From e2bfe29dc8f723187b5551a7eb19abd97d0eac80 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nadolski <nadolski@9a6e40ed-f3a0-4838-9b4a-bf418f78e88d>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 12:53:13 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] removed findcod (was used in Tracy II since da part of
 insertion was badly coded)

 tracy/tracy/src/    |   6 +-
 tracy/tracy/src/      |   2 +-
 tracy/tracy/src/ | 809 --------------------------------
 tracy/tracy/src/    |  31 +-
 4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 829 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tracy/tracy/src/ b/tracy/tracy/src/
index db8a2e6..3a6fac0 100644
--- a/tracy/tracy/src/
+++ b/tracy/tracy/src/
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ double  pi = M_PI;
        useful for connection with NAFF
        19/01/03 tracking around the closed orbit
-       20/03/04 closed orbit searched w/ findcod (Newton-Raphson numerical method)
 void Trac_Simple(double x, double px, double y, double py, double dp, 
                  double ctau, long nmax, double Tx[][NTURN], bool *status2)
@@ -61,8 +60,9 @@ void Trac_Simple(double x, double px, double y, double py, double dp,
   if (globval.MatMeth) Cell_Concat(dp);
   /* Get closed orbit */
-  //~ getcod(dp, lastpos);
-  findcod(dp);
+  getcod(dp, lastpos);
   if (trace && status.codflag) 
     printf("dp= % .5e %% xcod= % .5e mm zcod= % .5e mm \n",
diff --git a/tracy/tracy/src/ b/tracy/tracy/src/
index 3941d70..d3f392f 100644
--- a/tracy/tracy/src/
+++ b/tracy/tracy/src/
@@ -3291,7 +3291,7 @@ void Newton_RaphsonS(int ntrial, double x[], int n, double tolx)
-  // check whever closed orbit found out
+  // check whenver closed orbit found out
   if ((k >= ntrial) && (errx >= tolx * 100)) status.codflag = false;
   free_dmatrix(alpha,1,n,1,n); free_dvector(bet,1,n); free_dvector(fvect,1,n);
diff --git a/tracy/tracy/src/ b/tracy/tracy/src/
index 31ccdf1..8f8e53e 100644
--- a/tracy/tracy/src/
+++ b/tracy/tracy/src/
@@ -681,816 +681,7 @@ long get_qt_number(void)
   return nb;
-/* void TransTwiss(double *alpha, double *beta, double *eta, double *etap, double *codvect)
-   Purpose: high level application
-          Calculate Twiss functions for a transport line
-   Input:
-       alpha   alpha fonctions at the line entrance
-       beta    beta fonctions at the line entrance
-       eta     disperion fonctions at the line entrance
-       etap    dipersion derivatives fonctions at the line entrance
-       codvect closed orbit fonctions at the line entrance
-   Output:
-       none
-   Return:
-       none
-   Global variables:
-   Specific functions:
-       TransTrace
-   Comments:
-       none
-// void TransTwiss(double *alpha, double *beta, double *eta, double *etap,
-//       double *codvect)
-// {
-//   TransTrace(0L, globval.Cell_nLoc, alpha, beta, eta, etap, codvect);
-// }
-// /****************************************************************************/
-// /* void findcodS(double dP)
-//    Purpose: 
-//        Search for the closed orbit using a numerical method
-//        Algo: Newton_Raphson method
-//              Quadratic convergence
-//              May need a guess starting point
-//              Simple precision algorithm
-//    Input:
-//        dP energy offset
-//    Output:
-//        none
-//    Return:
-//        none
-//    Global variables:
-//        none
-//    specific functions:
-//        Newton_Raphson
-//    Comments:
-//        Method introduced because of bad convergence of DA for ID using RADIA maps
-// ****************************************************************************/
-// void findcodS(double dP)
-// {
-//   float *vcod, *vector();
-//   double x0[6];
-//   const int ntrial = 40;  // maximum number of trials for closed orbit
-//   const float tolx = 1e-8;  // numerical precision
-//   int k;
-//   int dim;    // 4D or 6D tracking
-//   long lastpos;
-//   void free_vector();
-//   CellType Cell;
-//   getelem(1,&Cell);
-//   vcod = vector(1, 6);
-//   // starting point
-//   for (k = 1; k <= 6; k++)
-//     vcod[k] = (float) 0.0;  
-//   vcod[5] = (float) dP;  // energy offset 
-//   if (globval.Cavity_on){
-//       dim = 6;   /* 6D tracking*/
-//     fprintf(stderr,"Error looking for cod in 6D\n");
-//     exit(1);
-//   }
-//     else{
-//       dim = 4; /* 4D tracking */
-//       vcod[1] = (float) Cell.Eta[0]*dP;
-//       vcod[2] = (float) Cell.Etap[0]*dP;
-//       vcod[3] = (float) Cell.Eta[1]*dP;
-//       vcod[4] = (float) Cell.Etap[1]*dP;
-//   }
-//   Newton_RaphsonS(ntrial, vcod, dim, (float) tolx);
-//   if (status.codflag == false)
-//     fprintf(stdout, "Error No COD found\n");
-//   if (trace)
-//   {
-//     for (k = 1; k <= 6; k++)
-//       x0[k - 1] = (double) vcod[k];
-//     fprintf(stdout,
-//        "Before cod % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e \n",
-//        x0[0], x0[1], x0[2], x0[3], x0[4], x0[5]);
-//     Cell_Pass(1L, globval.Cell_nLoc, x0, &lastpos);
-//     fprintf(stdout,
-//        "After  cod % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e \n",
-//        x0[0], x0[1], x0[2], x0[3], x0[4], x0[5]);
-//     Cell_Pass(1L, globval.Cell_nLoc, x0, &lastpos);
-//   }
-//    free_vector(vcod,1,6);
-// }
-// /****************************************************************************/
-// /* void findcod(double dP)
-//    Purpose: 
-//        Search for the closed orbit using a numerical method
-//        Algo: Newton_Raphson method
-//              Quadratic convergence
-//              May need a guess starting point
-//              Simple precision algorithm
-//       4D
-//       Starting point: linear closed orbit
-//       6D
-//       Starting point: zero
-//         if radiation on : x[5] is the synchroneous phase (equilibrium RF phase)
-//                      off: x[5] is zero
-//    Input:
-//        dP energy offset
-//    Output:
-//        none
-//    Return:
-//        none
-//    Global variables:
-//        none
-//    specific functions:
-//        Newton_Raphson
-//    Comments:
-//        Method introduced because of bad convergence of DA for ID using RADIA maps
-// ****************************************************************************/
-// void findcod(double dP)
-// {
-//   double vcod[6];
-//   const int ntrial = 40;  // maximum number of trials for closed orbit
-//   const double tolx = 1e-10;  // numerical precision
-//   int k, dim = 0;
-//   long lastpos;
-//     CellType Cell;
-//     getelem(1,&Cell);
-//   // initializations
-//   for (k = 0; k <= 5; k++)
-//     vcod[k] = 0.0;  
-//   if (globval.Cavity_on){
-//     fprintf(stderr,"warning looking for cod in 6D\n");
-//     dim = 6;
-//   }
-//     else{ // starting point linear closed orbit
-//       dim = 4;
-//     vcod[0] = Cell.Eta[0]*dP;
-//       vcod[1] = Cell.Etap[0]*dP;
-//       vcod[2] = Cell.Eta[1]*dP;
-//       vcod[3] = Cell.Etap[1]*dP;
-//       vcod[4] = dP;  // energy offset 
-//   }
-//   Newton_Raphson(dim, vcod, ntrial, tolx);
-//   if (status.codflag == false)
-//     fprintf(stdout, "Error No COD found\n");
-//   CopyVec(6L, vcod, globval.CODvect); // save closed orbit at the ring entrance
-//   if (trace)
-//   {
-//     fprintf(stdout,
-//        "Before cod2 % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e \n",
-//        vcod[0], vcod[1], vcod[2], vcod[3], vcod[4], vcod[5]);
-//     Cell_Pass(1L, globval.Cell_nLoc, vcod, &lastpos);
-//     fprintf(stdout,
-//        "After  cod2 % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e \n",
-//        vcod[0], vcod[1], vcod[2], vcod[3], vcod[4], vcod[5]);
-//   }
-// }
-// /****************************************************************************/
-// /* void computeFandJS(float *x, int n, float **fjac, float *fvect)
-//    Purpose:
-//        Simple precision algo
-//        Tracks x over one turn. And computes the Jacobian matrix of the 
-//        transformation by numerical differentiation.
-//        using forward difference formula : faster but less accurate
-//        using symmetric difference formula
-//    Input:
-//        x vector for evaluation
-//        n dimension 4 or 6
-//    Output:
-//       fvect transport of x over one turn
-//       fjac  Associated jacobian matrix      
-//    Return:
-//        none
-//    Global variables:
-//        none
-//    specific functions:
-//        none
-//    Comments:
-//        none
-// ****************************************************************************/
-// void computeFandJS(float *x, int n, float **fjac, float *fvect)
-// {
-//   int i, k;
-//   long lastpos = 0L;
-//   double x0[6], fx[6], fx1[6], fx2[6];
-//   const double deps = 1e-8;  //stepsize for numerical differentiation
-//   for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
-//     x0[i - 1] = (double) x[i];
-//   Cell_Pass(1L, globval.Cell_nLoc, x0, &lastpos);
-//   for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
-//   {
-//     fvect[i] = (float) x0[i - 1];
-//     fx[i - 1] = x0[i - 1];
-//   }
-//   // compute Jacobian matrix by numerical differentiation
-//   for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
-//   {
-//     for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
-//       x0[i - 1] = (double) x[i];
-//     x0[k] += deps;  // differential step in coordinate k
-//     Cell_Pass(1L, globval.Cell_nLoc, x0, &lastpos);  // tracking along the ring
-//     for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
-//       fx1[i - 1] = x0[i - 1];
-//     for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
-//       x0[i - 1] = (double) x[i];
-//     x0[5] = 0.0;
-//     x0[k] -= deps;  // differential step in coordinate k
-//     Cell_Pass(1L, globval.Cell_nLoc, x0, &lastpos);  // tracking along the ring
-//     for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
-//       fx2[i - 1] = x0[i - 1];
-//     for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)  // symmetric difference formula
-//       fjac[i][k + 1] =
-//         (float) (0.5 * (fx1[i - 1] - fx2[i - 1]) / deps);
-//     //~ for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) // forward difference formula
-//     //~ fjac[i][k + 1] = (float) ((x0[i - 1] - fx[i - 1]) / deps);  
-//   }
-// }
-// /****************************************************************************/
-// /* void computeFand(int n, float *x, float **fjac, float *fvect)
-//    Purpose:       
-//        Tracks x over one turn. And computes the Jacobian matrix of the 
-//        transformation by numerical differentiation.
-//        using symmetric difference formula
-//        double precision algorithm
-//    Input:
-//        x vector for evaluation
-//    Output:
-//       fvect transport of x over one turn
-//       fjac  Associated jacobian matrix      
-//    Return:
-//        none
-//    Global variables:
-//        none
-//    specific functions:
-//        none
-//    Comments:
-//        none
-// ****************************************************************************/
-// void computeFandJ(int n, double *x, vector *fjac, double *fvect)
-// {
-//   int i, k;
-//   long lastpos = 0L;
-//   double x0[6], fx1[6], fx2[6];
-//   const double deps = 1e-8;  //stepsize for numerical differentiation
-//   CopyVec(6L, x, x0);
-//   Cell_Pass(1L, globval.Cell_nLoc, x0, &lastpos);
-//   CopyVec((long) n, x0, fvect);
-//   // compute Jacobian matrix by numerical differentiation
-//   for (k = 0; k < n; k++)
-//   {
-//       CopyVec(6L, x, x0);
-//     x0[k] += deps;  // differential step in coordinate k
-//     Cell_Pass(1L, globval.Cell_nLoc, x0, &lastpos);  // tracking along the ring
-//       CopyVec(6L, x0, fx1);
-//       CopyVec(6L, x, x0);
-//     x0[k] -= deps;  // differential step in coordinate k
-//     Cell_Pass(1L, globval.Cell_nLoc, x0, &lastpos);  // tracking along the ring
-//       CopyVec(6L, x0, fx2);
-//     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)  // symmetric difference formula
-//       fjac[i][k] = 0.5 * (fx1[i] - fx2[i]) / deps;
-//   }
-// }
-// /****************************************************************************/
-// /* void Newton_RaphsonS(int ntrial,float x[],int n,float tolx, float tolf)
-//    Purpose:
-//        Newton_Rapson algorithm from Numerical Recipes
-//        single precision algorithm
-//        Robustess: quadratic convergence
-//        Hint: for n-dimensional problem, the algo can be stuck on local minimum
-//              In this case, it should be enough to provide a resonable starting 
-//              point.
-//        Method:
-//          look for closed orbit solution of f(x) = x
-//          This problems is equivalent to finding the zero of g(x)= f(x) - x
-//          g(x+h) ~= f(x) - x + (Jacobian(f) -Id) h + O(h*h)
-//          Then at first order we solve h:
-//              h = - inverse(Jacobian(f) -Id) * (f(x)-x)
-//             the new guess is then xnew = x + h
-//          By iteration, this converges quadratically.
-//      The algo is stopped whenever  |x -xnew| < tolx     
-//          f(x) is computes by tracking over one turn
-//      Jacobian(f) is computed numerically by numerical differentiation
-//      These two operations are provided by the function computeFandJ
-//    Input:
-//        ntrial number of iterations for closed zero search
-//        n number of dimension 4 or 6
-//      x intial guess for the closed orbit
-//        tolx tolerance over the solution x
-//        tolf tolerance over the evalution f(x)  
-//    Output:
-//        x closed orbit  
-//    Return:
-//        none
-//    Global variables:
-//        status
-//    specific functions:
-//        computeFandJS
-//      ludcmp,lubksb 
-//    Comments:
-//        none
-// ****************************************************************************/
-// #define FREERETURN {free_matrix(alpha,1,n,1,n);free_vector(bet,1,n); free_vector(fvect,1,n); free_ivector(indx,1,n);return;}
-// void Newton_RaphsonS(int ntrial, float x[], int n, float tolx)
-// {
-//   int k, i, *indx, *ivector();
-//   float errx, d, *bet, *fvect, **alpha, *vector(), **matrix();
-//   void usrfun(), ludcmp(), lubksb(), free_ivector(), free_vector(),
-//     free_matrix();
-//   errx = (float) 0.0;
-//   // NR arrays start from 1 and not 0 !!!       
-//   indx = ivector(1, n);
-//   bet = vector(1, n);
-//   fvect = vector(1, n);
-//   alpha = matrix(1, n, 1, n);
-//   for (k = 1; k <= ntrial; k++)
-//   {      // loop over number of iterations
-//     computeFandJS(x, n, alpha, fvect);  // supply function values at x in fvect and Jacobian matrix in fjac
-//     // Jacobian -Id
-//     for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
-//       alpha[i][i] -= (float) 1.0;
-//     for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
-//       bet[i] = x[i] - fvect[i];  // right side of linear equation
-//     // solve linear equations using LU decomposition using NR routines
-//     ludcmp(alpha, n, indx, &d);
-//     lubksb(alpha, n, indx, bet);
-//     errx = (float) 0.0;  // check root convergence
-//     for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
-//     {    // update solution
-//       errx += fabs(bet[i]);
-//       x[i] += bet[i];
-//     }
-//     if (trace)
-//       fprintf(stdout,
-//          "%02d: cod % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e  errx =% .5e\n",
-//          k, x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5], x[6], errx);
-//     if (errx <= tolx)
-//     {
-//       status.codflag = true;
-//   }
-//   // check whever closed orbit found out
-//   if ((k >= ntrial) && (errx >= tolx * 100))
-//   {
-//     status.codflag = false;
-// }
-// #undef FREERETURN
-// /****************************************************************************/
-// /* int Newton_Raphson(int n, double x[], int ntrial, double tolx)
-//    Purpose:
-//        Newton_Rapson algorithm from Numerical Recipes
-//        double precision algorithm
-//        Robustess: quadratic convergence
-//        Hint: for n-dimensional problem, the algo can be stuck on local minimum
-//              In this case, it should be enough to provide a resonable starting 
-//              point.
-//        Method:
-//          look for closed orbit solution of f(x) = x
-//          This problems is equivalent to finding the zero of g(x)= f(x) - x
-//          g(x+h) ~= f(x) - x + (Jacobian(f) -Id) h + O(h*h)
-//          Then at first order we solve h:
-//              h = - inverse(Jacobian(f) -Id) * (f(x)-x)
-//             the new guess is then xnew = x + h
-//          By iteration, this converges quadratically.
-//      The algo is stopped whenever  |x -xnew| < tolx     
-//          f(x) is computes by tracking over one turn
-//      Jacobian(f) is computed numerically by numerical differentiation
-//      These two operations are provided by the function computeFandJ
-//    Input:
-//        ntrial number of iterations for closed zero search
-//      x intial guess for the closed orbit
-//        tolx tolerance over the solution x
-//        tolf tolerance over the evalution f(x)  
-//    Output:
-//        x closed orbit  
-//    Return:
-//        none
-//    Global variables:
-//        status
-//    specific functions:
-//        computeFandJ
-//      InvMat, LinTrans 
-//    Comments:
-//        none
-// ****************************************************************************/
-// int Newton_Raphson (int n, double x[], int ntrial, double tolx)
-// {
-//   int k, i;
-//   double errx, bet[6], fvect[6];
-//     vector alpha[6];
-//   errx = 0.0;
-//   for (k = 1; k <= ntrial; k++)
-//   {  // loop over number of iterations
-//     computeFandJ(n,x, alpha, fvect);  // supply function values at x in fvect and Jacobian matrix in fjac
-//     // Jacobian - Id
-//     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-//       alpha[i][i] -= 1.0;
-//     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-//       bet[i] = x[i] - fvect[i];  // right side of linear equation
-//     // inverse matrix using gauss jordan method from Tracy (from NR)
-//     if (!InvMat((long) n,alpha)) fprintf(stdout,"Matrix non inversible ...\n");    
-//     LinTrans((long) n, alpha, bet); // bet = alpha*bet
-//         errx = 0.0;  // check root convergence
-//     for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-//     {    // update solution
-//       errx += fabs(bet[i]);
-//       x[i] += bet[i]; 
-//     }
-//     if (trace)
-//       fprintf(stdout,
-//          "%02d: cod2 % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e % .5e  errx =% .5e\n",
-//          k, x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4], x[5], errx);
-//     if (errx <= tolx)
-//     {
-//       status.codflag = true;
-//         return 1;
-//     }
-//   }
-//   // check whever closed orbit found out
-//   if ((k >= ntrial) && (errx >= tolx))
-//   {
-//     status.codflag = false;
-//       return 1;
-//   }
-//   return 0;
-// }
-// /****************************************************************************/
-// /* void Get_NAFF(int nterm, long ndata, double T[DIM][NTURN],
-//               double *fx, double *fz, int nb_freq[2])
-//    Purpose:
-//        Compute quasiperiodic approximation of a phase space trajectory
-//        using NAFF Algorithm ((c) Laskar, IMCCE)
-//    Input:
-//        nterm number of frequencies to look for
-//              if not multiple of 6, truncated to lower value
-//        ndata size of the data to analyse
-//        T     6D vector to analyse
-//    Output:
-//        fx frequencies found in the H-plane
-//        fz frequencies found in the V-plane
-//        nb_freq number of frequencies found out in each plane
-//    Return:
-//        none
-//    Global variables:
-//        g_NAFVariable  see modnaff.c
-//        M_2_PI defined in math.h
-//        trace ON or TRUE  for debugging
-//    Specific functions:
-//        naf_initnaf, naf_cleannaf
-//        naf_mftnaf
-//    Comments:
-//        none
-// ****************************************************************************/
-// /* Frequency Map Analysis */
-// #include "modnaff.h"
-// #include "complexeheader.h"
-// /* Analyse en Frequence */
-// double pi = M_PI;
-// void Get_NAFF(int nterm, long ndata, double T[DIM][NTURN],
-//               double *fx, double *fz, int nb_freq[2])
-// {
-//   /* Test whether ndata is divisible by 6 -- for NAFF -- */
-//   /* Otherwise truncate ndata to lower value */
-//   long r = 0; /* remainder of the euclidian division of ndata by 6 */
-//   int i;
-//   if ((r = ndata % 6) != 0) {
-//     printf("Get_NAFF: Warning ndata = %ld, \n", ndata);
-//     ndata -= r;
-//     printf("New value for NAFF ndata = %ld \n", ndata);
-//   }
-//   g_NAFVariable.DTOUR      = M_2_PI;    /* size of one "cadran" */
-//   g_NAFVariable.XH         = M_2_PI;    /* step */
-//   g_NAFVariable.T0         = 0.0;       /* time t0 */
-//   g_NAFVariable.NTERM      = nterm;     /* max term to find */
-//   g_NAFVariable.KTABS      = ndata;     /* number of data: must be a multiple of 6 */
-//   g_NAFVariable.m_pListFen = NULL;      /* no window */
-//   g_NAFVariable.TFS        = NULL;      /* will contain frequency */
-//   g_NAFVariable.ZAMP       = NULL;      /* will contain amplitude */
-//   g_NAFVariable.ZTABS      = NULL;      /* will contain data to analyze */
-//   /****************************************************/
-//   /*               internal use in naf                */
-//   g_NAFVariable.NERROR            = 0;
-//   g_NAFVariable.ICPLX             = 1;
-//   g_NAFVariable.IPRT              = -1;     /* 1 for diagnostics */
-//   g_NAFVariable.NFPRT             = stdout; /* NULL   */
-//   g_NAFVariable.NFS               = 0;
-//   g_NAFVariable.IW                = 1;
-//   g_NAFVariable.ISEC              = 1;
-//   g_NAFVariable.EPSM              = 0;
-//   g_NAFVariable.UNIANG            = 0;
-//   g_NAFVariable.FREFON            = 0;
-//   g_NAFVariable.ZALP              = NULL;
-//   g_NAFVariable.m_iNbLineToIgnore = 1;      /* unused */
-//   g_NAFVariable.m_dneps           = 1.e10;
-//   g_NAFVariable.m_bFSTAB          = FALSE;  /* unused */
-//   /*             end of interl use in naf             */
-//   /****************************************************/
-//   /* NAFF initialization */
-//   naf_initnaf();
-//   /**********************/
-//   /* Analyse in H-plane */
-//   /**********************/
-//   /* fills up complexe vector for NAFF analysis */
-//   for(i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {
-//     g_NAFVariable.ZTABS[i].reel = T[0][i]; /* x  */
-//     g_NAFVariable.ZTABS[i].imag = T[1][i]; /* xp */
-//   }
-//   /* Get out the mean value */
-//   naf_smoy(g_NAFVariable.ZTABS);
-//   naf_prtabs(g_NAFVariable.KTABS,g_NAFVariable.ZTABS, 20);
-// //  trace=on;
-//   naf_mftnaf(nterm,fabs(g_NAFVariable.FREFON)/g_NAFVariable.m_dneps);
-//   /* fill up H-frequency vector */
-//   for (i = 1; i <= g_NAFVariable.NFS; i++)  {
-//     fx[i-1] = g_NAFVariable.TFS[i];
-//   }
-//   nb_freq[0] = g_NAFVariable.NFS; /* nb of frequencies found out by NAFF */
-//   if (trace)   /* print out results */
-//   {
-//     printf("(x,x') phase space: NFS=%d\n",g_NAFVariable.NFS);
-//     for (i = 1; i <= g_NAFVariable.NFS; i++) {
-//       printf("AMPL=%15.8E+i*%15.8E abs(AMPL)=%15.8E arg(AMPL)=%15.8E FREQ=%15.8E\n",
-//               g_NAFVariable.ZAMP[i].reel,g_NAFVariable.ZAMP[i].imag,
-//               i_compl_module(g_NAFVariable.ZAMP[i]),
-//               i_compl_angle(g_NAFVariable.ZAMP[i]),
-//               g_NAFVariable.TFS[i]);
-//     }
-//   }
-//   /**********************/
-//   /* Analyse in V-plane */
-//   /**********************/
-//   /* fill up complexe vector for NAFF analysis */
-//   for (i = 0; i < ndata; i++) {
-//     g_NAFVariable.ZTABS[i].reel = T[2][i];  /* z */
-//     g_NAFVariable.ZTABS[i].imag = T[3][i];  /*zp */
-//   }
-//   naf_mftnaf(nterm,fabs(g_NAFVariable.FREFON)/g_NAFVariable.m_dneps);
-//   /* fills up V-frequency vector */
-//   for (i = 1; i <= g_NAFVariable.NFS; i++) {
-//     fz[i-1] =  g_NAFVariable.TFS[i];
-//   }
-//   nb_freq[1] = g_NAFVariable.NFS; /* nb of frequencies found out by NAFF */
-//   if (trace)    /* print out results */
-//   {
-//     printf("(z,z') phase space: NFS=%d\n",g_NAFVariable.NFS);
-//     for (i = 1; i <= g_NAFVariable.NFS; i++) {
-//       printf("AMPL=%15.8E+i*%15.8E abs(AMPL)=%15.8E arg(AMPL)=%15.8E FREQ=%15.8E\n",
-//               g_NAFVariable.ZAMP[i].reel,g_NAFVariable.ZAMP[i].imag,
-//               i_compl_module(g_NAFVariable.ZAMP[i]),
-//               i_compl_angle(g_NAFVariable.ZAMP[i]),
-//               g_NAFVariable.TFS[i]);
-//     }
-//   }
-//   /* free out memory used by NAFF */
-//   naf_cleannaf();
-// }
-// /****************************************************************************/
-// /* void Get_Tabshift(double Tab[DIM][NTURN], double Tab0[DIM][NTURN],
-//    long nbturn, long nshift)
-//    Purpose:   used by fmap
-//        Store in Tab0 values of Tab shifted by nshift turn
-//    Input:
-//        Tab    tracking tabular
-//        nshift nb of turns to shift
-//        nbturn nb of turns
-//    Output:
-//        Tab0  tracking tabular
-//    Return:
-//        none
-//    Global variables:
-//        none
-//    Specific functions:
-//        none
-//    Comments:
-// ****************************************************************************/
-// void Get_Tabshift(double Tab[DIM][NTURN], double Tab0[DIM][NTURN], long nbturn, long nshift)
-// {
-//   long k = 0L, k1 = 0L;
-//   for (k = 0L; k < nbturn ; k++){
-//     k1 = k + nshift;
-//     Tab0[0][k] = Tab[0][k1];
-//     Tab0[1][k] = Tab[1][k1];
-//     Tab0[2][k] = Tab[2][k1];
-//     Tab0[3][k] = Tab[3][k1];
-//   }
-// }
-// /****************************************************************************/
-// /* void Get_freq(double *fx, double *fz, double *nux, double *nuz)
-//    Purpose:   used by fmap
-//        Looks for tunes from frequency vectors output from NAFF
-//    Input:
-//        fx vector of horizontal frequencies
-//        fz vector of verticcal frequencies
-//    Output:
-//        nux H tune
-//        nuz V tune
-//    Return:
-//        none
-//    Global variables:
-//        none
-//    Specific functions:
-//        none
-//    Comments:
-// ****************************************************************************/
-// void Get_freq(double *fx, double *fz, double *nux, double *nuz)
-// {
-//   const double eps0 = 1e-4;
-//   const double eps1 = 1e-6;
-//   // case of nux
-//   if (fabs(fx[0]) < eps0){
-//     *nux = fx[1];
-//   }
-//   else {
-//     *nux = fx[0];
-//   }
-//   // case of nuz
-//   if (fabs(fz[0]) < eps0) {
-//      if (fabs(fabs(fz[1]) - fabs(*nux)) < eps1) {
-//        if (fabs(fabs(fz[2]) - fabs(*nux)) < eps1) {
-//           *nuz = fz[3];
-//        }
-//        else *nuz = fz[2];
-//      }
-//      else *nuz = fz[1];
-//   }
-//   else{
-//     if (fabs(fabs(fz[0]) - fabs(*nux)) < eps1) {
-//       if (fabs(fabs(fz[1]) - fabs(*nux)) < eps1) {
-//          *nuz = fz[2];
-//       }
-//       else *nuz = fz[1];
-//     }
-//     else *nuz = fz[0];
-//   }
-//   *nuz = fabs(*nuz);  *nux = fabs(*nux);
-// }
-// /* DO NOT REMOVE FOR f2c ...*/
-// /* To be fixed later .. */
-// void MAIN__(void)
-// {
-// }
diff --git a/tracy/tracy/src/ b/tracy/tracy/src/
index a85cab4..fe1d051 100644
--- a/tracy/tracy/src/
+++ b/tracy/tracy/src/
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ void Get_Disp_dp(void)
   FILE *outf;
   double dP = 0e0;
   CellType Cell;
+  long lastpos =0L;
   if (trace) fprintf(stdout,"Entering Get_Disp_dp function ...\n");
@@ -53,8 +54,7 @@ void Get_Disp_dp(void)
   for (i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
     dP = -0.003 + 1e-6 + i*0.0006;
-    //~ getcod(dP, lastpos);
-    findcod(dP);
+    getcod(dP, lastpos);
     Ring_GetTwiss(true, dP);  /* Compute and get Twiss parameters */
     getelem(0, &Cell);
     fprintf(outf,"%+e %+e %+e\n", dP, Cell.BeamPos[0], Cell.Eta[0]);
@@ -251,10 +251,10 @@ void Hcofonction(long pos, double dP)
   CellType Cell;
   long i;
-  long lastpos = 1;
+  long lastpos = 1L;
   Vector2 H;
-  //~ getcod(dP, lastpos);   /* determine closed orbit */
-  findcod(dP);
+  getcod(dP, lastpos);   /* determine closed orbit */
   if (lastpos != globval.Cell_nLoc) printf("Ring unstable for dp=%+e @ pos=%ld\n", dP, lastpos);
   Ring_GetTwiss(true, dP); /* Compute and get Twiss parameters */
@@ -1328,8 +1328,8 @@ void NuDp(long Nb, long Nbtour, double emax)
        status = true;
-    //~ getcod(dp, lastpos); // get cod for printout
-    findcod(dp);
+    long lastpos=0L;
+    getcod(dp, lastpos); // get cod for printout
     fprintf(outf,"%14.6e %14.6e %14.6e %14.6e %14.6e %14.6e %14.6e\n",
@@ -1709,8 +1709,7 @@ void Enveloppe(double x, double px, double y, double py, double dp, double nturn
   CellType Cell;
   /* Get cod the delta = energy*/
-  //~ getcod(dp, lastpos);
-  findcod(dp);
+  getcod(dp, lastpos);
   printf("xcod=%.5e mm zcod=% .5e mm \n", globval.CODvect[0]*1e3, globval.CODvect[2]*1e3);
@@ -3266,8 +3265,8 @@ void MomentumAcceptance(long deb, long fin, double ep_min, double ep_max,
-    //~ getcod(dP=0.0, lastpos);       /* determine closed orbit */
-    findcod(dP=0.0);
+    getcod(dP=0.0, lastpos);       /* determine closed orbit */
     // coordinates around closed orbit which is non zero for 6D tracking
     x     = Cell.BeamPos[0];
@@ -3419,8 +3418,8 @@ void MomentumAcceptance(long deb, long fin, double ep_min, double ep_max,
   do {
-    //~ getcod(dP=0.0, lastpos);       /* determine closed orbit */
-    findcod(dP=0.0);
+    getcod(dP=0.0, lastpos);       /* determine closed orbit */
     // coordinates around closed orbit which is non zero for 6D tracking
     x     = Cell.BeamPos[0];
@@ -3505,14 +3504,14 @@ void MomentumAcceptance(long deb, long fin, double ep_min, double ep_max,
 void set_vectorcod(Vector  codvector[], double dP)
-  long      k = 0;
+  long      k = 0L, lastpos = 0L;
   CellType  Cell;
   Vector    zerovector;;
-  //~ getcod(dP, lastpos);  /* determine closed orbit */
-  findcod(dP);
+  getcod(dP, lastpos);  /* determine closed orbit */
   if (status.codflag == 1) { /* cod exists */
     for (k = 1L; k <= globval.Cell_nLoc; k++){