From 2a935dc2f88a167629abec0cbab8e63d21cb1c9c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nadolski <nadolski@9a6e40ed-f3a0-4838-9b4a-bf418f78e88d>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 21:22:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] add new number for file

 tracy/tracy/src/ | 781 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 367 insertions(+), 414 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tracy/tracy/src/ b/tracy/tracy/src/
index e14af69..411b086 100644
--- a/tracy/tracy/src/
+++ b/tracy/tracy/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 /* Tracy-3
-   J. Bengtsson, CBP, LBL      1990 - 1994   Pascal version
+   J. Bengtsson, CPB, LBL      1990 - 1994   Pascal version
                  SLS, PSI      1995 - 1997
    M. Boege      SLS, PSI      1998          C translation
    L. Nadolski   SOLEIL        2002 -        Link to NAFF, Radia field maps
@@ -399,12 +399,9 @@ void SetErr2(long seed,double fac)
-  for (i = 1L; i <= globval.Cell_nLoc; i++)
-  {
-    if (Cell[i].Elem.Pkind == Mpole)
-    {
-      if (Cell[i].Elem.M->n_design == 2L && Cell[i].dT[1] == 0) // exclude skew quads
-      {
+  for (i = 1L; i <= globval.Cell_nLoc; i++){
+    if (Cell[i].Elem.Pkind == Mpole){
+      if (Cell[i].Elem.M->n_design == 2L && Cell[i].dT[1] == 0){ // exclude skew quads
         if ((pair%2)==0) theta = fac*normranf(); /* random error every 2 elements (quad split into 2) */
         Cell[i].Elem.M->PBpar[HOMmax-2L] = -Cell[i].Elem.M->PBpar[HOMmax+2L]*sin(2.0*theta);
@@ -424,22 +421,22 @@ void SetErr2(long seed,double fac)
    Purpose:  read and set the definition of the vacuum chamber 
              between different sections around the ring from file 
-	     AperFile.dat. 
-	     In AperFile.dat,
-	       1) line begin with "#" is comment line
-	       2) first line Name1: Start
-	          first line Name2: All
-	       3) the numbers of MK1 and MK2 should be  the same in the lattice
-	       4) MK1 is defined before MK2 in the lattice
-	       5)
-	         MK1:  marker before the start element of the section for the aperture
-	         Mk2:  marker after the end element of the section for the aperture
-	       dxmin:   minimum x value of vacuum chamber
-	       dxmax:   maxmum x value of vacuum chamber
-	       dymin:   minimum y value of vacuum chamber
-	       dymax:   maxmum y value of vacuum chamber
+       AperFile.dat. 
+       In AperFile.dat,
+         1) line begin with "#" is comment line
+         2) first line Name1: Start
+            first line Name2: All
+         3) the numbers of MK1 and MK2 should be  the same in the lattice
+         4) MK1 is defined before MK2 in the lattice
+         5)
+           MK1:  marker before the start element of the section for the aperture
+           Mk2:  marker after the end element of the section for the aperture
+         dxmin:   minimum x value of vacuum chamber
+         dxmax:   maxmum x value of vacuum chamber
+         dymin:   minimum y value of vacuum chamber
+         dymax:   maxmum y value of vacuum chamber
@@ -491,67 +488,67 @@ void ReadCh(const char *AperFile)
     /* read the aperture setting */ 
       sscanf(line,"%s %s %lf %lf %lf %lf",
-	     Name1,Name2, &dxmin, &dxmax, &dymin, &dymax);
+       Name1,Name2, &dxmin, &dxmax, &dymin, &dymax);
       if (strcmp("Start", Name1)==0 && strcmp("All", Name2)==0) {
-	if(prt)
-	  fprintf(stdout, "setting all apertures to \n"
-		 " dxmin = %e, dxmax = %e, dymin = %e, dymax = %e\n",
-		 dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax);
-	set_aper_type(All, dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax);
-	//	ini_aper(dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax); 
+  if(prt)
+    fprintf(stdout, "setting all apertures to \n"
+     " dxmin = %e, dxmax = %e, dymin = %e, dymax = %e\n",
+     dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax);
+  set_aper_type(All, dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax);
+  //  ini_aper(dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax); 
       else {
         /* read the vacuum chamber between section */
-    	Fnum1 = ElemIndex(Name1);
-	Fnum2 = ElemIndex(Name2);
-	if(Fnum1>0 && Fnum2>0) {
-	  /* if element Name1 is defined before element Name2, give error message*/
-	  if(Fnum1 > Fnum2){
-	    fprintf(stdout, "\nReadCh(): \n" 
-	           "          aperture file, Line %d, Element %s should be defined after Element %s \n",
-	            LineNum,Name1,Name2);
+      Fnum1 = ElemIndex(Name1);
+  Fnum2 = ElemIndex(Name2);
+  if(Fnum1>0 && Fnum2>0) {
+    /* if element Name1 is defined before element Name2, give error message*/
+    if(Fnum1 > Fnum2){
+      fprintf(stdout, "\nReadCh(): \n" 
+             "          aperture file, Line %d, Element %s should be defined after Element %s \n",
+              LineNum,Name1,Name2);
-	  /* if the element is not unique in the lattice, give error message*/
-	  Kidnum1 = GetnKid(Fnum1);
-	  Kidnum2 = GetnKid(Fnum2);
-	  if(Kidnum1 != Kidnum2){
-	   fprintf(stdout, "\nReadCh(): \n"
-	          "          vacuum aperture file, Line %d, the number of Element %s is not equal to"
-		      " the number of  Element %s in lattice \n", LineNum, Name1, Name2);
+    /* if the element is not unique in the lattice, give error message*/
+    Kidnum1 = GetnKid(Fnum1);
+    Kidnum2 = GetnKid(Fnum2);
+    if(Kidnum1 != Kidnum2){
+     fprintf(stdout, "\nReadCh(): \n"
+            "          vacuum aperture file, Line %d, the number of Element %s is not equal to"
+          " the number of  Element %s in lattice \n", LineNum, Name1, Name2);
-	  }
-	  if(prt)
-	    fprintf(stdout, "setting apertures to section:\n"
-		   "  %s  %s dxmin = %+e, dxmax = %+e, dymin = %+e, dymax = %+e\n",
-		   Name1, Name2, dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax);
-	/* set the vacuum chamber*/
-	//read the marker before the first element, and the markder after the last elment
-	  for(i=0;i<Kidnum1;i++){
-	    /* find the start and end index of the section*/
-	    k1 = Elem_GetPos(Fnum1, i+1);
-	    k2 = Elem_GetPos(Fnum2, i+1);
-	    for(j=1; j<globval.Cell_nLoc; j++){
-	      if(j>=k1 && j<k2){
-	        Cell[j].maxampl[X_][0] = dxmin;
-	        Cell[j].maxampl[X_][1] = dxmax;
-	        Cell[j].maxampl[Y_][0] = dymin;
-	        Cell[j].maxampl[Y_][1] = dymax;
-	      }
-	   }
-	 }  
+    }
+    if(prt)
+      fprintf(stdout, "setting apertures to section:\n"
+       "  %s  %s dxmin = %+e, dxmax = %+e, dymin = %+e, dymax = %+e\n",
+       Name1, Name2, dxmin, dxmax, dymin, dymax);
+  /* set the vacuum chamber*/
+  //read the marker before the first element, and the markder after the last elment
+    for(i=0;i<Kidnum1;i++){
+      /* find the start and end index of the section*/
+      k1 = Elem_GetPos(Fnum1, i+1);
+      k2 = Elem_GetPos(Fnum2, i+1);
+      for(j=1; j<globval.Cell_nLoc; j++){
+        if(j>=k1 && j<k2){
+          Cell[j].maxampl[X_][0] = dxmin;
+          Cell[j].maxampl[X_][1] = dxmax;
+          Cell[j].maxampl[Y_][0] = dymin;
+          Cell[j].maxampl[Y_][1] = dymax;
+        }
+     }
+   }  
        }else {
-	  fprintf(stdout, "\nReadCh(): \n"
-	         "          aperture file, Line %d, lattice does not contain section between element %s and element %s\n", 
-	          LineNum,Name1, Name2); 
-	  exit_(1);
-	  }
+    fprintf(stdout, "\nReadCh(): \n"
+           "          aperture file, Line %d, lattice does not contain section between element %s and element %s\n", 
+            LineNum,Name1, Name2); 
+    exit_(1);
+    }
@@ -599,8 +596,8 @@ void ReadCh(const char *AperFile)
 void Trac_Tab(double x, double px, double y, double py, double dp,
-	      long nmax, long pos, long &lastn, long &lastpos, FILE *outf1,
-	      double Tx[][NTURN])
+        long nmax, long pos, long &lastn, long &lastpos, FILE *outf1,
+        double Tx[][NTURN])
   bool lostF = true; /* Lost particle Flag */
   Vector x1;            /* tracking coordinates */
@@ -627,8 +624,8 @@ void Trac_Tab(double x, double px, double y, double py, double dp,
      Cell_Pass(0,globval.Cell_nLoc, x1, lastpos);
      if(trace) fprintf(outf1, "%6ld %+10.5e %+10.5e %+10.5e %+10.5e"
-		       " %+10.5e %+10.5e \n",
-		       lastn, x1[x_], x1[px_], x1[y_], x1[py_], x1[delta_], x1[ct_]);
+           " %+10.5e %+10.5e \n",
+           lastn, x1[x_], x1[px_], x1[y_], x1[py_], x1[delta_], x1[ct_]);
      i = (lastn)-1;
      Tx[x_][i] = x1[x_]; Tx[px_][i] = x1[px_];
      Tx[y_][i] = x1[y_]; Tx[py_][i] = x1[py_];
@@ -638,8 +635,8 @@ void Trac_Tab(double x, double px, double y, double py, double dp,
     else  {
       fprintf(stdout, "Trac_Tab: Particle lost \n");
       fprintf(stdout, "%6ld %+10.5g %+10.5g %+10.5g"
-	              " %+10.5g %+10.5g %+10.5g \n",
-	              lastn, x1[x_], x1[px_], x1[y_], x1[py_], x1[delta_], x1[ct_]);
+                " %+10.5g %+10.5g %+10.5g \n",
+                lastn, x1[x_], x1[px_], x1[y_], x1[py_], x1[delta_], x1[ct_]);
       lostF = false;
@@ -872,7 +869,7 @@ double get_D(const double df_x, const double df_y)
 #define NTERM2  10
 void fmap(const char *FmapFile, long Nbx, long Nby, long Nbtour, double xmax, double ymax,
-          double energy, bool diffusion, bool printloss)	  
+          double energy, bool diffusion, bool printloss)    
  FILE * outf;   //file with the tunes at the grid point
  FILE *outf_loss; //file with the information of the lost particle
@@ -919,10 +916,10 @@ void fmap(const char *FmapFile, long Nbx, long Nby, long Nbtour, double xmax, do
  fprintf(outf,"# TRACY III -- %s -- %s \n", FmapFile, asctime2(newtime));
  fprintf(outf,"# Frequencymap nu = f(x,z) \n");
 // fprintf(outf,"#    x[mm]          z[mm]           fx             fy"
-//	 "            dfx            dfy      D=log_10(sqrt(df_x^2+df_y^2))\n");
+//   "            dfx            dfy      D=log_10(sqrt(df_x^2+df_y^2))\n");
-	 fprintf(outf,"#    xi[m]         zi[m]        fx             fy"
-	 "            dfx            dfy\n");
+   fprintf(outf,"#    xi[m]         zi[m]        fx             fy"
+   "            dfx            dfy\n");
 //file with lost particle information
@@ -936,10 +933,10 @@ if(printloss){
  fprintf(outf_loss,"# Information of the lost particle: "
                    "  lostp = 0 (no particle lost /1(horizontal) /2(vertical) /3(longitudinal) plane \n"
                    "   Starting values & Phase space at turn Nturn and position s\n");
- fprintf(outf_loss,"#    xi[m]    zi[m]    Nturn   Plane    s[m]       x[m]"
-	 "       xp[rad]    z[m]      zp[rad]     delta      ctau\n");
+ fprintf(outf_loss,"#    xi[m]    zi[m]    Nturn   Plane    s[m]        x[m]"
+   "       xp[rad]    z[m]      zp[rad]     delta      ctau\n");
  if ((Nbx < 1) || (Nby < 1))
    fprintf(stdout,"fmap: Error Nbx=%ld Nby=%ld\n",Nbx,Nby);
@@ -973,9 +970,9 @@ if(printloss){
        Get_NAFF(NTERM2, Nbtour, Tab, fx, fy, nb_freq);
        Get_freq(fx,fy,&nux1,&nuy1);  // gets nux and nuy
        if (diffusion) { // diffusion
-	   // shift data for second round NAFF
+     // shift data for second round NAFF
-	   // gets frequency vectors
+     // gets frequency vectors
          Get_NAFF(NTERM2, Nbtour, Tab0, fx2, fy2, nb_freq);
          Get_freq(fx2,fy2,&nux2,&nuy2); // gets nux and nuy
@@ -987,22 +984,22 @@ if(printloss){
      // printout value
      if (!diffusion){
-	   fprintf(outf,"%+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e\n",
-	   x, y, nux1, nuy1);
+     fprintf(outf,"%+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e\n",
+     x, y, nux1, nuy1);
        //fprintf(stdout,"%+14.6e %+14.6e %+14.6e %+14.6e\n",
-	   // x, y, nux1, nuy1);
+     // x, y, nux1, nuy1);
      else {
        dfx = nux1 - nux2; dfy = nuy1 - nuy2;
        fprintf(outf,"%+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e\n",
-	       x, y, nux1, nuy1, dfx, dfy);
+         x, y, nux1, nuy1, dfx, dfy);
        //fprintf(stdout,"%+14.6e %+14.6e %+14.6e %+14.6e %+14.6e %+14.6e\n",
-	   //    x, y, nux1, nuy1, dfx, dfy);
+     //    x, y, nux1, nuy1, dfx, dfy);
      //print out the information of the lost particle
-        fprintf(outf_loss, "%+6.3e %+6.3e %8ld %3d %+12.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f \n", 
+        fprintf(outf_loss, "%+10.3e %+10.3e %8ld %3d %+12.6f %+10.3e %+10.3e %+10.3e %+10.6e %+10.3e %+10.3e \n", 
                             x, y, lastn,status.lossplane, Cell[lastpos].S, x1[0],x1[1], 
                             x1[2], x1[3], x1[4], x1[5]);
@@ -1064,7 +1061,7 @@ if(printloss){
 #define NTERM2  10
 void fmap_p(const char *FmapFile_p, long Nbx, long Nby, long Nbtour, double xmax, 
-            double ymax, double energy, bool diffusion, bool printloss, int numprocs, int myid)	  
+            double ymax, double energy, bool diffusion, bool printloss, int numprocs, int myid)    
  FILE *outf; // output file
  FILE *outf_loss; //file with the information of the lost particle
@@ -1082,7 +1079,7 @@ void fmap_p(const char *FmapFile_p, long Nbx, long Nby, long Nbtour, double xmax
  struct tm *newtime;
  char FmapFile[max_str];
- sprintf(FmapFile,"%d",myid);
+ sprintf(FmapFile,"myid%05d_",myid);
  fprintf(stdout, "%s\n",FmapFile);
@@ -1101,7 +1098,7 @@ void fmap_p(const char *FmapFile_p, long Nbx, long Nby, long Nbtour, double xmax
  time(&aclock);                 /* Get time in seconds */
  newtime = localtime(&aclock);  /* Convert time to struct */
- if (trace) fprintf(stdout, "Entering fmap ... results in %s\n\n",FmapFile);
+ if (!trace) fprintf(stdout, "Entering fmap_p: ... results in %s\n\n",FmapFile);
  /* Opening file */
  if ((outf = fopen(FmapFile, "w")) == NULL){
@@ -1125,10 +1122,10 @@ void fmap_p(const char *FmapFile_p, long Nbx, long Nby, long Nbtour, double xmax
     fprintf(outf_loss,"# TRACY III -- %s -- %s \n", FmapLossFile, asctime2(newtime));
     fprintf(outf_loss,"# Information of the lost particle: "
-	    "  lostp = 0 (no particle lost /1(horizontal) /2(vertical) /3(longitudinal) plane \n"
-	    "    Starting values & Phase space at turn Nturn and position s\n");
-        fprintf(outf_loss,"#    xi[m]    zi[m]    Nturn   Plane    s[m]       x[m]"
-	 "       xp[rad]    z[m]      zp[rad]     delta      ctau\n");
+      "  lostp = 0 (no particle lost /1(horizontal) /2(vertical) /3(longitudinal) plane \n"
+      "    Starting values & Phase space at turn Nturn and position s\n");
+    fprintf(outf_loss,"#    xi[m]    zi[m]    Nturn   Plane    s[m]        x[m]"
+   "       xp[rad]    z[m]      zp[rad]     delta      ctau\n");
@@ -1154,7 +1151,7 @@ void fmap_p(const char *FmapFile_p, long Nbx, long Nby, long Nbtour, double xmax
- fprintf(stdout, "fmap_p: myid:%d, integer:%d, residue:%d, numprocs:%d, Nbx:%ld\n\n",myid,integer,residue,
+ if (trace) fprintf(stdout, "fmap_p: myid:%d, integer:%d, residue:%d, numprocs:%d, Nbx:%ld\n\n",myid,integer,residue,
  //split tracking region (x,z) for each process
@@ -1180,44 +1177,37 @@ void fmap_p(const char *FmapFile_p, long Nbx, long Nby, long Nbtour, double xmax
-     if (status2) // if trajectory is stable
-     { 
+     if (status2){ // if trajectory is stable
        // gets frequency vectors
        Get_NAFF(NTERM2, Nbtour, Tab, fx, fy, nb_freq);
        Get_freq(fx,fy,&nux1,&nuy1);  // gets nux and nuy
-       if (diffusion)
-       { // diffusion
-	 // shift data for second round NAFF
+       if (diffusion){ // diffusion
+   // shift data for second round NAFF
-	 // gets frequency vectors
+   // gets frequency vectors
          Get_NAFF(NTERM2, Nbtour, Tab0, fx2, fy2, nb_freq);
          Get_freq(fx2,fy2,&nux2,&nuy2); // gets nux and nuy
      } // unstable trajectory
-     else
-     { //zeroing output
+     else{ //zeroing output
       nux1 = 0.0; nuy1 = 0.0;
       nux2 = 0.0; nuy2 = 0.0;
      // printout value
-     if (!diffusion)
-     {
+     if (!diffusion){
      fprintf(outf,"%+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e\n",x, y, nux1, nuy1);
-     //fprintf(stdout,"%+14.6e %+14.6e %+14.6e %+14.6e\n",x, y, nux1, nuy1);
-     else
-     {
+     else{
      dfx = nux1 - nux2;
      dfy = nuy1 - nuy2;
      fprintf(outf,"%+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e\n", x, y, nux1, nuy1, dfx, dfy);
-     //fprintf(stdout,"%+14.6e %+14.6e %14.6e %14.6e %+14.6e %+14.6e\n", x, y, nux1, nuy1, dfx, dfy);
  //print out the information of the lost particle
-        fprintf(outf_loss, "%+6.3e %+6.3e %8ld %3d %+12.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f \n", 
+         fprintf(outf_loss, "%+10.3e %+10.3e %8ld %3d %+12.6f %+10.3e %+10.3e %+10.3e %+10.6e %+10.3e %+10.3e \n", 
                             x, y, lastn,status.lossplane, Cell[lastpos].S, x1[0],x1[1], 
                             x1[2], x1[3], x1[4], x1[5]);
@@ -1345,7 +1335,7 @@ if(printloss){
                    "   Starting values & Phase space at turn Nturn and position s\n");
         fprintf(outf_loss,"#   dpi       xi[m]    Nturn   lostp     s[m]       x[m]"
-	 "          xp[rad]        z[m]         zp[rad]        delta         ctau\n");
+   "          xp[rad]        z[m]         zp[rad]        delta         ctau\n");
  if ((Nbx <= 1) || (Nbe <= 1))
    fprintf(stdout,"fmapdp: Error Nbx=%ld Nbe=%ld\n",Nbx,Nbe);
@@ -1363,11 +1353,11 @@ if(printloss){
      // If 6D Tracking diffusion turn off and x negative for dp negative
      if ((globval.Cavity_on == true) && (dp < 0.0)){
          x  = x0 - sqrt((double)j)*xstep;
-	diffusion = false;
+  diffusion = false;
       // x  = x0 + sgn(j)*sqrt((double)abs(j))*xstep;
-	 x  = x0 + sqrt((double)j)*xstep;
+   x  = x0 + sqrt((double)j)*xstep;
@@ -1391,7 +1381,7 @@ if(printloss)
      // printout value
      if (!diffusion){
-	   fprintf(outf,"%+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e\n", dp, x, nux1, nuy1);
+     fprintf(outf,"%+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e %+10.6e\n", dp, x, nux1, nuy1);
        //fprintf(stdout,"% 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e\n", dp, x, nux1, nuy1);
      else {
@@ -1470,7 +1460,7 @@ void fmapdp_p(const char *FmapdpFile_p, long Nbx, long Nbe, long Nbtour, double
               double emax, double y, bool diffusion, bool printloss, int numprocs, int myid)
  FILE * outf;
-FILE *outf_loss; //file with the information of the lost particle
+ FILE *outf_loss; //file with the information of the lost particle
  long i = 0L, j = 0L;
  double Tab[DIM][NTURN], Tab0[DIM][NTURN];
  double fx[NTERM2], fy[NTERM2], fx2[NTERM2], fy2[NTERM2], dfx, dfy;
@@ -1484,10 +1474,10 @@ FILE *outf_loss; //file with the information of the lost particle
  bool status2=true;
  struct tm *newtime;
-char FmapdpFile[max_str];
- sprintf(FmapdpFile,"%d",myid);
+ char FmapdpFile[max_str];
+ sprintf(FmapdpFile,"myid%05d_",myid);
- fprintf(stdout, "fmap_dp_p: %s\n",FmapdpFile);
+ if (trace) fprintf(stdout, "fmap_dp_p: %s\n",FmapdpFile);
 //variables of the returned the tracked particle
  long lastn = 0;
@@ -1520,22 +1510,20 @@ if(printloss){
- if(myid==0)
-   {
+ if(myid==0){
      fprintf(outf,"# TRACY III -- %s -- %s \n", FmapdpFile_p, asctime2(newtime));
      fprintf(outf,"# nu = f(x) \n");
      // fprintf(outf,"#    dp[%%]         x[mm]          fx            fy           dfx           dfy\n");
      fprintf(outf,"#    dp[m]         x[m]           fx            fy           dfx           dfy\n");
        fprintf(outf_loss,"# TRACY III -- %s -- %s \n", FmapdpLossFile, asctime2(newtime));
        fprintf(outf_loss,"# Information of the lost particle: "
-	       "  lostp = 0 (no particle lost /1(horizontal) /2(vertical) /3(longitudinal) plane \n"
+         "  lostp = 0 (no particle lost /1(horizontal) /2(vertical) /3(longitudinal) plane \n"
            "   Starting values & Phase space at turn Nturn and position s\n");
        fprintf(outf_loss,"#  dpi     xi[m]    Nturn   lostp      s[m]       x[m]"
-	       "      xp[rad]     z[m]     zp[rad]     delta      ctau\n");
+         "      xp[rad]     z[m]     zp[rad]     delta      ctau\n");
@@ -1548,48 +1536,36 @@ if ((Nbx <= 1) || (Nbe <= 1))
  xstep = xmax/sqrt((double)Nbx);
  estep = 2.0*emax/Nbe;
-// for (i = 0; i < Nbe; i++)
-// Eace core or process calculate different region of fmapdp according to id number. MSChiu 2011/10/13
+// Each core or process calculate different region of fmapdp according to id number. MSChiu 2011/10/13
  int deb,fin;
  int integer,residue;
- fprintf(stdout, "fmapdp_p: myid:%d, integer:%d, resideu:%d, numprocs:%d, Nbe:%ld\n\n",myid,integer,residue,numprocs,Nbe);
+ if (trace) fprintf(stdout, "fmapdp_p: myid:%d, integer:%d, resideu:%d, numprocs:%d, Nbe:%ld\n\n",myid,integer,residue,numprocs,Nbe);
  //split tracking region for each process
- if(myid<residue)
- {
+ if(myid<residue){
- else
- {
+ else{
  //begin tracking and FFT, and get tunes for the particle starts from (x,p)
- for (i = deb; i < fin; i++)
- {
+ for (i = deb; i < fin; i++){
    dp  = -emax + i*estep;
-   // for (i = 0; i <= Nbe; i++) {
-   // dp  = -emax + i*estep;
-//   if (!matlab) fprintf(outf,"\n");
-   //fprintf(stdout,"\n");
    for (j = 0; j<= Nbx; j++) {
-//   for (j = -Nbx; j<= Nbx; j++) {
      // IF 6D Tracking diffusion turn off and x negative for dp negative
      if ((globval.Cavity_on == true) && (dp < 0.0)){
-    //   x  = x0 - sgn(j)*sqrt((double)abs(j))*xstep;
-         x  = x0 - sqrt((double)j)*xstep;
-	diffusion = false;
+       x  = x0 - sqrt((double)j)*xstep;
+     diffusion = false;
-      // x  = x0 + sgn(j)*sqrt((double)abs(j))*xstep;
-	 x  = x0 + sqrt((double)j)*xstep;
+       x  = x0 + sqrt((double)j)*xstep;
@@ -1613,21 +1589,18 @@ if ((Nbx <= 1) || (Nbe <= 1))
      // printout value
      if (!diffusion){
-		fprintf(outf,"% 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e\n", dp, x, nux1, nuy1);
-    	//fprintf(stdout,"% 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e\n", dp, x, nux1, nuy1);
+    fprintf(outf,"% 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e\n", dp, x, nux1, nuy1);
+      //fprintf(stdout,"% 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e\n", dp, x, nux1, nuy1);
      else {
        dfx = nux2 - nux1; dfy = nuy2 - nuy1;
-	     fprintf(outf,"% 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e\n",
+       fprintf(outf,"% 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e\n",
         dp, x, nux1, nuy2, dfx, dfy);
-       //fprintf(stdout,"% 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e % 10.6e\n",
-       // dp, x, nux1, nuy2, dfx, dfy);
        fprintf(outf_loss," %-+8.3f %-+8.3f %-8ld %2d %+12.3f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f %+10.6f \n", 
                dp, x, lastn, status.lossplane, Cell[lastpos].S, x1[0],x1[1], x1[2], x1[3], x1[4], x1[5]);
@@ -3472,14 +3445,14 @@ void SetSkewQuad(void)
 /* void MomentumAcceptance(char *MomAccFile, long deb, long fin, 
                         double ep_min, double ep_max, long nstepp, double em_min, 
-			double em_max, long nstepm, long nturn)	
+      double em_max, long nstepm, long nturn)  
         Compute momemtum acceptance along the ring, track the particle with 
-	different energy, momentum acceptance is the energy when the particle
-	is lost or the last energy if the particle is not lost.
+  different energy, momentum acceptance is the energy when the particle
+  is lost or the last energy if the particle is not lost.
          Based on the version in tracy 2.
        MomAccFile   file to save calculated momentum compact factor
        deb          first element for momentum acceptance,"debut" is beginning in French
@@ -3520,23 +3493,23 @@ void SetSkewQuad(void)
                 delta_closed_orbite = dp(cavity)/2
        21/10/03 add array for vertical initial conditions using tracking
                 removed choice of tracking: now this should be done outside
        23/07/10  modify the call variable to the Cell_Pass( ): j-1L --> j (L3435, L3590)
-	         since the Cell_Pass( ) is tracking from element i0 to i1(tracy 3), and
-		       the Cell_Pass( ) is tracking from element i0+1L to i1(tracy 2).
-	    17/04/11 add number of turn
+           since the Cell_Pass( ) is tracking from element i0 to i1(tracy 3), and
+           the Cell_Pass( ) is tracking from element i0+1L to i1(tracy 2).
+      17/04/11 add number of turn
         27/06/11  fix the bug of the index in the taby and tabpy when calling Trac( ); 
                  fix the bug in the vertical closed orbit when calling Trac( ). 
         19/07/11  add the interface to save calculated momentum compact factor in the 
-	          user defined file.
-		  add interface for user to define the start vertical amplitude at the
-		  entrance lattice element which is used to find the 6D closed orbit.
-		22/06/13 Add extra files for information about lost particles
+            user defined file.
+      add interface for user to define the start vertical amplitude at the
+      entrance lattice element which is used to find the 6D closed orbit.
+    22/06/13 Add extra files for information about lost particles
 void MomentumAcceptance(char *MomAccFile, long deb, long fin, 
                         double ep_min, double ep_max, long nstepp, double em_min, 
-			            double em_max, long nstepm, long nturn, double  ymax)		
+                  double em_max, long nstepm, long nturn, double  ymax)    
   double        dP = 0.0, dp1 = 0.0, dp2 = 0.0;
   long          lastpos = 0L,lastn = 0L;
@@ -3787,7 +3760,7 @@ void MomentumAcceptance(char *MomAccFile, long deb, long fin,
     set_vectorcod(codvector, dP);
    // coordinates around closed orbit specially usefull for 6D
-    x0[x_]     	= codvector[0][x_];
+    x0[x_]       = codvector[0][x_];
     x0[px_]    = codvector[0][px_];
     x0[y_]     = codvector[0][y_] + ymax;
     x0[py_]    = codvector[0][py_];
@@ -3913,11 +3886,11 @@ void MomentumAcceptance(char *MomAccFile, long deb, long fin,
         Parallel version of MomentumAcceptance( ).
         Compute momemtum acceptance along the ring, track the particle with 
-	different energy, momentum acceptance is the energy when the particle
-	is lost or the last energy if the particle is not lost.
+  different energy, momentum acceptance is the energy when the particle
+  is lost or the last energy if the particle is not lost.
          Based on the version in tracy 2.
        MomAccFile   file to save calculated momentum compact factor
        deb          first element for momentum acceptance,"debut" is beginning in French
@@ -3955,11 +3928,11 @@ Purpose:
         19/07/11 Add feature to do parallel calculation of momentum compact factor.
-		 Merged with the version written by Mao-Sen Qiu at Taiwan light source.                                                    		
+         Merged with the version written by Mao-Sen Qiu at Taiwan light source.                                                        
 void MomentumAcceptance_p(char *_MomAccFile, long deb, long fin, double ep_min, 
                           double ep_max, long nstepp, double em_min, double em_max, 
-                          long nstepm, long nturn, double  ymax, int numprocs,int myid)		
+                          long nstepm, long nturn, double  ymax, int numprocs,int myid)    
   double        dP = 0.0, dp1 = 0.0, dp2 = 0.0;
   long          lastpos = 0L,lastn = 0L;
@@ -3987,20 +3960,19 @@ void MomentumAcceptance_p(char *_MomAccFile, long deb, long fin, double ep_min,
   // File opening for writing
   char PhaseFile[50];
-  sprintf(PhaseFile,"%d",myid);
+  sprintf(PhaseFile,"myid%05d_",myid);
   outf1 = fopen(PhaseFile, "w");
-  if(myid==0)
-  {
+  if(myid==0) {
    fprintf(outf1,"# TRACY III  -- %s \n", asctime2(newtime));
    fprintf(outf1,"#  i        x           xp            y           zp           dp          ctau\n#\n");
   char MomAccFile[50];
-  sprintf(MomAccFile,"%d",myid);
+  sprintf(MomAccFile,"myid%05d_",myid);
   fprintf(stdout, "%s\n",MomAccFile);
@@ -4016,7 +3988,7 @@ void MomentumAcceptance_p(char *_MomAccFile, long deb, long fin, double ep_min,
   // pos = deb; // starting position or element index in the ring
-  fprintf(stdout,"Computing initial conditions ... \n");
+  fprintf(stdout,"MomentumAcceptance_p: Computing initial conditions ... \n");
   // cod search has to be done in 4D since in 6D it is zero
@@ -4029,7 +4001,7 @@ void MomentumAcceptance_p(char *_MomAccFile, long deb, long fin, double ep_min,
   taby0  = (double **)malloc((nstepp)*sizeof(double*));
   tabpy0 = (double **)malloc((nstepp)*sizeof(double*));
   if (taby0 == NULL || tabpy0 == NULL){
-    fprintf(stdout,"1 out of memory \n"); return;
+    fprintf(stdout,"MomentumAcceptance_p: 1 out of memory \n"); return;
   for (i = 1L; i <= nstepp; i++)
@@ -4037,9 +4009,8 @@ void MomentumAcceptance_p(char *_MomAccFile, long deb, long fin, double ep_min,
     // Dynamical allocation 0 to nstepp -1
     taby0[i-1L]  = (double *)malloc((fin+1L)*sizeof(double));
     tabpy0[i-1L] = (double *)malloc((fin+1L)*sizeof(double));
-    if (taby0[i-1L] == NULL || tabpy0[i-1L] == NULL)
-    {
-      fprintf(stdout,"2 out of memory \n"); 
+    if (taby0[i-1L] == NULL || tabpy0[i-1L] == NULL){
+      fprintf(stdout,"MomentumAcceptance_p: 2 out of memory \n"); 
@@ -4065,33 +4036,27 @@ void MomentumAcceptance_p(char *_MomAccFile, long deb, long fin, double ep_min,
     // Store vertical initial conditions
     // case where deb is not element 1
-    if (deb > 1L)
-    {
+    if (deb > 1L){
        Cell_Pass(1L, deb - 1L, x0, lastpos); // track from 1 to deb-1L element
        j = deb -1L;
-       if (lastpos != j)
-       { // look if stable
+       if (lastpos != j){ // look if stable
          taby0 [i- 1L][j] = 1.0;
          tabpy0[i- 1L][j] = 1.0;
-       else
-       { // stable case
+       else{ // stable case
          taby0 [i - 1L][j] = x0[2] - codvector[deb-1L][2];
          tabpy0[i - 1L][j] = x0[3] - codvector[deb-1L][3];
-    else 
-    { // case where deb is element 1
+    else { // case where deb is element 1
       j = deb - 1L;
       taby0 [i - 1L][j] = x0[2] - codvector[j][2];
       tabpy0[i - 1L][j] = x0[3] - codvector[j][3];
-    for (j = deb; j < fin; j++)
-    { // loop over elements
+    for (j = deb; j < fin; j++){ // loop over elements
       Cell_Pass(j, j, x0, lastpos);
-    //Cell_Pass(j -1L, j, x0, lastpos);
       if (lastpos != j){ // look if stable
         taby0 [i - 1L][j] = 1.0;
@@ -4100,7 +4065,6 @@ void MomentumAcceptance_p(char *_MomAccFile, long deb, long fin, double ep_min,
       else{ // stable case
         taby0 [i - 1L][j] = x0[2] - codvector[j][2];
         tabpy0[i - 1L][j] = x0[3] - codvector[j][3];
-//      fprintf(stdout,"z0= % e py0= % e\n", taby0 [i - 1L][j], tabpy0 [i - 1L][j]);
@@ -4109,7 +4073,7 @@ void MomentumAcceptance_p(char *_MomAccFile, long deb, long fin, double ep_min,
   globval.radiation = radiationflag;
-  fprintf(stdout,"Computing positive momentum acceptance ... \n");
+  fprintf(stdout,"MomentumAcceptance_p: Computing positive momentum acceptance ... \n");
 //split tracking element region for each process
@@ -4118,35 +4082,32 @@ void MomentumAcceptance_p(char *_MomAccFile, long deb, long fin, double ep_min,
   int integer,residue;
   //the end element should not less than start element
-if(fin < deb){
-  fprintf(stdout, "MomentumAcceptance_p: End element index %ld should be NOT"
+  if(fin < deb){
+    fprintf(stdout, "MomentumAcceptance_p: End element index %ld should be NOT"
                   "smaller than the start element index %ld\n",fin,deb);
-  exit_(1);
+    exit_(1);
+  }
-  fprintf(stdout, "MomentumAcceptance_p: myid:%d, integer:%d, resideu:%d, numprocs:%d\n",
+  if (trace) fprintf(stdout, "MomentumAcceptance_p: myid:%d, integer:%d, resideu:%d, numprocs:%d\n",
   //split tracking element region  for each process
   //the start element is from deb
-  if(myid<residue)
-    {
+  if(myid<residue){
       debN=myid*(integer+1) +deb;
       finN=(myid+1)*(integer+1) +deb;
-  else
-    {
+  else{
       debN=residue*(integer+1)+(myid-residue)*integer +deb;
       finN=residue*(integer+1)+(myid+1-residue)*integer +deb;
- for(pos=debN;pos<finN;pos++)  
-  {
+ for(pos=debN;pos<finN;pos++) {
     getcod(dP=0.0, lastpos);       // determine closed orbit
@@ -4162,15 +4123,14 @@ if(fin < deb){
                        pos, x, px, y, py, delta, ctau0);
     if (trace) fprintf(stdout,"%3ld %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g\n", pos, 
-           globval.CODvect[0], globval.CODvect[1],globval.CODvect[2],
-           globval.CODvect[3], globval.CODvect[4],globval.CODvect[5]);
+           globval.CODvect[x_], globval.CODvect[px_],globval.CODvect[y_],
+           globval.CODvect[py_], globval.CODvect[delta_],globval.CODvect[ct_]);
     dp1 = 0.0;
     dp2 = 0.0;
     i   = 0L;
-    do // Tracking over nturn
-    {
+    do {// Tracking over nturn
       dp1 = dp2;
@@ -4179,7 +4139,6 @@ if(fin < deb){
         dp2 = ep_max;  
-     // if (trace)  fprintf(stdout, "i=%4ld pos=%4ld dp=%6.4g\n",i,pos,dp2);
       if (trace)
         fprintf(stdout, "i=%4ld dp=%6.4g pos=%3ld %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g\n", 
                          i, dp2, pos, x, px, y+taby0[i-1L][pos-1L], 
@@ -4189,7 +4148,7 @@ if(fin < deb){
                         pos, taby0[i-1L][pos-1L], tabpy0[i-1L][pos-1L]);
       Trac(x, px, y+taby0[i-1L][pos-1L], py+tabpy0[i-1L][pos-1L], dp2+delta , 
-      ctau0, nturn, pos, lastn, lastpos, outf1);
+           ctau0, nturn, pos, lastn, lastpos, outf1, x1);
     }while (((lastn) == nturn) && (i != nstepp));
@@ -4211,8 +4170,7 @@ if(fin < deb){
   }//while(pos != fin);
   // free memory
-  for (i = 1L; i <= nstepp; i++)
-  {
+  for (i = 1L; i <= nstepp; i++){
     free(taby0 [i - 1L]);
     free(tabpy0[i - 1L]);
@@ -4243,7 +4201,7 @@ if(fin < deb){
   taby0  = (double **)malloc((nstepm)*sizeof(double*));
   tabpy0 = (double **)malloc((nstepm)*sizeof(double*));
   if (taby0 == NULL || tabpy0 == NULL){
-    fprintf(stdout,"1 out of memory \n"); return;
+    fprintf(stdout,"MomentumAcceptance_p: 1 out of memory \n"); return;
   for (i = 1L; i <= nstepm; i++){ // loop over energy
@@ -4251,7 +4209,7 @@ if(fin < deb){
     taby0[i-1L]  = (double *)malloc((fin+1L)*sizeof(double));
     tabpy0[i-1L] = (double *)malloc((fin+1L)*sizeof(double));
     if (taby0[i-1L] == NULL || tabpy0[i-1L] == NULL){
-      fprintf(stdout,"2 out of memory \n"); return;
+      fprintf(stdout,"MomentumAcceptance_p: 2 out of memory \n"); return;
     // compute dP
@@ -4290,7 +4248,6 @@ if(fin < deb){
       j = deb - 1L;
       taby0 [i - 1L][j] = x0[2] - codvector[j][2];
       tabpy0[i - 1L][j] = x0[3] - codvector[j][3];
-//    fprintf(stdout,"z0= % e py0= % e\n", taby0 [i - 1L][j], tabpy0 [i - 1L][j]);
     for (j = deb; j < fin; j++){ // loop over elements
@@ -4303,8 +4260,6 @@ if(fin < deb){
       else{ // stable case
         taby0 [i - 1L][j] = x0[2] - codvector[j][2];
         tabpy0[i - 1L][j] = x0[3] - codvector[j][3];
-//        fprintf(stdout,"dP= % e pos= %ld z0= % e py0= % e\n", 
-//        dP, j, taby0 [i - 1L][j], tabpy0 [i - 1L][j]);
@@ -4313,30 +4268,28 @@ if(fin < deb){
   globval.radiation = radiationflag;
-  fprintf(stdout,"Computing negative momentum acceptance ... \n");
+  fprintf(stdout,"MomentumAcceptance_p: Computing negative momentum acceptance ... \n");
   // do 
- for(pos=debN;pos<finN;pos++)
+ for(pos=debN;pos<finN;pos++){
     getcod(dP=0.0, lastpos);       // determine closed orbit
     // coordinates around closed orbit which is non zero for 6D tracking
-    x     = Cell.BeamPos[0];
-    px    = Cell.BeamPos[1];
-    y     = Cell.BeamPos[2];
-    py    = Cell.BeamPos[3];
-    delta = Cell.BeamPos[4];
-    ctau0 = Cell.BeamPos[5];
-    fprintf(stdout,"%3ld %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g\n", 
+    x     = Cell.BeamPos[x_];
+    px    = Cell.BeamPos[px_];
+    y     = Cell.BeamPos[y_];
+    py    = Cell.BeamPos[py_];
+    delta = Cell.BeamPos[delta_];
+    ctau0 = Cell.BeamPos[ct_];
+    if (trace) fprintf(stdout,"%3ld %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g\n", 
                    pos, x, px, y, py, delta, ctau0);
     dp1 = 0.0;
     dp2 = 0.0;
     i   = 0L;
-    do // Tracking over nturn
-    {
+    do {// Tracking over nturn
       dp1 = dp2;
       if (nstepm != 1L) {
@@ -4347,9 +4300,10 @@ if(fin < deb){
       if (trace)
         fprintf(stdout, "i=%4ld pos=%4ld dp=%6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g %6.4g\n",
-        i,pos,dp2, x, px, y+taby0[i-1L][pos-1L], py+tabpy0[i-1L][pos-1L], dp2+delta, ctau0);
-        Trac(x, px, y+taby0[i-1L][pos-1L], py+tabpy0[i-1L][pos-1L],
-             dp2+delta , ctau0, nturn, pos, lastn, lastpos, outf1);
+                i,pos,dp2, x, px, y+taby0[i-1L][pos-1L], py+tabpy0[i-1L][pos-1L],
+                dp2+delta, ctau0);
+      Trac(x, px, y+taby0[i-1L][pos-1L], py+tabpy0[i-1L][pos-1L],
+           dp2+delta , ctau0, nturn, pos, lastn, lastpos, outf1, x1);
     while (((lastn) == nturn) && (i != nstepm));
@@ -4357,10 +4311,10 @@ if(fin < deb){
-    if (!trace) fprintf(stdout, "i=%4ld pos=%4ld dp=%6.4g\n",i,pos,dp2);
-    if (!trace) fprintf(stdout, "pos=%4ld z0 =% 10.5f  py0 =% 10.5f  \n", 
+    if (trace) fprintf(stdout, "i=%4ld pos=%4ld dp=%6.4g\n",i,pos,dp2);
+    if (trace) fprintf(stdout, "pos=%4ld z0 =% 10.5f  py0 =% 10.5f  \n", 
                         pos, taby0[i-1L][pos-1L], tabpy0[i-1L][pos-1L]);
-    if (!trace) fprintf(stdout, "%4ld %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %*s\n", 
+    if (trace) fprintf(stdout, "%4ld %10.5f %10.5f %10.5f %*s\n", 
                         pos, Cell.S, dp1, Clost.S, 5, Clost.Elem.PName);
     fprintf(outf2,"%4ld %10.3f  %-5.5s  %+10.2e %5d  %10.3f    %-5.5s "
                   "%+10.3e %+10.3e %+10.3e %+10.3e %+10.3e %+10.3e \n", 
@@ -4372,11 +4326,11 @@ if(fin < deb){
  //while(pos != fin);
   // free memory
-  for (i = 1L; i <= nstepp; i++)
-  {
+  for (i = 1L; i <= nstepp; i++){
     free(taby0 [i - 1L]);
     free(tabpy0[i - 1L]);
@@ -4385,7 +4339,6 @@ if(fin < deb){
 /* set_vectorcod(double codvector[Cell_nLocMax][6], double dP)
@@ -4608,7 +4561,7 @@ void spectrum(long Nbx, long Nby, long Nbtour, double xmax, double ymax,
 void TracCO(double x, double px, double y, double py, double dp, double ctau,
-	    long nmax, long pos, long &lastn, long &lastpos, FILE *outf1)
+      long nmax, long pos, long &lastn, long &lastpos, FILE *outf1)
   bool lostF; /* Lost particle Flag */
   Vector x1;     /* tracking coordinates */
@@ -4643,8 +4596,8 @@ void TracCO(double x, double px, double y, double py, double dp, double ctau,
       if (!trace) { // print initial conditions
         fprintf(outf1, "%6ld %+10.5e %+10.5e %+10.5e %+10.5e"
-		" %+10.5e %+10.5e \n",
-		lastn, x1[x_], x1[px_], x1[y_], x1[py_], x1[delta_], x1[ct_]);
+    " %+10.5e %+10.5e \n",
+    lastn, x1[x_], x1[px_], x1[y_], x1[py_], x1[delta_], x1[ct_]);
     //  Cell_Pass(pos-1L, globval.Cell_nLoc, x1, lastpos);
@@ -4657,8 +4610,8 @@ void TracCO(double x, double px, double y, double py, double dp, double ctau,
       fprintf(stdout, "TracCO: Particle lost \n");
       fprintf(stdout, "turn=%6ld %+10.5g %+10.5g %+10.5g"
-	      " %+10.5g %+10.5g %+10.5g \n",
-	      lastn, x1[x_], x1[px_], x1[y_], x1[py_], x1[delta_], x1[ct_]);
+        " %+10.5g %+10.5g %+10.5g \n",
+        lastn, x1[x_], x1[px_], x1[y_], x1[py_], x1[delta_], x1[ct_]);
@@ -5210,7 +5163,7 @@ void Coupling_Edwards_Teng(void)
          tphi    = 0.0,   /* tan(phi) */
          cphi    = 0.0,   /* cos(phi) */
          sphi    = 0.0;   /* sin(phi) */
  Matrix  M, N, m, n, D, A, B, R, S;
  Matrix  Rinv, Dinv, nm, MminusN, tS, tn, U2T, dummy, T, U, Sigma;
  Vector V; 
@@ -5633,9 +5586,9 @@ void PhaseLongitudinalHamiltonien(void)
   /* Laskar's integrator is not a good idea here, since the correction factor is
      not integrable */
   const double D1 = 0.675603595979829E0;
-	const double D2 =-0.175603595979829E0;
-	const double C2 = 0.135120719195966E1;
-	const double C3 =-0.170241438391932E1;
+  const double D2 =-0.175603595979829E0;
+  const double C2 = 0.135120719195966E1;
+  const double C3 =-0.170241438391932E1;
   FILE *outf;
   const char fic[] = "longitudinal.out";
@@ -5891,7 +5844,7 @@ void Enveloppe2(double x, double px, double y, double py, double dp, double ntur
 //  }
   fprintf(stdout, "xcod=%.5e mm zcod=% .5e mm \n",
-	 globval.CODvect[0]*1e3, globval.CODvect[2]*1e3);
+   globval.CODvect[0]*1e3, globval.CODvect[2]*1e3);
   if ((outf = fopen(fic, "w")) == NULL) {
     fprintf(stdout, "Enveloppe: error while opening file %s\n", fic);
@@ -6025,11 +5978,11 @@ void set_RFVoltage(const int Fnum, const double V_RF){
        Read multipole errors from a file
         The input format of the file is:
-	seed   radom_number ; this set is optional, and only works for the rms error
-	keyWords  sys/rms  raduis when the field error is meausred "r0", field error order "n", 
-	                   field error component "Bn", field error component "An"; "n","Bn,""An",...
+  seed   radom_number ; this set is optional, and only works for the rms error
+  keyWords  sys/rms  raduis when the field error is meausred "r0", field error order "n", 
+                     field error component "Bn", field error component "An"; "n","Bn,""An",...
@@ -6049,8 +6002,8 @@ void set_RFVoltage(const int Fnum, const double V_RF){
        10/2010  Written by Jianfeng Zhang
        01/2011  Fix the bug for reading the end of line symbol "\n" , "\r",'\r\n' 
-	        at different operation system
-       04/2011 	Change the set of 'seed' for rms error in file, now it's mandatory.	
+          at different operation system
+       04/2011   Change the set of 'seed' for rms error in file, now it's mandatory.  
 void ReadFieldErr(const char *FieldErrorFile) 
@@ -6086,60 +6039,60 @@ void ReadFieldErr(const char *FieldErrorFile)
     /* check the line is whether comment line or null line*/
     if (strstr(line, "#") == NULL && strcmp(line,"\n") != 0 &&
          strcmp(line,"\r") != 0 &&strcmp(line,"\r\n") != 0) {
         sscanf(line, "%s", name); 
-	if (strcmp("seed", name) == 0) { // the line to set random seed
+  if (strcmp("seed", name) == 0) { // the line to set random seed
           sscanf(line, "%*s %d", &seed_val); 
           fprintf(stdout, "ReadFieldErr: setting random seed to %d\n", seed_val);
           set_rnd = true;
-	  iniranf(seed_val); 
+    iniranf(seed_val); 
       } else{//line to set (n Bn An sequence)
-	/*read and assign the key words and measure radius*/
-	  sscanf(line, " %*s %s %lf",keywrd, &r0);
-	  if (prt) fprintf(stdout, "\nsetting <%s> multipole error to: %-5s r0 = %7.1le\n",keywrd,name,r0);
-	  rms = (strcmp("rms", keywrd) == 0)? true : false;
-	  if (rms && !set_rnd) { 
+  /*read and assign the key words and measure radius*/
+    sscanf(line, " %*s %s %lf",keywrd, &r0);
+    if (prt) fprintf(stdout, "\nsetting <%s> multipole error to: %-5s r0 = %7.1le\n",keywrd,name,r0);
+    rms = (strcmp("rms", keywrd) == 0)? true : false;
+    if (rms && !set_rnd) { 
               fprintf(stdout, "ReadFieldErr: seed not defined\n");
-	  // skip first three parameters
-	  strtok(line, " \t");
-	  strtok(NULL, " \t");
-	  strtok(NULL, " \t");
-	  /* read the end of line symbol '\n','\r','\r\n' at different operation system*/
-	  while ((prm = strtok(NULL, " \t")) != NULL && strcmp(prm, "\n") != 0 &&
-	       strcmp(prm, "\r") != 0 && strcmp(prm, "\r\n") != 0) {
-	    /* read and assign n Bn An*/
-	    sscanf(prm, "%d", &n);
-	    prm = get_prm(); /*move the pointer to the next block of the line, delimiter is table key */
-	    sscanf(prm, "%lf", &Bn);
-	    prm = get_prm(); 
-	    sscanf(prm, "%lf", &An);
-	    if (prt)
-	      fprintf(stdout, " n = %2d, Bn = %9.1e, An = %9.1e\n", n, Bn, An);
-	    /* set multipole errors to horizontal correctors of soleil ring*/
-	    if(strcmp("hcorr", name) == 0)
-	      AddCorrQtErr_fam(fic_hcorr,globval.hcorr,_convHcorr,keywrd,r0,n,Bn,An);
-	    /* set multipole errors to vertical correctors of soleil ring*/
+    // skip first three parameters
+    strtok(line, " \t");
+    strtok(NULL, " \t");
+    strtok(NULL, " \t");
+    /* read the end of line symbol '\n','\r','\r\n' at different operation system*/
+    while ((prm = strtok(NULL, " \t")) != NULL && strcmp(prm, "\n") != 0 &&
+         strcmp(prm, "\r") != 0 && strcmp(prm, "\r\n") != 0) {
+      /* read and assign n Bn An*/
+      sscanf(prm, "%d", &n);
+      prm = get_prm(); /*move the pointer to the next block of the line, delimiter is table key */
+      sscanf(prm, "%lf", &Bn);
+      prm = get_prm(); 
+      sscanf(prm, "%lf", &An);
+      if (prt)
+        fprintf(stdout, " n = %2d, Bn = %9.1e, An = %9.1e\n", n, Bn, An);
+      /* set multipole errors to horizontal correctors of soleil ring*/
+      if(strcmp("hcorr", name) == 0)
+        AddCorrQtErr_fam(fic_hcorr,globval.hcorr,_convHcorr,keywrd,r0,n,Bn,An);
+      /* set multipole errors to vertical correctors of soleil ring*/
            else if(strcmp("vcorr", name) == 0)
-	     AddCorrQtErr_fam(fic_vcorr,globval.vcorr,_convVcorr,keywrd,r0,n,Bn,An);
-	    /* set multipole errors to skew quadrupoles of soleil ring*/
-	     else if(strcmp("qt", name) == 0)
-	       AddCorrQtErr_fam(fic_skew,globval.qt,_convQt,keywrd,r0,n,Bn,An);   
-	    else
-	    /* set errors for other multipole*/
-	      AddFieldErrors(name,keywrd, r0, n, Bn, An) ;
-	}      
+       AddCorrQtErr_fam(fic_vcorr,globval.vcorr,_convVcorr,keywrd,r0,n,Bn,An);
+      /* set multipole errors to skew quadrupoles of soleil ring*/
+       else if(strcmp("qt", name) == 0)
+         AddCorrQtErr_fam(fic_skew,globval.qt,_convQt,keywrd,r0,n,Bn,An);   
+      else
+      /* set errors for other multipole*/
+        AddFieldErrors(name,keywrd, r0, n, Bn, An) ;
+  }      
     }//end of read the (n Bn An) sequence
   //end of the line
@@ -6153,8 +6106,8 @@ void ReadFieldErr(const char *FieldErrorFile)
 void AddFieldErrors(const char *name, const char *keywrd,const double r0,
-		    const int n, const double Bn, const double An) 
+        const int n, const double Bn, const double An) 
        Add field error of the elements with the same type or single element,
        with the previous value, and then  the summation value replaces 
@@ -6164,7 +6117,7 @@ void AddFieldErrors(const char *name, const char *keywrd,const double r0,
       name         type name or element name
       keyword      "rms" or "sys"
                    "rms":  random  multipole error
-		           "sys":  systematic multipole error
+               "sys":  systematic multipole error
       r0           radius at which error is measured, error field is relative 
                    to the design field strength when r0 !=0
       n            order of the error
@@ -6188,7 +6141,7 @@ void AddFieldErrors(const char *name, const char *keywrd,const double r0,
      10/2010  Written by Jianfeng Zhang
 void AddFieldErrors(const char *name,const char *keywrd, const double r0,
-		    const int n, const double Bn, const double An) 
+        const int n, const double Bn, const double An) 
   int     Fnum = 0;
@@ -6212,8 +6165,8 @@ void AddFieldErrors(const char *name,const char *keywrd, const double r0,
 void SetFieldValues_type(const int N, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
-			 const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
+       const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
        Add the field error of the upright multipole with the design order "type" 
        with the previous value, and then the summation value replaces the previous value.
@@ -6221,14 +6174,14 @@ void SetFieldValues_type(const int N, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
       N            type name 
       keywrd       "rms" or "sys"
                    "rms":  random  multipole error
-		   "sys":  systematic multipole error    
+       "sys":  systematic multipole error    
       r0           radius at which error is measured, error field is relative 
                    to the design field strength when r0 != 0
-		   if r0 == 0, the Bn and An are absolute value. 
+       if r0 == 0, the Bn and An are absolute value. 
       n            order of the error
       Bn           relative B component of  n-th error
       An           relative A component of  n-th error
@@ -6251,7 +6204,7 @@ void SetFieldValues_type(const int N, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
      short quadrupoles
 void AddFieldValues_type(const int N, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
-			 const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
+       const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
   double  bnL = 0.0, anL = 0.0, KLN = 0.0;
     int   k = 0;
@@ -6261,46 +6214,46 @@ void AddFieldValues_type(const int N, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
         //only set upright multipole, NOT set skew multipole(skew quadrupole,etc)
         if ((Cell[k].Elem.Pkind == Mpole) && Cell[k].Elem.M->n_design == N && Cell[k].Elem.M->PdTpar == 0)
-	{ 
-	  //find the integrated design field strength
-	  if(N == 1)
+  { 
+    //find the integrated design field strength
+    if(N == 1)
             KLN = Cell[k].Elem.PL*Cell[k].Elem.M->Pirho; /*dipole angle*/
-	  else 
-	    KLN = GetKLpar(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum, N);/*other multipoles*/
-	  //absolute integrated multipole error strength
-	  if (r0 == 0){ 
-	    bnL = Bn;
-	    anL = An;
-	  }else{
-	    bnL = Bn/pow(r0, n-N)*KLN; 
+    else 
+      KLN = GetKLpar(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum, N);/*other multipoles*/
+    //absolute integrated multipole error strength
+    if (r0 == 0){ 
+      bnL = Bn;
+      anL = An;
+    }else{
+      bnL = Bn/pow(r0, n-N)*KLN; 
             anL = An/pow(r0, n-N)*KLN;
-	  }
+    }
-	  //NOT add the multipole errors of short quadrupole to long quadrupole qp2 & qp7 of soleil ring
-	    // for the lattice with quadrupoles which are cut into two halves
+    //NOT add the multipole errors of short quadrupole to long quadrupole qp2 & qp7 of soleil ring
+      // for the lattice with quadrupoles which are cut into two halves
           if(N == 2 && strncmp(Cell[k].Elem.PName,"qp2",3)==0)
-	    Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum,keywrd, n, 0, 0);
-	  else if(N == 2 && strncmp(Cell[k].Elem.PName,"qp7",3)==0)
-	    Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum, keywrd, n, 0, 0);
-	    // for the lattice with full quadrupoles 
-	  else if(N == 2 && strncmp(Cell[k].Elem.PName,"q2",2)==0)
-	    Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum, keywrd, n, 0, 0);
-	  else if(N == 2 && strncmp(Cell[k].Elem.PName,"q7",2)==0)
-	    Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum, keywrd, n, 0, 0);
-	  else
-	  //add errors to multipoles except qp2, qp7
-	     Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum, keywrd,n, bnL,anL);	
+      Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum,keywrd, n, 0, 0);
+    else if(N == 2 && strncmp(Cell[k].Elem.PName,"qp7",3)==0)
+      Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum, keywrd, n, 0, 0);
+      // for the lattice with full quadrupoles 
+    else if(N == 2 && strncmp(Cell[k].Elem.PName,"q2",2)==0)
+      Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum, keywrd, n, 0, 0);
+    else if(N == 2 && strncmp(Cell[k].Elem.PName,"q7",2)==0)
+      Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum, keywrd, n, 0, 0);
+    else
+    //add errors to multipoles except qp2, qp7
+       Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[k].Fnum, Cell[k].Knum, keywrd,n, bnL,anL);  
 void AddFieldValues_fam(const int Fnum, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
-			const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
+      const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
        add field error of all the kids in a family, with the previous value, 
        and then the summation value replaces the previous value.
@@ -6309,14 +6262,14 @@ void AddFieldValues_fam(const int Fnum, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
       Fnum            family name 
       keywrd       "rms" or "sys"
                    "rms":  random  multipole error
-		   "sys":  systematic multipole error   
+       "sys":  systematic multipole error   
       r0              radius at which error is measured
                       for the case of r0 ???????
       n               order of the error
       Bn              relative B component for the n-th error
       An              relative A component for the n-th error
@@ -6335,7 +6288,7 @@ void AddFieldValues_fam(const int Fnum, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
      10/2010  Written by Jianfeng Zhang
 void AddFieldValues_fam(const int Fnum, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
-			const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
+      const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
   int     loc = 0, ElemNum = 0, N = 0, k = 0;
   double  bnL = 0.0, anL = 0.0, KLN = 0.0;
@@ -6345,20 +6298,20 @@ void AddFieldValues_fam(const int Fnum, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
        // find the integrated design field strength for multipole
-	   if (Cell[loc].Elem.M->n_design == 1)
+     if (Cell[loc].Elem.M->n_design == 1)
            KLN = Cell[loc].Elem.PL*Cell[loc].Elem.M->Pirho; /* dipole angle */
-	   KLN = GetKLpar(Cell[loc].Fnum, Cell[loc].Knum, N);/* other multipole*/
+     KLN = GetKLpar(Cell[loc].Fnum, Cell[loc].Knum, N);/* other multipole*/
-	   /* absolute integrated field strength*/
-	   if (r0 == 0){ //?????????
-	    bnL = Bn;
-	    anL = An;
-	  }else{
-	   bnL = Bn/pow(r0, n-N)*KLN; 
+     /* absolute integrated field strength*/
+     if (r0 == 0){ //?????????
+      bnL = Bn;
+      anL = An;
+    }else{
+     bnL = Bn/pow(r0, n-N)*KLN; 
            anL = An/pow(r0, n-N)*KLN;
-	  } 
-	   //add absolute multipole field error for the family
+    } 
+     //add absolute multipole field error for the family
            for(k = 1; k <= GetnKid(Fnum); k++){
              ElemNum = Elem_GetPos(Fnum, k);  /*get the element index*/
              Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[ElemNum].Fnum, Cell[ElemNum].Knum,keywrd, n, bnL, anL);
@@ -6368,23 +6321,23 @@ void AddFieldValues_fam(const int Fnum, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
 void add_bnL_sys_elem(const int Fnum, const int Knum, const char *keywrd,
-		      const int n, const double bnL, const double anL)
+          const int n, const double bnL, const double anL)
        Add the field error with the previous value, then
-	the summmation value replace the previous value,
-	in the PBsys definition of multipole. 	
+  the summmation value replace the previous value,
+  in the PBsys definition of multipole.   
       Fnum           family index
       Knum           kids index   
       keywrd         "rms" or "sys"
                      "rms":  random  multipole error
-		     "sys":  systematic multipole error 
+         "sys":  systematic multipole error 
       n              order of the error
       bnL            absolute integrated B component for the n-th error
       anL            absolute integrated A component for the n-th error
@@ -6405,7 +6358,7 @@ void add_bnL_sys_elem(const int Fnum, const int Knum, const char *keywrd,
      Rms error on the quadrupoles: only works for full quadrupole, not for half quadrupole
 void Add_bnL_sys_elem(const int Fnum, const int Knum, const char *keywrd,
-		      const int n, const double bnL, const double anL)
+          const int n, const double bnL, const double anL)
   elemtype  elem;
   double *elemMPB; //skew components of the multipole
@@ -6445,19 +6398,19 @@ void Add_bnL_sys_elem(const int Fnum, const int Knum, const char *keywrd,
   if (prt)
     fprintf(stdout, "add the %s error:  n=%d component of %s, bnL = %e,  %e, anL = %e,  %e\n",
-	   keywrd,n, Cell[Elem_GetPos(Fnum, Knum)].Elem.PName,
-	   bnL, elemMPB[HOMmax+n],anL, elemMPB[HOMmax-n]);
+     keywrd,n, Cell[Elem_GetPos(Fnum, Knum)].Elem.PName,
+     bnL, elemMPB[HOMmax+n],anL, elemMPB[HOMmax-n]);
 void SetCorrQtErr_fam(char const *fic, const int Fnum, const double conv, const double r0,
-			const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
+      const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
        Set multipole field error to the thick sextupole which also functions as
        skew quadrupoles, horizontal and vertical correctors which are used for 
        orbit correction.
       fic             file name with measured corrector value or qt values
       Fnum            family index of horizontal or vertical corrector or skew quadrupole 
@@ -6465,7 +6418,7 @@ void SetCorrQtErr_fam(char const *fic, const int Fnum, const double conv, const
       r0              radius at which error is measured
       n               order of the error
       Bn              integrated B component for the n-th error
-      An              integrated A component for the n-th error	    
+      An              integrated A component for the n-th error      
@@ -6483,13 +6436,13 @@ void SetCorrQtErr_fam(char const *fic, const int Fnum, const double conv, const
      a.) Measured corrector value is read from a file "fic"
      b.) correctors are at the same location of some sextupoles,
-	 so their multipole errors are added to the thick sextupoles
-	 which also functions as these correctors.  
+   so their multipole errors are added to the thick sextupoles
+   which also functions as these correctors.  
        10/2010  Written by Jianfeng Zhang
 void AddCorrQtErr_fam(char const *fic, const int Fnum, const double conv, const char *keywrd, const double r0,
-			const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
+      const int n, const double Bn, const double An)
   int     i = 0, N = 0, corr_index = 0;
   double  bnL = 0.0, anL = 0.0;
@@ -6568,12 +6521,12 @@ void AddCorrQtErr_fam(char const *fic, const int Fnum, const double conv, const
       Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[corrlistThick[i]].Fnum,Cell[corrlistThick[i]].Knum,keywrd, n, Bn, An);
     } else {
         conv_strength = corr*conv/brho; 
-	// absolute integrated error field strength
+  // absolute integrated error field strength
         bnL = Bn/pow(r0, n-N)*conv_strength; 
         anL = An/pow(r0, n-N)*conv_strength;
-        Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[corrlistThick[i]].Fnum,Cell[corrlistThick[i]].Knum,keywrd, n, bnL, anL);	
+        Add_bnL_sys_elem(Cell[corrlistThick[i]].Fnum,Cell[corrlistThick[i]].Knum,keywrd, n, bnL, anL);  
   fclose(fi); /* close corrector file */
@@ -6647,8 +6600,8 @@ void FitTune4(long qf1,long qf2, long qd1, long qd2, double nux, double nuy)
 void PrintTrack(const char *TrackFile, double x, double px, double y,double py, 
            double delta, double ctau, long int nmax)
-  Purpose:	   
+  Purpose:     
     Print the coordinates at each lattice element by tracking around COD
@@ -6666,7 +6619,7 @@ void PrintTrack(const char *TrackFile, double x, double px, double y,double py,
     Written by Jianfeng Zhang  @ synchro. soleil 05/2011    
 void PrintTrack(const char *TrackFile, double x, double px, double y,double py, 
            double delta, double ctau, long int nmax)
@@ -6685,7 +6638,7 @@ void PrintTrack(const char *TrackFile, double x, double px, double y,double py,
     fprintf(outf, "# Tracking using TRACY III-- %s -- %s\n",TrackFile, asctime2(newtime));
     fprintf(outf, "#\n");  
-   // fprintf(outf, "# work tunes: %7.5f %7.5f\n",globval.TotalTune[0], globval.TotalTune[1]);		      
+   // fprintf(outf, "# work tunes: %7.5f %7.5f\n",globval.TotalTune[0], globval.TotalTune[1]);          
     fprintf(outf, "#    i  ElemName            S           x            p_x           y          p_y");
     fprintf(outf, "         delta         cdt     NTurns \n");
     fprintf(outf, "#                          [m]        [mm]         [mrad]        [mm]        [mrad]");      
@@ -6698,10 +6651,10 @@ void PrintTrack(const char *TrackFile, double x, double px, double y,double py,
     x0[y_] = y;
     x0[py_] = py;
     x0[delta_] = delta;
-    x0[ct_] = ctau;	     
+    x0[ct_] = ctau;       
     //get the close orbit at each element around the ring 
-    set_vectorcod(codvector, delta);		     
-    //get the absolute initial coordinates		     
+    set_vectorcod(codvector, delta);         
+    //get the absolute initial coordinates         
     x2[x_] = x0[x_] + codvector[1][x_];
     x2[px_] = x0[px_] + codvector[1][px_];
     x2[y_] = x0[y_] + codvector[1][y_];
@@ -6717,41 +6670,41 @@ void PrintTrack(const char *TrackFile, double x, double px, double y,double py,
  //print the coordinates at each elements   
     do {
         pos = 1;//track from first element
-	(lastn)++;
+  (lastn)++;
         for (i = 0; i < nv_; i++)  //nv_ = 6
             x1[i] = x2[i];
         while( pos <= globval.Cell_nLoc){  
-          Cell_Pass(pos, pos, x2, lastpos); 	    	
-	  //check whether particle is lost
-	  if (!CheckAmpl(x2, pos)){
-	      fprintf(stderr,"Error!!! %ld turn, Particle lost at element: %s!",
-	                      lastn, Cell[pos].Elem.PName);
-	       exit_(1);
-	  }
-	  //get the coordinates around the closed orbit   
+          Cell_Pass(pos, pos, x2, lastpos);         
+    //check whether particle is lost
+    if (!CheckAmpl(x2, pos)){
+        fprintf(stderr,"Error!!! %ld turn, Particle lost at element: %s!",
+                        lastn, Cell[pos].Elem.PName);
+         exit_(1);
+    }
+    //get the coordinates around the closed orbit   
           for (i = x_; i <= py_; i++)   //x_=0,px_=1,y_=2,py_=3
             xf[i] = x2[i] - codvector[pos][i];
           for (i = delta_; i <= ct_; i++) //delta_=4,ct_=5
             if (globval.Cavity_on && (i != ct_))
               xf[i] = x2[i] - codvector[pos][i];
               xf[i] = x2[i];
-	  if (prt) {
-	    fprintf(stdout, "%4ld %4ld %s %6.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %4ld \n",
+    if (prt) {
+      fprintf(stdout, "%4ld %4ld %s %6.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %4ld \n",
                      pos, lastpos,Cell[pos].Elem.PName,Cell[pos].S, 1e3*xf[x_], 1e3*xf[px_], 
-		     1e3*xf[y_], 1e3*xf[py_],1e2*xf[delta_], 1e3*xf[ct_],lastn);
-          }	
+         1e3*xf[y_], 1e3*xf[py_],1e2*xf[delta_], 1e3*xf[ct_],lastn);
+          }  
           fprintf(outf,"%6ld  %s %8.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e %12.4e %4ld \n",
                      pos,Cell[pos].Elem.PName,Cell[pos].S, 1e3*xf[x_], 1e3*xf[px_], 
-		     1e3*xf[y_], 1e3*xf[py_],1e2*xf[delta_], 1e3*xf[ct_],lastn);  	    
-	pos++;	     	     
-	}//finish of tracking and printing to file  
+         1e3*xf[y_], 1e3*xf[py_],1e2*xf[delta_], 1e3*xf[ct_],lastn);        
+  pos++;              
+  }//finish of tracking and printing to file  
     } while ((lastn != nmax) && (lastpos == globval.Cell_nLoc));
 //     if (globval.MatMeth)
@@ -6777,14 +6730,14 @@ void PrintTrack(const char *TrackFile, double x, double px, double y,double py,
  void ReadVirtualSkewQuad(const char *VirtualSkewQuadFile)
-  int     nqtcorr= 0;  			/* Number of virtual skew quadrupoles */ 
+  int     nqtcorr= 0;        /* Number of virtual skew quadrupoles */ 
   int      i=0;
   long     mOrder = 0L;
-  double  qtcorr[max_str];			/* virtual skew quad value in Amps */
+  double  qtcorr[max_str];      /* virtual skew quad value in Amps */
   double  conv = 0.0, brho = 0.0, corr_strength =0.0;
-  brho = globval.Energy/0.299792458; 		/* magnetic rigidity */
-  conv = 93.88e-4;  				/*conversion des A en T*/
+  brho = globval.Energy/0.299792458;     /* magnetic rigidity */
+  conv = 93.88e-4;          /*conversion des A en T*/
   nqtcorr = GetnKid(ElemIndex("SQ"));
   fprintf(stdout, "Number of virtual skew quadrupoles: %d\n",nqtcorr);
@@ -6890,7 +6843,7 @@ void CODCorrect(const char *hcorr_file, const char *vcorr_file,int n_orbit,int n
         /*      cod = CorrectCOD_N(ae_file, n_orbit, n_scale, k);*/
   fprintf(stdout, "\n");
   if (cod){
         /*         fprintf(stdout, "done with orbit correction, now do coupling",
                " correction plus vert. disp\n");*/
@@ -6900,7 +6853,7 @@ void CODCorrect(const char *hcorr_file, const char *vcorr_file,int n_orbit,int n
     fprintf(stdout, "!!! Orbit correction failed\n");
-	      //chk_cod(cod, "iter # %3d error_and_correction");   
+        //chk_cod(cod, "iter # %3d error_and_correction");   
       // for debugging
       //print flat lattice