diff --git a/tracy/tracy/src/t2cell.cc b/tracy/tracy/src/t2cell.cc
index f23f39161b6d553af1b557bb6877b420d918f578..1f0be8e5527410d4c94d1a7565689198726a7be2 100644
--- a/tracy/tracy/src/t2cell.cc
+++ b/tracy/tracy/src/t2cell.cc
@@ -259,9 +259,8 @@ void Cell_Pass(const long i0, const long i1, ss_vect<T> &x, long &lastpos)
       lastpos = i1;
      for (i = i0; i <= i1; i++) 
-    //    for (i = i0+1L; i <= i1; i++) 
-	Elem_Pass(i, x);
+	      Elem_Pass(i, x);
           if (!CheckAmpl(x, i)) 
              {  lastpos = i;  break; }
diff --git a/tracy/tracy/src/t2elem.cc b/tracy/tracy/src/t2elem.cc
index 4af12552477794436dae376c71266fe54219e906..49495d7bcd9ffa08e68fc31bcfad72e0894d8dc0 100644
--- a/tracy/tracy/src/t2elem.cc
+++ b/tracy/tracy/src/t2elem.cc
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ double **C_;
 template<typename T>
 void GtoL(ss_vect<T> &X, Vector2 &S, Vector2 &R,
-	  const double c0, const double c1, const double s1)
+    const double c0, const double c1, const double s1)
     ss_vect<T> x1;
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ void GtoL(ss_vect<T> &X, Vector2 &S, Vector2 &R,
 template<typename T>
 void LtoG(ss_vect<T> &X, Vector2 &S, Vector2 &R,
-	  double c0, double c1, double s1)
+    double c0, double c1, double s1)
     ss_vect<T> x1;
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ inline T get_p_s(ss_vect<T> &x)
  If H_exact = false, using approximation Hamiltonian:
-	      H(x,y,l,px,py,delta) = -------------
-	                               2(1+delta)     
+        H(x,y,l,px,py,delta) = -------------
+                                 2(1+delta)     
  Otherwise, using exact Hamiltonian
@@ -194,10 +194,9 @@ void zero_mat(const int n, double** A) {
 void identity_mat(const int n, double** A) {
-    int i, j;
-    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
-        for (j = 1; j <= n; j++)
+    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+        for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++)
             A[i][j] = (i == j) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
@@ -210,7 +209,7 @@ void identity_mat(const int n, double** A) {
 double det_mat(const int n, double **A) {
-    int i, *indx;
+    int *indx;
     double **U, d;
     indx = ivector(1, n);
@@ -219,7 +218,7 @@ double det_mat(const int n, double **A) {
     dmcopy(A, n, n, U);
     dludcmp(U, n, indx, &d);
-    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
         d *= U[i][i];
     free_dmatrix(U, 1, n, 1, n);
@@ -237,11 +236,10 @@ double det_mat(const int n, double **A) {
 double trace_mat(const int n, double **A) {
-    int i;
     double d;
     d = 0.0;
-    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
+    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
         d += A[i][i];
     return d;
@@ -652,7 +650,7 @@ static double get_psi(double irho, double phi, double gap) {
                  the chromatic term is missing hx*A
-		The kick is given by
+    The kick is given by
               e L       L delta    L x              e L
      Dp_x = - --- B_y + ------- - ----- ,    Dp_y = --- B_x
@@ -1699,7 +1697,7 @@ void FieldMap_Pass(CellType &Cell, ss_vect<T> &X) {
- void Insertion_Pass(CellType &Cell, ss_vect<T> &x)
+ void Insertion_Pass(CellType &Cell, ss_vect<T> &X)
      Track vector x through an insertion
@@ -1730,85 +1728,238 @@ void FieldMap_Pass(CellType &Cell, ss_vect<T> &X) {
 template<typename T>
-void Insertion_Pass(CellType &Cell, ss_vect<T> &x) {
+void Insertion_Pass(CellType &Cell, ss_vect<T> &X) {
     elemtype *elemp;
     double LN = 0.0;
+    double L1 = 0.0, L2 = 0.0, K1 = 0.0, K2 = 0.0;
     T tx1, tz1; /* thetax and thetaz retrieved from
      interpolation routine First order kick*/
     T tx2, tz2; /* thetax and thetaz retrieved from
      interpolation routine Second order Kick */
     T d;
     double alpha0 = 0.0; // 1/ brh0
     double alpha02 = 0.0; // alpha square
     int Nslice = 0;
     int i = 0;
     bool outoftable = false;
-    elemp = &Cell.Elem;
-    Nslice = elemp->ID->PN;
-    alpha0 = c0 / globval.Energy * 1E-9 * elemp->ID->scaling1;
-    alpha02 = (c0 / globval.Energy * 1E-9) * (c0 / globval.Energy * 1E-9)
-            * elemp->ID->scaling2;
+    elemp   = &Cell.Elem;
+    Nslice  = elemp->ID->PN;
+    alpha0  = c0 / globval.Energy * 1E-9 * elemp->ID->scaling1;
+    alpha02 = sqr(c0 / globval.Energy * 1E-9) * elemp->ID->scaling2;
-    //  /* Global -> Local */
-     // GtoL(X, Cell->dS, Cell->dT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+    /* Global -> Local */
+    //GtoL(X, elemp->ID->dS, elemp->ID->dT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
     // Nslice*2*1/2  drifts, Nslice kicks
     LN = elemp->PL / Nslice;
-    Drift(LN/2.0, x);
+		if ((elemp->ID->firstorder && elemp->ID->scaling1 == 0.0) & 
+			 (elemp->ID->secondorder || elemp->ID->scaling2 == 0.0)){
+			 Drift(elemp->PL, X); // only a drift if kick is zero
+			 if (trace) fprintf(stdout, "Insertion_Pass: used a drift since scaling factors are zeros for elem %s\n",
+			 elemp->PName);
+    }
+		else{ // Integrator scheme
+    switch (elemp->ID->Pmethod) {
+      case Meth_Second:
+        for (i = 1; i <= Nslice; i++) {
+          Drift(LN/2.0, X);
+          // fprintf(stdout, "Second order L= %f, N= %d LN=%f S1=%f S2 = %f\n", 
+          //elemp->PL, Nslice, LN, elemp->ID->scaling1, elemp->ID->scaling1);
+          // First order kick map
+          if (elemp->ID->firstorder && elemp->ID->scaling1 != 0.0) {
+              if (!elemp->ID->linear) {
+                  //cout << "InsertionPass: Spline\n";
+                  SplineInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx1, tz1, Cell, outoftable,
+                          1);
+              } else{
+                  LinearInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx1, tz1, Cell, outoftable,
+                          1);
+              }
+              if (outoftable) {
+                  X[x_] = NAN;
+                  return;
+              }
+              d = alpha0 / Nslice;
+              X[px_] += d * tx1;
+              X[py_] += d * tz1;
+          }
+          // Second order kick map
+          if (elemp->ID->secondorder && elemp->ID->scaling2 != 0.0) {
+              if (!elemp->ID->linear) {
+                  //cout << "InsertionPass: Spline\n";
+                  SplineInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx2, tz2, Cell, outoftable, 2);
+              } else {
+                  //cout << "InsertionPass: Linear\n";
+                  LinearInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx2, tz2, Cell, outoftable,
+                          2);
+              }
+              if (outoftable) {
+                  X[x_] = NAN;
+                  return;
+              }
+              d = alpha02 / Nslice / (1.0 + X[delta_]);
+              X[px_] += d * tx2;
+              X[py_] += d * tz2;
+          }
+          if (i != Nslice)
+            Drift(LN, X);
+          else
+            Drift(LN/2.0, X);
+        } // for 
+        break;
+      case Meth_Fourth: /* 4-th order integrator */
+        L1 = c_1 * LN;
+        L2 = c_2 * LN;
+        K1 = d_1;
+        K2 = d_2;
+//        Drift(L1, X);
+        for (i = 1; i <= Nslice; i++) {
+          Drift(L1, X);
+          // First order kick map
+          if (elemp->ID->firstorder && elemp->ID->scaling1 != 0.0) {
+            if (!elemp->ID->linear) {
+                //cout << "InsertionPass: Spline\n";
+                SplineInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx1, tz1, Cell, outoftable,
+                        1);
+            } else{
+                LinearInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx1, tz1, Cell, outoftable,
+                        1);
+            }
+            if (outoftable) {
+                X[x_] = NAN;
+                return;
+            }
-    for (i = 1; i <= Nslice; i++) {
-        // First order kick map
-        if (elemp->ID->firstorder) {
+            d = alpha0 / Nslice;
+            X[px_] += K1*d * tx1;
+            X[py_] += K1*d * tz1;
+        }
+          // Second order kick map
+          if (elemp->ID->secondorder && elemp->ID->scaling2 != 0.0) {
             if (!elemp->ID->linear) {
                 //cout << "InsertionPass: Spline\n";
-                SplineInterpolation2(x[x_], x[y_], tx1, tz1, Cell, outoftable,
+                SplineInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx2, tz2, Cell, outoftable,
+                        2);
+            } else {
+                //cout << "InsertionPass: Linear\n";
+                LinearInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx2, tz2, Cell, outoftable,
+                        2);
+            }
+            if (outoftable) {
+                X[x_] = NAN;
+                return;
+            }
+            d = alpha02 / Nslice / (1.0 + X[delta_]);
+            X[px_] += K1*d * tx2;
+            X[py_] += K1*d * tz2;
+        }
+          Drift(L2, X);
+          // First order kick map
+          if (elemp->ID->firstorder && elemp->ID->scaling1 != 0.0) {
+            if (!elemp->ID->linear) {
+                //cout << "InsertionPass: Spline\n";
+                SplineInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx1, tz1, Cell, outoftable,
             } else{
-                LinearInterpolation2(x[x_], x[y_], tx1, tz1, Cell, outoftable,
+                LinearInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx1, tz1, Cell, outoftable,
             if (outoftable) {
-                x[x_] = NAN;
+                X[x_] = NAN;
             d = alpha0 / Nslice;
-            x[px_] += d * tx1;
-            x[py_] += d * tz1;
+            X[px_] += K2*d * tx1;
+            X[py_] += K2*d * tz1;
-        // Second order kick map
-        if (elemp->ID->secondorder) {
+          // Second order kick map
+          if (elemp->ID->secondorder && elemp->ID->scaling2 != 0.0) {
             if (!elemp->ID->linear) {
                 //cout << "InsertionPass: Spline\n";
-                SplineInterpolation2(x[x_], x[y_], tx2, tz2, Cell, outoftable,
+                SplineInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx2, tz2, Cell, outoftable,
             } else {
                 //cout << "InsertionPass: Linear\n";
-                LinearInterpolation2(x[x_], x[y_], tx2, tz2, Cell, outoftable,
+                LinearInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx2, tz2, Cell, outoftable,
             if (outoftable) {
-                x[x_] = NAN;
+                X[x_] = NAN;
+            d = alpha02 / Nslice / (1.0 + X[delta_]);
+            X[px_] += K2*d * tx2;
+            X[py_] += K2*d * tz2;
+        }
-            d = alpha02 / Nslice / (1.0 + x[delta_]);
-            x[px_] += d * tx2;
-            x[py_] += d * tz2;
+          Drift(L2, X);
+          // First order kick map
+          if (elemp->ID->firstorder && elemp->ID->scaling1 != 0.0) {
+            if (!elemp->ID->linear) {
+                //cout << "InsertionPass: Spline\n";
+                SplineInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx1, tz1, Cell, outoftable,
+                        1);
+            } else{
+                LinearInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx1, tz1, Cell, outoftable,
+                        1);
+            }
+            if (outoftable) {
+                X[x_] = NAN;
+                return;
+            }
+            d = alpha0 / Nslice;
+            X[px_] += K1*d * tx1;
+            X[py_] += K1*d * tz1;
-	if (i != Nslice)
-          Drift(LN, x);
-        else
-          Drift(LN/2.0, x);
-    }
-      //CopyVec(6L, x, Cell->BeamPos);
+          // Second order kick map
+          if (elemp->ID->secondorder && elemp->ID->scaling2 != 0.0){
+            if (!elemp->ID->linear) {
+                //cout << "InsertionPass: Spline\n";
+                SplineInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx2, tz2, Cell, outoftable,
+                        2);
+            } else {
+                //cout << "InsertionPass: Linear\n";
+                LinearInterpolation2(X[x_], X[y_], tx2, tz2, Cell, outoftable,
+                        2);
+            }
+            if (outoftable) {
+                X[x_] = NAN;
+                return;
+            }
+            d = alpha02 / Nslice / (1.0 + X[delta_]);
+            X[px_] += K1*d * tx2;
+            X[py_] += K1*d * tz2;
+        }
+//           if (i != Nslice)
+//             Drift(L1*2.0, X);
+//           else
+          Drift(L1, X);        
+        break;  
+        } // for
-      /* Local -> Global */
-      //LtoG(X, Cell->dS, Cell->dT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+    } // switch
+		} // if
+  //CopyVec(6L, X, Cell->BeamPos);
+  /* Local -> Global */
+  //LtoG(X, Cell->dS, Cell->dT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
 template<typename T>
@@ -1833,7 +1984,7 @@ void sol_pass(const elemtype &elem, ss_vect<T> &x) {
         x[px_] -= dpx;
         x[py_] -= AyoBrho;
-        x[y_] += 0.5 * hd * x[py_];
+        x[y_]  += 0.5 * hd * x[py_];
         x[ct_] += sqr(0.5) * hd * sqr(x[py_]) / (1.0 + x[delta_]);
         AyoBrho = elem.Sol->BoBrho * x[x_] / 2.0;
@@ -2129,15 +2280,15 @@ void Drift_SetMatrix(int Fnum1, int Knum1) {
     D = elemp->D;
   L = elemp->PL/(1.0+globval.dPparticle);  /* L = L / (1 + dP) */
-	   1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
-	   1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+     1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
+     1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
 static void driftmat(Matrix &ah, double L) {
     L /= 1 + globval.dPparticle;
-	   1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
-	   1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+     1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
+     1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
 static void quadmat(Matrix &ahv, double L, double k) {
@@ -2678,9 +2829,8 @@ void Insertion_SetMatrix(int Fnum1, int Knum1) {
     elemp = &cellp->Elem;
     ID = elemp->ID;
     Nslice = ID->PN;
-    alpha0 = c0 / globval.Energy * 1E-9 * ID->scaling1;
-    alpha02 = (c0 / globval.Energy * 1E-9) * c0 / globval.Energy * 1E-9 / (1.0
-            + globval.dPparticle) * ID->scaling2;
+    alpha0  = c0 / globval.Energy * 1E-9 * ID->scaling1;
+    alpha02 = sqr(c0 / globval.Energy * 1E-9) / (1.0+ globval.dPparticle) * ID->scaling2;
     UnitMat(6L, ID->D55);
     UnitMat(6L, ID->K55);
@@ -2699,10 +2849,10 @@ void Insertion_SetMatrix(int Fnum1, int Knum1) {
         /* quadrupole Kick matrix linearized around closed orbit */
         if (!ID->linear) {
             //        SplineInterpDeriv3(cellp->BeamPos[0], cellp->BeamPos[2],
-            //			   &DTHXDX, &DTHXDZ, &DTHZDX, &DTHZDZ, cellp);
+            //         &DTHXDX, &DTHXDZ, &DTHZDX, &DTHZDZ, cellp);
         } else {
             //        LinearInterpDeriv2(cellp->BeamPos[0], cellp->BeamPos[2],
-            //			   &DTHXDX, &DTHXDZ, &DTHZDX, &DTHZDZ, cellp, 1);
+            //         &DTHXDX, &DTHXDZ, &DTHZDX, &DTHZDZ, cellp, 1);
         ID->K55[1][0] = ID->K55[1][0] + alpha0 * DTHXDX / Nslice;
         ID->K55[1][2] = ID->K55[1][2] + alpha0 * DTHXDZ / Nslice;
@@ -2715,10 +2865,10 @@ void Insertion_SetMatrix(int Fnum1, int Knum1) {
         /* quadrupole Kick matrix linearized around closed orbit */
         if (!ID->linear) {
             //        SplineInterpDeriv3(cellp->BeamPos[0], cellp->BeamPos[2],
-            //			   &DTHXDX, &DTHXDZ, &DTHZDX, &DTHZDZ, cellp);
+            //         &DTHXDX, &DTHXDZ, &DTHZDX, &DTHZDZ, cellp);
         } else {
             //        LinearInterpDeriv2(cellp->BeamPos[0], cellp->BeamPos[2],
-            //			   &DTHXDX, &DTHXDZ, &DTHZDX, &DTHZDZ, cellp, 2);
+            //         &DTHXDX, &DTHXDZ, &DTHZDX, &DTHZDZ, cellp, 2);
         ID->K55[1][0] = ID->K55[1][0] + alpha02 * DTHXDX / Nslice;
         ID->K55[1][2] = ID->K55[1][2] + alpha02 * DTHXDZ / Nslice;
@@ -2738,8 +2888,8 @@ void Insertion_SetMatrix(int Fnum1, int Knum1) {
     //  {
     //    L = elemp->PL/(1.0 + globval.dPparticle);  /* L = L/(1 + dP) */
     //    make4by5(ID->KD55,
-    //	     1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
-    //	     1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
+    //       1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
+    //       1.0, L, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
     //  }
@@ -2783,6 +2933,7 @@ void Insertion_Pass_M(CellType &Cell, Vector &xref, Matrix &M) {
     //  {
     MulLMat(5, elemp->ID->KD55, M); /* M<-KD55*M */
     LinTrans(5, elemp->ID->KD55, xref);
+    cout << "Insertion_Pass_M Hello\n";
     //  }
     //  else
     //  {
@@ -4161,7 +4312,7 @@ void Mpole_DefPBsys(int Fnum1, int Knum1, int Order, double PBsys) {
 void Mpole_SetdS(int Fnum1, int Knum1)
      Set misalignment error to the element with Fnum and Knum 
@@ -4187,7 +4338,7 @@ void Mpole_SetdS(int Fnum1, int Knum1) {
 void Mpole_SetdT(int Fnum1, int Knum1)
      Set rotation error to the element with Fnum and Knum 
diff --git a/tracy/tracy/src/t2lat.cc b/tracy/tracy/src/t2lat.cc
index 9dec8892af570481e06087fbd0ad1d29883dba60..8175b9f1fb5ac13320cb471cb28a77a2ea48b67e 100644
--- a/tracy/tracy/src/t2lat.cc
+++ b/tracy/tracy/src/t2lat.cc
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ L. Nadolski   SOLEIL        2002          Link to NAFF, Radia field maps
 J. Bengtsson  NSLS-II, BNL  2004 -        
-/* Current revision $Revision: 1.20 $
+/* Current revision $Revision: 1.21 $
  On branch $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
- Latest change $Date: 2012-01-27 16:47:39 $ by $Author: zhang $
+ Latest change $Date: 2013-06-30 05:12:34 $ by $Author: nadolski $
@@ -3237,7 +3237,7 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
         QKxV = 0e0;
         QKS  = 0e0;
         k1 = 1; // number of slices of the lattice element
-        k2 = 3; // 1 linear interpolation, 3 spline interpolation
+        k2 = 2; // 1 linear interpolation, 3 spline interpolation
         dt = 0e0;
         scaling1 = 1.0; // scaling factor
         scaling2 = 1.0; // scaling factor
@@ -3253,8 +3253,7 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
             getest__(P_expset(SET, 1L << ((long) eql)), "<=> expected", &V);
 	    //read the parameters setting from the lattice
-	    switch (sym1) {
+	    switch (sym1) {              
             case nsym: /* Read number of slices */
                 k1 = abs((long) floor(EVAL_(&V)));
@@ -3291,7 +3290,7 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
-            case mthsym: // method for interpolation: 1 means linear 3 spline
+            case mthsym: // method for interpolation: 1 means linear >1 means spline
                 k2 = (long) floor(EVAL_(&V));
                 if (k2 != Meth_Linear)
                     globval.MatMeth = false;
@@ -3353,7 +3352,7 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
-            if (k2 == 3 | k2 == 2) { // cubic interpolation
+            if (k2 > 1) { // cubic interpolation
                 WITH5->linear = false;
             } else { // linear interpolation
                 WITH5->linear = true;
@@ -3380,16 +3379,6 @@ static bool Lat_DealElement(FILE **fi_, FILE **fo_, long *cc_, long *ll_,
-            // to put somewhere
-            //      /** Free memory **/
-            //      free(tab1);
-            //      free(tab2);
-            //
-            //      free_matrix(tx,1,nz,1,nx);
-            //      free_matrix(tz,1,nz,1,nx);
-            //      free_matrix(f2x,1,nz,1,nx);
-            //      free_matrix(f2z,1,nz,1,nx);
         } else {
             printf("Elem_nFamMax exceeded: %ld(%ld)\n", globval.Elem_nFam,
                     (long) Elem_nFamMax);