#Email from SImon Leeman
# Discussion at FLS2010

I have attached our Tracy-3 distribution as a tarball. I have also included some code (m4.cc) that should eventually become max-iv_lib.cc within the Tracy-3 distribution. It's a bit of a mess though. ;-)

You will also find a lattice file for our base line design with four damping wigglers. The kick map for the damping wiggler is also attached.

Let me know if you need anything else or have any questions.



I have attached the Makefile.am I use to compile m4.cc. I also define several shell variables in my ~/.bashrc:

export LIBPATH=/usr/local/gfortran/lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/gfortran/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib
export NUM_REC=$HOME/num_rec
export TRACY_LIB=$HOME/tracy/tracy-3.5
export THOR_LIB=$HOME/Thor-2.0
export LAT="$HOME/projects/in/lattice"

Let me know if that allows you to compile...
