#******************************************************************* # 1 October 2010 # File for checking TRacy is running well # # input script to set the file and bool flag # # comments: # 1) blank line and line starting with "#" (comment) are ignored # 2) obligatory parameter: lat_file # 3) all the other parameters are optional, and all the default # values for flags are false # 4) if set ExperimentFMAFlag or detailedFMAFlag to be true, # FmapFlag must be true # 5) if ThinsextFlag is true, MultipoleFlag must be true # 6) if set ChamberNoU20Flag or ReadChamberFlag to be true, # ChamberFlag must be true #****************************************************************** # #******files******** # relative directory of the files in the script # in_dir /Users/nadolski/codes/tracy/TracyIII/tracy/tools/ in_dir /Users/nadolski/codes/tracy/maille/soleil/ # lattice file wihout .lat extension # lat_file soleil_HU36_checkcode # lat_file solamor2_reglage_focalisation_chcvqt_thicksextu_LQPintermediaire_QFF lat_file modele_complet_202_317_ksi_2_2_wiggler_slicing_SX8mod #*******boolean flag*********** # GLOBAL PARAMETER PART # Activate quadrupole Fringefield globval.quad_fringe true # tune obtained by tracking TuneTracFlag false # chromaticity obtained by tracking ChromTracFlag true # error coupling ErrorCouplingFlag false # coupling flag CouplingFlag false #### #### MULTIPOLE FACTORY # include multipole error into the lattice MultipoleFlag false # set multipole with thin or thick lens model, # MultipoleFlag must be true if ThinsextFlag is true ThinsextFlag false # files for looking for the multipole of corrector (Machine current based) fic_hcorr /Users/nadolski/Documents/codes/tracy/maille/soleil/corh.txt fic_vcorr /Users/nadolski/Documents/codes/tracy/maille/soleil/corv.txt fic_skew /Users/nadolski/Documents/codes/tracy/maille/soleil/corqt.txt ### ### FITTING FACTORY ### # fit tune # name flag targetnudx targetnudz FitTuneFlag false 18.202 10.317 # fit chromaticity # name flag targetksix targetksiz # FitChromFlag false 2.0 2.6 FitChromFlag true 0.0 0.0