April 11th, 2011
Laurent S. Nadolski

Numerical recipes
1/ xutils-dev for makedepend
2/ makedepend in the src file of nrecipes directory

Installation of Tracy3 

What is necessary:
1/ gcc
2/ g++
3/ autoconf
4/ libtool
5/ libgls0-dev lib + development library with header such as gls_sf.h

Modify .bashrc to get environment variables 
cf set_var.sh or set_var4LNLS.sh
Set the path to fit your computer architecture

For compilation of TracyIII
In root directory of TracyIII, run the command:
./make_for_gcc.sh opt 

An executable file is generated in directory TracyIII/tracy/tracy/bin:

this file can be put in your path to run the code from anywhere

Example to test the code: 
executable is soltracy located in  $TRACY_LIB/tools