diff --git a/mbtrack2/tracking/__init__.py b/mbtrack2/tracking/__init__.py
index 02843e280f5cd945178b040b903c468b095765cc..62e879ffe210caa1a3e56a445ce7b8742d6097db 100644
--- a/mbtrack2/tracking/__init__.py
+++ b/mbtrack2/tracking/__init__.py
@@ -31,3 +31,4 @@ from mbtrack2.tracking.wakepotential import (
+from mbtrack2.tracking.excite import Sweep
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mbtrack2/tracking/excite.py b/mbtrack2/tracking/excite.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..61075d5e65da8aa0d9ce58087c18faea765688c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mbtrack2/tracking/excite.py
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+Module to deal with different kinds of beam excitation.
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from mbtrack2.tracking.element import Element
+from mbtrack2.tracking.particles import Bunch, Beam
+from scipy.signal import chirp
+class Sweep(Element):
+    """
+    Element which excite the beam in between two frequencies, i.e. apply 
+    frequency sweep (chirp) on all or a given bunch in the chosen plane.
+    If applied to a full beam, the excitation is the same (and at the same time)
+    for all bunches, so it drives a growth of coupled bunch mode 0.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    ring : Synchrotron
+        Synchrotron object.
+    f0 : float
+        Initial frequency of the sweep in [Hz].
+    f1 : float
+        Final frequency of the sweep in [Hz].
+    t1 : float
+        Time duration of the sweep in [s].
+    level : float
+        Kick level to apply in [V].
+    plane : "x", "y" or "tau"
+        Plane on which to apply the kick.
+    bunch_to_sweep : int, optional
+        Bunch number to which the sweeping is applied.
+        If None, the sweeping is applied for all bunches.
+        Default is None.
+    Methods
+    -------
+    track(bunch_or_beam)
+        Tracking method for the element.
+    plot()
+        Plot the sweep voltage applied.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ring, f0, f1, t1, level, plane, bunch_to_sweep=None):
+        self.ring = ring
+        self.t = np.arange(0, t1, ring.T0)
+        self.N = len(self.t)
+        self.count = 0
+        self.level = level
+        self.sweep = chirp(self.t, f0, t1, f1)
+        if plane == "x":
+            self.apply = "xp"
+        elif plane == "y":
+            self.apply = "yp"
+        elif plane == "tau":
+            self.apply = "delta"
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("plane should be 'x', 'y' or 'tau'.")
+        self.bunch_to_sweep = bunch_to_sweep
+    def track(self, bunch_or_beam):
+        """
+        Tracking method for this element.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        bunch_or_beam : Bunch or Beam
+        """
+        if isinstance(bunch_or_beam, Bunch):
+            bunch = bunch_or_beam
+            self._track_bunch(bunch)
+        elif isinstance(bunch_or_beam, Beam):
+            beam = bunch_or_beam
+            if (beam.mpi_switch == True):
+                if self.bunch_to_sweep is not None:
+                    if beam.mpi.bunch_num == self.bunch_to_sweep:
+                        self._track_bunch(beam[beam.mpi.bunch_num])
+                else:
+                    self._track_bunch(beam[beam.mpi.bunch_num])
+            else:
+                if self.bunch_to_sweep is not None:
+                    self._track_bunch(beam[self.bunch_to_sweep])
+                else:
+                    for bunch in beam.not_empty:
+                        self._track_bunch(bunch, False)
+                    self.count += 1
+                    if self.count >= self.N:
+                        self.count = 0
+        else:
+            raise TypeError("bunch_or_beam should be a Beam or Bunch object.")
+    def _track_bunch(self, bunch, count_step=True):
+        """
+        Tracking method for a bunch for this element.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        bunch : Bunch
+        """
+        sweep_val = self.sweep[self.count]
+        bunch[self.apply] += self.level / self.ring.E0 * sweep_val
+        if count_step:
+            self.count += 1
+            if self.count >= self.N:
+                self.count = 0
+    def plot(self):
+        """Plot the sweep voltage applied."""
+        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+        ax.plot(self.t, self.sweep)
+        ax.xlabel("Time [s]")
+        ax.ylabel("Sweep voltage [V]")
+        return fig
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/mbtrack2/tracking/monitors/monitors.py b/mbtrack2/tracking/monitors/monitors.py
index 151fe2a3cedaf638a1045e230f4983df3488aec2..dfa9f54a82859e27e16d3b56d0d0f4efbafa088e 100644
--- a/mbtrack2/tracking/monitors/monitors.py
+++ b/mbtrack2/tracking/monitors/monitors.py
@@ -1012,6 +1012,10 @@ class BunchSpectrumMonitor(Monitor):
         If True, open the HDF5 file in parallel mode, which is needed to
         allow several cores to write in the same file at the same time.
         If False, open the HDF5 file in standard mode.
+    higher_orders : bool, optional
+        If True, save coherent spectrums for higher order moments (FFT of the 
+        std, skew and kurtosis components).
+        Default is False.
@@ -1040,12 +1044,15 @@ class BunchSpectrumMonitor(Monitor):
-                 mpi_mode=False):
+                 mpi_mode=False,
+                 higher_orders=False):
         if n_fft is None:
             self.n_fft = int(save_every)
             self.n_fft = int(n_fft)
+        self.higher_orders = higher_orders
         self.sample_size = int(sample_size)
         self.store_dict = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "tau": 2}
@@ -1092,6 +1099,14 @@ class BunchSpectrumMonitor(Monitor):
             "mean_incoherent": (3, total_size),
             "std_incoherent": (3, total_size)
+        if self.higher_orders:
+            dict_buffer["coherent_q"] = (3, self.n_fft//2+1, buffer_size)
+            dict_buffer["coherent_s"] = (3, self.n_fft//2+1, buffer_size)
+            dict_buffer["coherent_o"] = (3, self.n_fft//2+1, buffer_size)
+            dict_file["coherent_q"] = (3, self.n_fft//2+1, total_size)
+            dict_file["coherent_s"] = (3, self.n_fft//2+1, total_size)
+            dict_file["coherent_o"] = (3, self.n_fft//2+1, total_size)
         self.monitor_init(group_name, save_every, buffer_size, total_size,
                           dict_buffer, dict_file, file_name, mpi_mode)
@@ -1104,6 +1119,10 @@ class BunchSpectrumMonitor(Monitor):
         self.positions = np.zeros(
             (self.size_list, self.sample_size, self.save_every + 1))
         self.mean = np.zeros((self.size_list, self.save_every + 1))
+        if self.higher_orders:
+            self.std = np.zeros((self.size_list, self.save_every+1))
+            self.skew = np.zeros((self.size_list, self.save_every+1))
+            self.kurtosis = np.zeros((self.size_list, self.save_every+1))
         index = np.arange(0, int(mp_number))
         self.index_sample = sorted(random.sample(list(index),
@@ -1111,6 +1130,10 @@ class BunchSpectrumMonitor(Monitor):
         self.incoherent = np.zeros((3, self.n_fft // 2 + 1, self.buffer_size))
         self.coherent = np.zeros((3, self.n_fft // 2 + 1, self.buffer_size))
+        if self.higher_orders:
+            self.coherent_q = np.zeros((3, self.n_fft//2+1, self.buffer_size))
+            self.coherent_s = np.zeros((3, self.n_fft//2+1, self.buffer_size))
+            self.coherent_o = np.zeros((3, self.n_fft//2+1, self.buffer_size))
@@ -1172,6 +1195,10 @@ class BunchSpectrumMonitor(Monitor):
                 self.positions[value, :, self.save_count] = np.nan
             self.mean[:, self.save_count] = bunch.mean[self.mean_index]
+            if self.higher_orders:
+                self.std[:, self.save_count] = bunch.std[self.mean_index]
+                self.skew[:, self.save_count] = bunch.skew[self.mean_index]
+                self.kurtosis[:, self.save_count] = bunch.kurtosis[self.mean_index]
             self.save_count += 1
@@ -1201,6 +1228,10 @@ class BunchSpectrumMonitor(Monitor):
             self.coherent[self.store_dict[key], :,
                           self.buffer_count] = self.get_coherent_spectrum(
+            if self.higher_orders:
+                self.coherent_q[self.store_dict[key],:,self.buffer_count] = self.get_coherent_spectrum(self.std[value])
+                self.coherent_s[self.store_dict[key],:,self.buffer_count] = self.get_coherent_spectrum(self.skew[value])
+                self.coherent_o[self.store_dict[key],:,self.buffer_count] = self.get_coherent_spectrum(self.kurtosis[value])
         self.buffer_count += 1
@@ -1236,6 +1267,16 @@ class BunchSpectrumMonitor(Monitor):
                                          self.buffer_size:(self.write_count +
                                                            1) *
                                          self.buffer_size] = self.coherent
+        if self.higher_orders: 
+            self.file[self.group_name]["coherent_q"][:,:, 
+                    self.write_count * self.buffer_size:(self.write_count+1) * 
+                    self.buffer_size] = self.coherent_q
+            self.file[self.group_name]["coherent_s"][:,:, 
+                    self.write_count * self.buffer_size:(self.write_count+1) * 
+                    self.buffer_size] = self.coherent_s
+            self.file[self.group_name]["coherent_o"][:,:, 
+                    self.write_count * self.buffer_size:(self.write_count+1) * 
+                    self.buffer_size] = self.coherent_o
         self.write_count += 1
diff --git a/mbtrack2/tracking/monitors/plotting.py b/mbtrack2/tracking/monitors/plotting.py
index e407151aa17b7450205afcf80f6909c56ff5f970..a02842b32fee3fcb3c66d302ba5279b8b0c2f79e 100644
--- a/mbtrack2/tracking/monitors/plotting.py
+++ b/mbtrack2/tracking/monitors/plotting.py
@@ -780,7 +780,8 @@ def plot_bunchspectrum(filenames,
     bunch_number : int or list of int
         Bunch to plot. This has to be identical to 'bunch_number' parameter in 
         'BunchSpectrumMonitor' object.
-    dataset : {"mean_incoherent", "coherent", "incoherent"}
+    dataset : {"mean_incoherent", "coherent", "incoherent", "coherent_q", 
+               "coherent_s", "coherent_o"}
         HDF5 file's dataset to be plotted. 
         The default is "incoherent".
     dim :  {"x","y","tau"}, optional
@@ -834,7 +835,7 @@ def plot_bunchspectrum(filenames,
             ax.errorbar(time, y_var, y_err)
             xlabel = "Turn number"
             ylabel = "Mean incoherent frequency [Hz]"
-        elif dataset == "incoherent" or dataset == "coherent":
+        else:
             if turns is None:
                 turn_index = np.where(time == time)[0]
@@ -862,10 +863,6 @@ def plot_bunchspectrum(filenames,
             ylabel = "FFT amplitude [a.u.]"
-            if dataset == "incoherent":
-                ax.set_title("Incoherent spectrum")
-            elif dataset == "coherent":
-                ax.set_title("Coherent spectrum")
@@ -897,7 +894,7 @@ def streak_bunchspectrum(filename,
     bunch_number : int
         Bunch to plot. This has to be identical to 'bunch_number' parameter in 
         'BunchSpectrumMonitor' object.
-    dataset : {"coherent", "incoherent"}
+    dataset : {coherent", "incoherent", "coherent_q", "coherent_s", "coherent_o"}
         HDF5 file's dataset to be plotted. 
         The default is "incoherent".
     dim :  {"x","y","tau"}, optional
@@ -921,13 +918,11 @@ def streak_bunchspectrum(filename,
         If not None, should be array like in the form [ymin, ymax] where ymin 
         and ymax are the minimum and maxmimum values used in the y axis.
     fig : Figure
     file = hp.File(filename, "r")
     group = file["BunchSpectrum_{0}".format(bunch_number)]
@@ -984,11 +979,6 @@ def streak_bunchspectrum(filename,
         ylabel = ""
     fig, ax = plt.subplots()
-    if dataset == "incoherent":
-        ax.set_title("Incoherent spectrum")
-    elif dataset == "coherent":
-        ax.set_title("Coherent spectrum")
     cmap = mpl.cm.inferno  # sequential
     c = ax.imshow(data.T,
diff --git a/mbtrack2/tracking/particles.py b/mbtrack2/tracking/particles.py
index 7ba97ff2bbcc6cc762ee127a0a3c3a9a19c19a0b..e9b673b7739b029d5f15819f7997150273a3906a 100644
--- a/mbtrack2/tracking/particles.py
+++ b/mbtrack2/tracking/particles.py
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
 import seaborn as sns
 from scipy.constants import c, e, m_e, m_p
+from scipy.stats import moment
 class Particle:
@@ -97,7 +97,13 @@ class Bunch:
         Standard deviation of the position of alive particles for each 
     emit : array of shape (3,)
-        Bunch emittance for each plane [1]. !!! -> Correct for long ?
+        Bunch emittance for each plane [1].
+    skew : array of shape (6,)
+        Skew (3rd moment) of the position of alive particles for each 
+        coordinates.
+    kurtosis : array of shape (6,)
+        Kurtosis (4th moment) of the position of alive particles for each 
+        coordinates.
@@ -244,6 +250,24 @@ class Bunch:
         std = [[self[name].std()] for name in self]
         return np.squeeze(np.array(std))
+    @property
+    def skew(self):
+        """
+        Return the skew (3rd moment) of the position of alive 
+        particles for each coordinates.
+        """
+        skew = [[moment(self[name],3)] for name in self]
+        return np.squeeze(np.array(skew))
+    @property
+    def kurtosis(self):
+        """
+        Return the kurtosis (4th moment) of the position of alive 
+        particles for each coordinates.
+        """
+        kurtosis = [[moment(self[name],4)] for name in self]
+        return np.squeeze(np.array(kurtosis))    
     def emit(self):