIsDatetime=False # Quick verification on the X data vector jitter. period = np.mean(x[1:]-x[:-1]) jitter = np.std(x[1:]-x[:-1]) if jitter > 0.01*period: logger.warning("On X data vector : sampling jitter is over 1%% of the period. (j=%.3g, p=%.3g)"%(jitter, period)) # Get number of block of N points _L=len(y)//N # Reshape the arrays. # Drop last points that does not fill a block of N points. _x=np.reshape(x[:_L*N], (_L, N)) _y=np.reshape(y[:_L*N], (_L, N)) # compute the new x vector. # Use mean to compute new absciss position xmean = np.mean(_x, axis=1) if xIsDatetime: xmean = ArrayTimeStampToDatetime(xmean) # Compute parameters ymean = np.mean(_y, axis=1) ystd = np.std(_y, axis=1) ymin = np.min(_y, axis=1) ymax = np.max(_y, axis=1) return (xmean, ymean, ystd, ymax, ymin) ############################################################################### ## PLOTTING ############################################################################### ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## def plot_meanstdmaxmin(ax, datax, datay, N, c=None, label=None): """ Plot on a ax the representation in mean, +- std and min max. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes._base._AxesBase Ax on wich to plot. datax : numpy.ndarray X axis. datay : numpy.ndarray Y axis. N : int Number on points to average. c : TYPE, optional Color. The default is None. label : TYPE, optional Label. The default is None. Returns ------- lines : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # For the first plot, consider the whole data range. # Compute the averaging ratio. Minimum ratio is 1 ratio = max(len(datax)//N, 1) # Compute new data xmean, ymean, ystd, ymax, ymin = meanstdmaxmin(datax, datay, ratio) lines=[] # First, plot the mean with the given attributes lines.append(ax.plot(xmean, ymean, color=c, label=label)[0]) # Retrieve the color, usefull if c was None c=lines[0].get_color() # Add max, min and std area lines.append(ax.plot(xmean, ymax, linestyle='-', color=mcol.to_rgba(c, 0.4))[0]) lines.append(ax.plot(xmean, ymin, linestyle='-', color=mcol.to_rgba(c, 0.4))[0]) lines.append(ax.fill_between(xmean, ymean-ystd, ymean+ystd, color=mcol.to_rgba(c, 0.4))) return lines ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## def plot_MM(ax, datax, datay, N, DEC=1, c=None, label=None): """ Plot a signal with its mobile mean. The signal is plotted with transparency. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.axes._base._AxesBase Axe on which to plot. datax : numpy.ndarray, None X axis data. datay : numpy.ndarray Y axis data. N : int Averaging window length in points. c : TYPE, optional Line color. The default is None. label : str, optional Line label. The default is None. Returns ------- lines : TYPE DESCRIPTION. """ # To collect lines lines=[] # Plot mobile mean _l=ax.plot(*MM(datax, datay, N, DEC), c=c, label=label)[0] lines.append(_l) # Retrieve the color, usefull if c was None c=lines[0].get_color() # Plot entire signal if datax is None: # Case no xaxis data _l=ax.plot(datay, c=mcol.to_rgba(c, 0.4))[0] else: _l=ax.plot(datax, datay, c=mcol.to_rgba(c, 0.4))[0] return lines ############################################################################### ## PLOT MANIPULATION ############################################################################### ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## def get_current_ax_zoom(ax): """ Get the current ax zoom setup and print the python command to set it exactly. Parameters ---------- ax : numpy.ndarray Array of ax. Raises ------ NotImplementedError When the type is not implemented. It is time to implement it ! Returns ------- None. """ if type(ax) is np.ndarray: for i in range(len(ax)): print("ax[%d].set_xlim"%i+str(ax[i].get_xlim())) print("ax[%d].set_ylim"%i+str(ax[i].get_ylim())) return raise NotImplementedError("Type is %s"%type(ax)) ############################################################################### ## DATE PROCESSING ############################################################################### ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## def get_time_region(t, startDate, endDate): """ Return a range of index selecting the ones between the start and stop date. Parameters ---------- t : numpy.ndarray An array of datetime objects. startDate : datetime.datetime Start date. endDate : datetime.datetime Stop date. Returns ------- zone : numpy.ndarray A numpy arange between both index. """ iT1 = np.searchsorted(t, startDate) iT2 = np.searchsorted(t, endDate) zone = np.arange(iT1, iT2) if len(zone)==0: logging.warning("Time zone is empty.") return zone ############################################################################### # DATA EXPORTATION ############################################################################### ##---------------------------------------------------------------------------## def export_mpl(fig, filename): """ Export figure to .mpl file. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure to export. filename : str Filename, without extension. Returns ------- None. """ if not type(fig) is matplotlib.figure.Figure: raise TypeError("Parameter fig should be a matplotlib figure (type matplotlib.figure.Figure).") with open(filename+".mpl", 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(fig, fp)