diff --git a/tracy/tracy/src/t2lat.cc b/tracy/tracy/src/t2lat.cc
index 44dc78de77acb881112b4953150e86a9c4c35d26..9dec8892af570481e06087fbd0ad1d29883dba60 100644
--- a/tracy/tracy/src/t2lat.cc
+++ b/tracy/tracy/src/t2lat.cc
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ L. Nadolski   SOLEIL        2002          Link to NAFF, Radia field maps
 J. Bengtsson  NSLS-II, BNL  2004 -        
-/* Current revision $Revision: 1.19 $
+/* Current revision $Revision: 1.20 $
  On branch $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
- Latest change $Date: 2011-06-30 16:41:49 $ by $Author: zhang $
+ Latest change $Date: 2012-01-27 16:47:39 $ by $Author: zhang $
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ typedef char Latlinetype[LatLLng];
 typedef enum
-  bndsym, defsym, dfcsym, drfsym, elmsym, fcssym, horsym, monsym,
-  qdsym, sexsym, versym, plus_, minus_, lparent, rparent, eql, comma, lbrack,
+  bndsym, defsym, dfcsym, drfsym, elmsym, fcssym, horsym, versym,corkicksym, monsym,
+  qdsym, sexsym,  plus_, minus_, lparent, rparent, eql, comma, lbrack,
   rbrack, neq, andsy, semicolon, times, rdiv, intcon, realcon, becomes, colon,
   leq, pwrsym, lss, geo, gtr, period_, charcon, stringcon, ident, geq, lsym,
   bobrhosym, bobrhovsym, bobrhohsym, kxvsym, kxhsym, phisym, ksym,
@@ -2017,6 +2017,8 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
   struct LOC_Lat_DealElement V;
   bool           Result = false;
   double         t, t1, t2, gap, QL = 0.0, QK;
+  double         QKick;  /* kick angle of the corrector [rad]*/
+  int            Kplane; /* kick plane of the corrector, 1 for H plane, -1 for V plane*/
   double         QKV, QKH, QKxV, QKxH, QPhi, QKS;
   double         dt, Frf, Vrf;
   long k1, k2, harnum, FF1, FF2;
@@ -2482,7 +2484,7 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
       WITH2->quadFF1 = 0; /* entrance fringe field flag */
       WITH2->quadFF2 = 0; /* exit fringe field flag */
       WITH2->sextFF1 = FF1; /* entrance fringe field flag */
-      WITH2->sextFF2 = FF1; /* exit fringe field flag */
+      WITH2->sextFF2 = FF2; /* exit fringe field flag */
       if (WITH1->PL != 0.0)
 	WITH2->Pthick = pthicktype(thick);
@@ -2581,12 +2583,13 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
-      Orbit Corrector
+      Corrector
-    <name>: Corrector, <direction>, L=<length>, ;
+      Kickers specific for orbit correction. 
+    <name>: Corrector, <direction>, L=<length>, kick = <kick angle [rad]>;
     <name> :== Alphanumeric string. Up to NameLength character length.
               BEGIN with an alphabet.
@@ -2600,7 +2603,8 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
   case corsym:  /*4*/
     QL = 0.0;   /* L */
-    QK = 0.0;   /* K */
+    QKick = 0.0; /* kick angle of the corrector [rad]*/
+    Kplane = 0;   /* 1 is horizontal corrector, -1 is vertical corrector */
     k1 = 0;     /* N */
     k2 = Meth_Linear;   /* method */
     dt = 0.0;
@@ -2613,13 +2617,14 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
       P_addset(mysys, (long)mthsym);
       P_addset(mysys, (long)horsym);
       P_addset(mysys, (long)versym);
+      P_addset(mysys, (long)corkicksym);
       P_addset(mysys, (long)rollsym);
       P_addset(mysys, (long)dbnsym);
       do {   /*5: read L, K, N, T, T1, T2 */
 	test__(mysys, "illegal parameter", &V); sym1 = *V.sym;
 	if (*V.sym == (long)dbnsym || *V.sym == (long)rollsym ||
-	    *V.sym == (long)mthsym ||
-	    *V.sym == (long)nsym || *V.sym == (long)lsym)
+	    *V.sym == (long)mthsym || *V.sym == (long)nsym || 
+	    *V.sym == (long)lsym || *V.sym == (long)corkicksym)
 	    getest__(P_expset(SET, 1 << ((long)eql)), "<=> expected", &V);
 	    if (*V.sym == eql) {
@@ -2629,6 +2634,10 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
 		QL = EVAL_(&V);
+		 case corkicksym:
+		QKick = EVAL_(&V);
+		break; 
 	      case nsym:
 		k1 = (long)floor(EVAL_(&V) + 0.5);
@@ -2654,9 +2663,9 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
 	  } else {
 	    if (sym1 == horsym)
-	      QK = 1.0;
-	    else
-	      QK = -1.0;
+	      Kplane = 1;
+	    else if (sym1 == versym)
+	      Kplane = -1;
@@ -2686,6 +2695,15 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
       WITH2->Pmethod = k2;
       WITH2->PN = k1;
       WITH2->PdTpar = dt;
+        if(Kplane == 0){
+	        cout << "t2lat: Error! Must specify the type of the corrector, Horizontal or vertical!" << endl;
+		exit_(1);
+	    }
+      WITH2->PBpar[Kplane*Dip + HOMmax] = -1*QKick;  //assign the kick angle [rad]
     } else {
       printf("Elem_nFamMax exceeded: %ld(%ld)\n",
 	     globval.Elem_nFam, (long)Elem_nFamMax);
@@ -3623,14 +3641,17 @@ static void init_reserved_words(struct LOC_Lattice_Read *LINK)
   LINK->nkw = 0; /* Number of keywords equals zero */
-  /* Must follow alphabetical list */
+  /*------------------------------------------------------------- 
+  To define reserved symbol in the lattice reading,
+  MUST follow alphabetical list !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+  --------------------------------------------------------------*/
   Reg("and            ", andsym, &V);
   Reg("beam           ", bemsym, &V);
   Reg("bending        ", bndsym, &V);
   Reg("cavity         ", cavsym, &V);
   Reg("cell           ", celsym, &V);
   Reg("chromaticity   ", chmsym, &V);
-  Reg("corrector      ", corsym, &V);
+  Reg("corrector      ", corsym, &V);  /* corrector */
   Reg("dbname         ", dbnsym, &V);
   Reg("define         ", defsym, &V);
   Reg("dispersion     ", dspsym, &V);
@@ -3652,9 +3673,10 @@ static void init_reserved_words(struct LOC_Lattice_Read *LINK)
   Reg("harm           ", harmsym, &V);
   Reg("harnum         ", harnumsym, &V);
   Reg("hom            ", homsym, &V);
-  Reg("horizontal     ", horsym, &V);
+  Reg("horizontal     ", horsym, &V); /* with "corrector", define the horizontal corrector in the lattice*/
   Reg("insertion      ", idsym, &V);   /* ID Laurent */
   Reg("inv            ", invsym, &V);
+  Reg("kick           ", corkicksym, &V); /* with "corrector", define the kick angle of the corrector ,  Jianfeng Zhang*/
   Reg("kicker         ", kicksym, &V);
   Reg("ks             ", kssym, &V);
   Reg("lambda         ", lmdsym, &V);
@@ -3684,7 +3706,7 @@ static void init_reserved_words(struct LOC_Lattice_Read *LINK)
   Reg("tilt           ", tiltsym, &V); // added for compatibility with Tracy II
   Reg("type           ", typsym, &V);
   Reg("use            ", usesym, &V);
-  Reg("vertical       ", versym, &V);
+  Reg("vertical       ", versym, &V); /* with "corrector", define the vertical corrector in the lattice*/
   Reg("voltage        ", vrfsym, &V);
   Reg("wiggler        ", wglsym, &V);
@@ -3719,7 +3741,7 @@ static void init_reserved_words(struct LOC_Lattice_Read *LINK)
   LINK->skipflag = false;   /* reset skip flag  */
   P_addset(P_expset(LINK->defbegsys, 0), (long)ident);
   P_addset(P_expset(LINK->elmbegsys, 0), (long)qdsym);
-  P_addset(LINK->elmbegsys, (long)sexsym);
+  P_addset(LINK->elmbegsys, (long)sexsym); /*link the lattice element name*/
   P_addset(LINK->elmbegsys, (long)corsym);
   P_addset(LINK->elmbegsys, (long)bemsym);
   P_addset(LINK->elmbegsys, (long)gstsym);
@@ -4332,6 +4354,7 @@ long ElemIndex(const char *name)
   int        n = 0;
   partsName  name1, name2;
   const bool  prt = false;
   if (prt) printf("\n");