diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 283a333c47cd304089ffab416d8c6713a5b1f960..5eb6c63c46d60173605103b8108b9b11dd44c4c4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
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 mbtrack2 is a coherent object-oriented framework written in python to work on collective effects in synchrotrons.
@@ -58,14 +60,22 @@ To test your installation run:
 from mbtrack2 import *
+### Using docker
+A docker image is available:
+docker pull gitlab-registry.synchrotron-soleil.fr/pa/collective-effects/mbtrack2
 If used in a publication, please cite mbtrack2 paper and the zenodo archive for the corresponding code version (and any other paper in this list for more specific features).
 ### mbtrack2 general features
 A. Gamelin, W. Foosang, and R. Nagaoka, “mbtrack2, a Collective Effect Library in Python”, presented at the 12th Int. Particle Accelerator Conf. (IPAC'21), Campinas, Brazil, May 2021, paper MOPAB070.
-### RF cavities with beam loading and RF feedbacks 
-Yamamoto, Naoto, Alexis Gamelin, and Ryutaro Nagaoka. "Investigation of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics With Harmonic Cavities by Using the Code Mbtrack." Proc. 10th International Partile Accelerator Conference (IPAC’19), Melbourne, Australia, 19-24 May 2019. 2019.
\ No newline at end of file
+### RF cavities with beam loading and RF feedbacks
+Yamamoto, Naoto, Alexis Gamelin, and Ryutaro Nagaoka. "Investigation of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics With Harmonic Cavities by Using the Code Mbtrack." Proc. 10th International Partile Accelerator Conference (IPAC’19), Melbourne, Australia, 19-24 May 2019. 2019.
diff --git a/mbtrack2/__init__.py b/mbtrack2/__init__.py
index 5ae28316144f7a09648c5da08b692ec81c3c3270..e478887b2fea2eeabdfbb44b0e5327efc3ade1c6 100644
--- a/mbtrack2/__init__.py
+++ b/mbtrack2/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-__version__ = "0.6.0"
+__version__ = "0.7.0"
 from mbtrack2.impedance import *
 from mbtrack2.instability import *
 from mbtrack2.tracking import *
diff --git a/mbtrack2/impedance/wakefield.py b/mbtrack2/impedance/wakefield.py
index 3325ed5a7060b5be0f69c6fc5024507c849e4da1..9b751fd20129155f8d370a6feb17f0e91071dd7e 100644
--- a/mbtrack2/impedance/wakefield.py
+++ b/mbtrack2/impedance/wakefield.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-This module defines general classes to describes wakefields, impedances and 
+This module defines general classes to describes wakefields, impedances and
 wake functions.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
 class ComplexData:
-    Define a general data structure for a complex function based on a pandas 
+    Define a general data structure for a complex function based on a pandas
@@ -49,29 +49,29 @@ class ComplexData:
         Method to add two structures. If the data don't have the same length,
         different cases are handled.
         structure_to_add : ComplexData object, int, float or complex.
             structure to be added.
         method : str, optional
-            manage how the addition is done, possibilties are: 
+            manage how the addition is done, possibilties are:
             -common: the common range of the index (variable) from the two
                 structures is used. The input data are cross-interpolated
                 so that the result data contains the points at all initial
                 points in the common domain.
             -extrapolate: extrapolate the value of both ComplexData.
-            -zero: outside of the common range, the missing values are zero. In 
+            -zero: outside of the common range, the missing values are zero. In
                 the common range, behave as "common" method.
         interp_kind : str, optional
             interpolation method which is passed to pandas and to
         index_name : str, optional
             name of the dataframe index passed to the method
-        ComplexData 
+        ComplexData
             Contains the sum of the two inputs.
@@ -178,17 +178,17 @@ class ComplexData:
         Interpolation of the data by calling the class to have a function-like
         values : list or numpy array of complex, int or float
             values to be interpolated.
         interp_kind : str, optional
             interpolation method which is passed to scipy.interpolate.interp1d.
-        numpy array 
+        numpy array
             Contains the interpolated data.
         real_func = interp1d(x=self.data.index,
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ class ComplexData:
 class WakeFunction(ComplexData):
     Define a WakeFunction object based on a ComplexData object.
     variable : array-like
@@ -347,12 +347,12 @@ class WakeFunction(ComplexData):
         Wake function values in [V/C] for "long" and in [V/C/m] for others.
     component_type : str, optinal
         Type of the wake function: "long", "xdip", "xquad", ...
     data : DataFrame
     wake_type : str
@@ -432,9 +432,9 @@ class WakeFunction(ComplexData):
         Return an Impedance object from the WakeFunction data.
         The WakeFunction data is assumed to be sampled equally.
         If both sigma and mu are given, the impedance data is divided by the
-        Fourier transform of a Gaussian distribution. It then can be used to go 
+        Fourier transform of a Gaussian distribution. It then can be used to go
         from wake potential data to impedance.
@@ -496,11 +496,11 @@ class WakeFunction(ComplexData):
     def deconvolution(self, freq_lim, sigma, mu, nout=None):
         Compute a wake function from wake potential data.
-        The present data loaded into the WakeFunction object is assumed to be 
-        an uniformly sampled wake potential from a Gaussian bunch distribution 
+        The present data loaded into the WakeFunction object is assumed to be
+        an uniformly sampled wake potential from a Gaussian bunch distribution
         with RMS bunch length sigma and offset mu.
         The offset mu depends on the code used to compute the wake potential:
             - for CST, it is the first time sample, so self.data.index[0].
             - for ABCI, it is "-1 * ISIG * SIG / c".
@@ -546,25 +546,25 @@ class WakeFunction(ComplexData):
     def loss_factor(self, sigma):
-        Compute the loss factor or the kick factor for a Gaussian bunch. 
+        Compute the loss factor or the kick factor for a Gaussian bunch.
         Formulas from Eq. (5.6), Eq. (5.12) and Eq. (5.17) of [1].
         sigma : float
             RMS bunch length in [s]
         kloss: float
-            Loss factor in [V/C] or kick factor in [V/C/m] depanding on the 
+            Loss factor in [V/C] or kick factor in [V/C/m] depanding on the
             impedance type.
-        [1] : Zotter, Bruno W., and Semyon A. Kheifets. Impedances and wakes 
+        [1] : Zotter, Bruno W., and Semyon A. Kheifets. Impedances and wakes
         in high-energy particle accelerators. World Scientific, 1998.
         time = self.data.index
         S = 1 / (2 * np.sqrt(np.pi) * sigma) * np.exp(-1 * time**2 /
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ class WakeFunction(ComplexData):
 class Impedance(ComplexData):
     Define an Impedance object based on a ComplexData object.
     variable : array-like
@@ -586,12 +586,12 @@ class Impedance(ComplexData):
         Impedance values in [Ohm].
     component_type : str, optinal
         Type of the impedance: "long", "xdip", "xquad", ...
     data : DataFrame
     impedance_type : str
@@ -600,8 +600,6 @@ class Impedance(ComplexData):
         Return a WakeFunction object from the impedance data.
         Plot the impedance data.
-    to_pycolleff()
-        Convenience method to export impedance to pycolleff.
     def __init__(self,
@@ -673,20 +671,20 @@ class Impedance(ComplexData):
     def loss_factor(self, sigma):
-        Compute the loss factor or the kick factor for a Gaussian bunch. 
+        Compute the loss factor or the kick factor for a Gaussian bunch.
         Formulas from Eq. (2) p239 and Eq.(7) p240 of [1].
         sigma : float
             RMS bunch length in [s]
         kloss: float
-            Loss factor in [V/C] or kick factor in [V/C/m] depanding on the 
+            Loss factor in [V/C] or kick factor in [V/C/m] depanding on the
             impedance type.
         [1] : Handbook of accelerator physics and engineering, 3rd printing.
@@ -718,7 +716,7 @@ class Impedance(ComplexData):
         Return a WakeFunction object from the impedance data.
         The impedance data is assumed to be sampled equally.
         nout : int or float, optional
@@ -727,11 +725,11 @@ class Impedance(ComplexData):
             input is padded with zeros. If nout < n, the input it cropped.
             Note that, for any nout value, nout//2+1 input points are required.
         trim : bool or float, optional
-            If True, the pseudo wake function is trimmed at time=0 and is forced 
-            to zero where time<0. 
+            If True, the pseudo wake function is trimmed at time=0 and is forced
+            to zero where time<0.
             If False, the original result is preserved.
-            If a float is given, the pseudo wake function is trimmed from 
-            time <= trim to 0. 
+            If a float is given, the pseudo wake function is trimmed from
+            time <= trim to 0.
         Z0 = (self.data['real'] + self.data['imag'] * 1j)
@@ -783,49 +781,19 @@ class Impedance(ComplexData):
         return ax
-    def to_pycolleff(self):
-        """
-        Convenience method to export impedance to pycolleff.
-        Only implemented for longitudinal impedance.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        imp : pycolleff.longitudinal_equilibrium.ImpedanceSource
-            pycolleff ImpedanceSource object
-        """
-        # pycolleff is a soft dependency
-        from pycolleff.longitudinal_equilibrium import ImpedanceSource
-        # avoid circular import
-        from mbtrack2.utilities.misc import double_sided_impedance
-        imp = ImpedanceSource()
-        if self.component_type == "long":
-            double_sided_impedance(self)
-            # Negative imag sign convention !
-            imp.zl_table = self.data["real"].to_numpy(
-            ) - 1j * self.data["imag"].to_numpy()
-            imp.ang_freq_table = self.data.index.to_numpy() * 2 * np.pi
-        else:
-            raise NotImplementedError()
-        imp.calc_method = ImpedanceSource.Methods.ImpedanceDFT
-        imp.active_passive = ImpedanceSource.ActivePassive.Passive
-        return imp
 class WakeField:
-    Defines a WakeField which corresponds to a single physical element which 
-    produces different types of wakes, represented by their Impedance or 
+    Defines a WakeField which corresponds to a single physical element which
+    produces different types of wakes, represented by their Impedance or
     WakeFunction objects.
     structure_list : list, optional
         list of Impedance/WakeFunction objects to add to the WakeField.
     name : str, optional
     impedance_components : array of str
@@ -834,7 +802,7 @@ class WakeField:
         WakeFunction components present for this element.
     components : array of str
         Impedance or WakeFunction components present for this element.
@@ -984,7 +952,7 @@ class WakeField:
     def save(self, file):
         Save WakeField element to file.
         The same pandas version is needed on both saving and loading computer
         for the pickle to work.
@@ -1025,7 +993,7 @@ class WakeField:
     def load(file):
         Load WakeField element from file.
         The same pandas version is needed on both saving and loading computer
         for the pickle to work.
@@ -1088,7 +1056,7 @@ class WakeField:
     def add_several_wakefields(wakefields, beta):
         Add a list of WakeFields taking into account beta functions.
         wakefields : list of WakeField
diff --git a/mbtrack2/tracking/rf.py b/mbtrack2/tracking/rf.py
index e39271204bc65fd8f015e43a34f4a21064e032d6..4de4aa28530c1f3942fa81d47a11f2fb19670ffa 100644
--- a/mbtrack2/tracking/rf.py
+++ b/mbtrack2/tracking/rf.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-This module handles radio-frequency (RF) cavitiy elements. 
+This module handles radio-frequency (RF) cavitiy elements.
 from functools import partial
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class RFCavity(Element):
     Perfect RF cavity class for main and harmonic RF cavities.
     Use cosine definition.
     ring : Synchrotron object
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class RFCavity(Element):
         Tracking method for the element.
         No bunch to bunch interaction, so written for Bunch objects and
         @Element.parallel is used to handle Beam objects.
         bunch : Bunch or Beam object
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@ class RFCavity(Element):
 class CavityResonator():
     """Cavity resonator class for active or passive RF cavity with beam
     loading or HOM, based on [1,2].
     Use cosine definition.
-    If used with mpi, beam.mpi.share_distributions must be called before the 
+    If used with mpi, beam.mpi.share_distributions must be called before the
     track method call.
     Different kind of RF feeback and loops can be added using:
     ring : Synchrotron object
@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@ class CavityResonator():
     theta : float, optional
         Total cavity phase objective value in [rad].
     n_bin : int, optional
-        Number of bins used for the beam loading computation. 
-        Only used if MPI is not used, otherwise n_bin must be specified in the 
+        Number of bins used for the beam loading computation.
+        Only used if MPI is not used, otherwise n_bin must be specified in the
         beam.mpi.share_distributions method.
         The default is 75.
     beam_phasor : complex
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ class CavityResonator():
     distance : array
         Distance between bunches.
     valid_bunch_index : array
@@ -193,17 +193,15 @@ class CavityResonator():
         Force feedback update from current CavityResonator parameters.
         Sample the voltage seen by a zero charge particle during an RF period.
-    to_pycolleff()
-        Convenience method to export a CavityResonator to pycolleff.
-    [1] Wilson, P. B. (1994). Fundamental-mode rf design in e+ e− storage ring 
-    factories. In Frontiers of Particle Beams: Factories with e+ e-Rings 
+    [1] Wilson, P. B. (1994). Fundamental-mode rf design in e+ e− storage ring
+    factories. In Frontiers of Particle Beams: Factories with e+ e-Rings
     (pp. 293-311). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
-    [2] Naoto Yamamoto, Alexis Gamelin, and Ryutaro Nagaoka. "Investigation 
-    of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics With Harmonic Cavities by Using the Code 
+    [2] Naoto Yamamoto, Alexis Gamelin, and Ryutaro Nagaoka. "Investigation
+    of Longitudinal Beam Dynamics With Harmonic Cavities by Using the Code
     Mbtrack." IPAC’19, Melbourne, Australia, 2019.
@@ -262,11 +260,11 @@ class CavityResonator():
     def track(self, beam):
         Track a Beam object through the CavityResonator object.
         Can be used with or without mpi.
         If used with mpi, beam.mpi.share_distributions must be called before.
-        The beam phasor is given at t=0 (synchronous particle) of the first 
+        The beam phasor is given at t=0 (synchronous particle) of the first
         non empty bunch.
@@ -366,8 +364,8 @@ class CavityResonator():
         Initialize the beam phasor for a given beam distribution using a
         tracking like method.
-        Follow the same steps as the track method but in the "rf" reference 
+        Follow the same steps as the track method but in the "rf" reference
         frame and without any modifications on the beam.
@@ -426,7 +424,7 @@ class CavityResonator():
     def phasor_decay(self, time, ref_frame="beam"):
-        Compute the beam phasor decay during a given time span, assuming that 
+        Compute the beam phasor decay during a given time span, assuming that
         no particles are crossing the cavity during the time span.
@@ -450,9 +448,9 @@ class CavityResonator():
-        Compute the beam phasor evolution during the crossing of a bunch using 
+        Compute the beam phasor evolution during the crossing of a bunch using
         an analytic formula [1].
         Assume that the phasor decay happens before the beam loading.
@@ -465,11 +463,11 @@ class CavityResonator():
             Charge per macro-particle in [C].
         ref_frame : string, optional
             Reference frame to be used, can be "beam" or "rf".
         [1] mbtrack2 manual.
         if ref_frame == "beam":
             delta = self.wr
@@ -494,13 +492,13 @@ class CavityResonator():
         Initialize the beam phasor for a given beam distribution using an
         analytic formula [1].
         No modifications on the Beam object.
         beam : Beam object
         [1] mbtrack2 manual.
@@ -640,7 +638,7 @@ class CavityResonator():
     def Rs_per_cavity(self):
-        """Shunt impedance of a single cavity in [Ohm], defined as 
+        """Shunt impedance of a single cavity in [Ohm], defined as
         return self._Rs_per_cavity
@@ -844,7 +842,7 @@ class CavityResonator():
     def set_generator(self, I0):
-        Set generator parameters (Pg, Vgr, theta_gr, Vg and theta_g) for a 
+        Set generator parameters (Pg, Vgr, theta_gr, Vg and theta_g) for a
         given current and set of parameters.
@@ -881,14 +879,14 @@ class CavityResonator():
     def plot_phasor(self, I0):
-        Plot phasor diagram showing the vector addition of generator and beam 
+        Plot phasor diagram showing the vector addition of generator and beam
         loading voltage.
         I0 : float
             Beam current in [A].
@@ -952,12 +950,12 @@ class CavityResonator():
-        Check Coupled-Bunch-Instability stability, 
+        Check Coupled-Bunch-Instability stability,
         Effect of Direct RF feedback is not included.
-        This method is a wraper around lcbi_growth_rate to caluclate the CBI 
+        This method is a wraper around lcbi_growth_rate to caluclate the CBI
         growth rate from the CavityResonator own impedance.
         See lcbi_growth_rate for details.
@@ -966,7 +964,7 @@ class CavityResonator():
             Beam current in [A].
         synchrotron_tune : float, optinal
             Fractional number of longitudinal tune.
-            If None, synchrotron_tune is computed using self.Vc as total 
+            If None, synchrotron_tune is computed using self.Vc as total
             Default is None.
         modes : float or list of float, optional
@@ -975,17 +973,17 @@ class CavityResonator():
             Default is None.
         bool_return : bool, optional
             If True:
-                - return True if the most unstable mode is stronger than 
+                - return True if the most unstable mode is stronger than
                 longitudinal damping time.
                 - return False if it is not the case.
             Default is False.
         growth_rate : float
             Maximum coupled bunch instability growth rate in [s-1].
         mu : int
-            Coupled bunch mode number corresponding to the maximum coupled bunch 
+            Coupled bunch mode number corresponding to the maximum coupled bunch
             instability growth rate.
@@ -1105,7 +1103,7 @@ class CavityResonator():
         n_points : int or float, optional
             Number of sample points. The default is 1e4.
         index : int, optional
-            RF bucket number to sample. Be carful if index > 0 as no new beam 
+            RF bucket number to sample. Be carful if index > 0 as no new beam
             loading is not taken into account here.
             The default is 0.
@@ -1146,54 +1144,13 @@ class CavityResonator():
         return pos, voltage_rec
-    def to_pycolleff(self, Impedance=True):
-        """
-        Convenience method to export a CavityResonator to pycolleff.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        Impedance : bool, optional
-            If True, export as impedance (i.e. ImpedanceSource.Methods.ImpedanceDFT).
-            If False, export as wake (i.e. ImpedanceSource.Methods.Wake).
-            Default is True.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        cav : pycolleff ImpedanceSource object
-        """
-        # pycolleff is a soft dependency
-        from pycolleff.longitudinal_equilibrium import ImpedanceSource
-        cav = ImpedanceSource()
-        cav.harm_rf = self.m
-        cav.Q = self.QL
-        RoverQ = self.RL / self.QL
-        cav.shunt_impedance = RoverQ * cav.Q
-        cav.ang_freq_rf = self.ring.omega1
-        cav.ang_freq = cav.harm_rf * cav.ang_freq_rf
-        cav.detune_w = 2 * np.pi * self.detune
-        if self.Vg != 0:
-            cav.active_passive = ImpedanceSource.ActivePassive.Active
-            if Impedance:
-                raise NotImplementedError()
-            else:
-                cav.calc_method = ImpedanceSource.Methods.Wake
-        else:
-            cav.active_passive = ImpedanceSource.ActivePassive.Passive
-            if Impedance:
-                cav.calc_method = ImpedanceSource.Methods.ImpedanceDFT
-            else:
-                cav.calc_method = ImpedanceSource.Methods.Wake
-        return cav
 class ProportionalLoop():
     Proportional feedback loop to control a CavityResonator amplitude and phase.
     Feedback setpoints are cav_res.Vc and cav_res.theta.
     The loop must be added to the CavityResonator object using:
@@ -1248,9 +1205,9 @@ class TunerLoop():
     Cavity tuner loop used to control a CavityResonator tuning (psi or detune)
     in order to keep the phase between cavity and generator current constant.
     Only a proportional controller is assumed.
     The loop must be added to the CavityResonator object using:
@@ -1263,7 +1220,7 @@ class TunerLoop():
         Proportional gain of the tuner loop.
         If not specified, 0.01 is used.
-        Period during which the phase difference is monitored and averaged. 
+        Period during which the phase difference is monitored and averaged.
         Then the feedback correction is applied every avering_period turn.
         Unit is turn number.
         A value longer than one synchrotron period (1/fs) is recommended.
@@ -1271,7 +1228,7 @@ class TunerLoop():
         too fast compared to the actual situation.
     offset : float
         Tuning offset in [rad].
     def __init__(self, ring, cav_res, gain=0.01, avering_period=0, offset=0):
@@ -1291,11 +1248,11 @@ class TunerLoop():
     def track(self):
         Tracking method for the tuner loop.
         if self.count == self.avering_period:
             diff = self.diff / self.avering_period - self.offset
@@ -1309,35 +1266,35 @@ class TunerLoop():
 class ProportionalIntegralLoop():
-    Proportional Integral (PI) loop to control a CavityResonator amplitude and 
+    Proportional Integral (PI) loop to control a CavityResonator amplitude and
     phase via generator current (ig) [1,2].
     Feedback reference targets (setpoints) are cav_res.Vc and cav_res.theta.
-    The ProportionalIntegralLoop should be initialized only after generator 
+    The ProportionalIntegralLoop should be initialized only after generator
     parameters are set.
     The loop must be added to the CavityResonator object using:
-    When the reference target is changed, it might be needed to re-initialize 
+    When the reference target is changed, it might be needed to re-initialize
     the feedforward constant by calling init_FFconst().
     ring : Synchrotron object
     cav_res : CavityResonator object
-        CavityResonator in which the loop will be added. 
+        CavityResonator in which the loop will be added.
     gain : float list
-        Proportional gain (Pgain) and integral gain (Igain) of the feedback 
+        Proportional gain (Pgain) and integral gain (Igain) of the feedback
         system in the form of a list [Pgain, Igain].
-        In case of normal conducting cavity (QL~1e4), the Pgain of ~1.0 and 
+        In case of normal conducting cavity (QL~1e4), the Pgain of ~1.0 and
         Igain of ~1e4(5) are usually used.
-        In case of super conducting cavity (QL > 1e6), the Pgain of ~100 
+        In case of super conducting cavity (QL > 1e6), the Pgain of ~100
         can be used.
-        In a "bad" parameter set, unstable oscillation of the cavity voltage 
+        In a "bad" parameter set, unstable oscillation of the cavity voltage
         can be caused. So, a parameter scan of the gain should be made.
-        Igain * ring.T1 / dtau is Ki defined as a the coefficients for 
+        Igain * ring.T1 / dtau is Ki defined as a the coefficients for
         integral part in of [1], where dtau is a clock period of the PI controller.
     sample_num : int
         Number of bunch over which the mean cavity voltage is computed.
@@ -1347,7 +1304,7 @@ class ProportionalIntegralLoop():
         Time interval between two cavity voltage monitoring and feedback.
         Units are in bucket numbers.
     delay : int
-        Loop delay of the PI feedback system. 
+        Loop delay of the PI feedback system.
         Units are in bucket numbers.
     IIR_cutoff : float, optinal
         Cutoff frequency of the IIR filter in [Hz].
@@ -1355,12 +1312,12 @@ class ProportionalIntegralLoop():
         Default is 0.
     FF : bool, optional
         Boolean switch to use feedforward constant.
-        True is recommended to prevent a cavity voltage drop in the beginning 
+        True is recommended to prevent a cavity voltage drop in the beginning
         of the tracking.
-        In case of small Pgain (QL ~ 1e4), cavity voltage drop may cause 
+        In case of small Pgain (QL ~ 1e4), cavity voltage drop may cause
         beam loss due to static Robinson.
         Default is True.
@@ -1385,7 +1342,7 @@ class ProportionalIntegralLoop():
     Assumption : delay >> every ~ sample_num
     Adjusting ig(Vg) parameter to keep the cavity voltage constant (to target values).
     The "track" method is
        1) Monitoring the cavity voltage phasor
@@ -1409,14 +1366,14 @@ class ProportionalIntegralLoop():
                      is one reasonable parameter set.
         The practical clock period is 13ns.
             ==> Igain_PF = Igain_mbtrack * Trf / 13ns = Igain_mbtrack * 0.153
     [1] : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PID_controller
-    [2] : Yamamoto, N., Takahashi, T., & Sakanaka, S. (2018). Reduction and 
-    compensation of the transient beam loading effect in a double rf system 
+    [2] : Yamamoto, N., Takahashi, T., & Sakanaka, S. (2018). Reduction and
+    compensation of the transient beam loading effect in a double rf system
     of synchrotron light sources. PRAB, 21(1), 012001.
     def __init__(self,
@@ -1506,8 +1463,8 @@ class ProportionalIntegralLoop():
     def init_Ig2Vg_matrix(self):
         Initialize matrix for Ig2Vg_matrix.
-        Shoud be called before first use of Ig2Vg_matrix and after each cavity 
+        Shoud be called before first use of Ig2Vg_matrix and after each cavity
         parameter change.
         k = np.arange(0, self.ring.h)
@@ -1529,7 +1486,7 @@ class ProportionalIntegralLoop():
     def Ig2Vg_matrix(self):
         Return Vg from Ig using matrix formalism.
-        Warning: self.init_Ig2Vg should be called after each CavityResonator 
+        Warning: self.init_Ig2Vg should be called after each CavityResonator
         parameter change.
         generator_phasor_record = (
@@ -1541,7 +1498,7 @@ class ProportionalIntegralLoop():
     def Ig2Vg(self):
         Go from Ig to Vg.
         Apply new values to cav_res.generator_phasor_record, cav_res.Vg and
         cav_res.theta_g from ig_phasor_record.
@@ -1567,7 +1524,7 @@ class ProportionalIntegralLoop():
         cutoff : float
             Cutoff frequency of the IIR filter in [Hz].
             If 0, cutoff frequency is infinity.
         if cutoff == 0:
             self.IIRcoef = 1.0
@@ -1599,18 +1556,18 @@ class ProportionalIntegralLoop():
 class DirectFeedback(ProportionalIntegralLoop):
     Direct RF FB (DFB) via generator current (ig) using PI controller [1,2].
-    The DirectFeedback inherits from ProportionalIntegralLoop so all 
+    The DirectFeedback inherits from ProportionalIntegralLoop so all
     mandatory parameters from ProportionalIntegralLoop should be passed as
     kwargs when initializing a DirectFeedback object.
     To avoid cavity-beam unmatching (large synchrotron oscilation of beam),
-    the CavityResonator generator parameters should be set before 
+    the CavityResonator generator parameters should be set before
     The loop must be added to the CavityResonator object using:
     DFB_gain : float
@@ -1633,7 +1590,7 @@ class DirectFeedback(ProportionalIntegralLoop):
         Units are in bucket numbers.
         If None, value from the ProportionalIntegralLoop is used.
         Default is None.
     phase_shift : float
@@ -1646,7 +1603,7 @@ class DirectFeedback(ProportionalIntegralLoop):
         Return the gain gamma of the DFB.
     DFB_Rs : float
         Return the shunt impedance of the DFB in [ohm].
     DFB_parameter_set(DFB_gain, DFB_phase_shift)
@@ -1657,14 +1614,14 @@ class DirectFeedback(ProportionalIntegralLoop):
         Return the generator voltage main and DFB components in [V].
         Return the modified synchrotron frequency in [Hz].
-    [1] : Akai, K. (2022). Stability analysis of rf accelerating mode with 
-    feedback loops under heavy beam loading in SuperKEKB. PRAB, 25(10), 
+    [1] : Akai, K. (2022). Stability analysis of rf accelerating mode with
+    feedback loops under heavy beam loading in SuperKEKB. PRAB, 25(10),
-    [2] : N. Yamamoto et al. (2023). Stability survey of a double RF system 
-    with RF feedback loops for bunch lengthening in a low-emittance synchrotron 
+    [2] : N. Yamamoto et al. (2023). Stability survey of a double RF system
+    with RF feedback loops for bunch lengthening in a low-emittance synchrotron
     ring. In Proc. IPAC'23. doi:10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2023-WEPL161
@@ -1731,7 +1688,7 @@ class DirectFeedback(ProportionalIntegralLoop):
     def DFB_psi(self):
         Return detuning angle value with Direct RF feedback in [rad].
         Fig.4 of ref [1].
         return (np.angle(np.mean(self.cav_res.cavity_phasor_record)) -
@@ -1741,7 +1698,7 @@ class DirectFeedback(ProportionalIntegralLoop):
     def DFB_alpha(self):
         Return the amplitude ratio alpha of the DFB.
         Near Eq. (13) of [1].
         fac = np.abs(
@@ -1752,7 +1709,7 @@ class DirectFeedback(ProportionalIntegralLoop):
     def DFB_gamma(self):
         Return the gain gamma of the DFB.
         Near Eq. (13) of [1].
         fac = np.abs(
@@ -1763,7 +1720,7 @@ class DirectFeedback(ProportionalIntegralLoop):
     def DFB_Rs(self):
         Return the shunt impedance of the DFB in [ohm].
         Eq. (15) of [1].
         return self.cav_res.Rs / (1 + self.DFB_gamma * np.cos(self.DFB_psi))
diff --git a/mbtrack2/tracking/synchrotron.py b/mbtrack2/tracking/synchrotron.py
index e9df8ffe23882de2af3d7631588201c77f9b70bc..15235ecd1b60f38a4984074ab71c87c1fba54a85 100644
--- a/mbtrack2/tracking/synchrotron.py
+++ b/mbtrack2/tracking/synchrotron.py
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@ from scipy.constants import c, e
 class Synchrotron:
     Synchrotron class to store main properties.
-    Optional parameters are optional only if the Optics object passed to the 
+    Optional parameters are optional only if the Optics object passed to the
     class uses a loaded lattice.
     h : int
@@ -44,25 +44,25 @@ class Synchrotron:
     U0 : float, optional
         Energy loss per turn in [eV].
     adts : list of arrays or None, optional
-        List that contains arrays of polynomial's coefficients, in decreasing 
-        powers, used to determine Amplitude-Dependent Tune Shifts (ADTS). 
+        List that contains arrays of polynomial's coefficients, in decreasing
+        powers, used to determine Amplitude-Dependent Tune Shifts (ADTS).
         The order of the elements strictly needs to be
         [coef_xx, coef_yx, coef_xy, coef_yy], where x and y denote the horizontal
         and the vertical plane, respectively, and coef_PQ means the polynomial's
         coefficients of the ADTS in plane P due to the amplitude in plane Q.
-        For example, if the tune shift in y due to the Courant-Snyder invariant 
-        Jx is characterized by the equation dQy(x) = 3*Jx**2 + 2*Jx + 1, then 
+        For example, if the tune shift in y due to the Courant-Snyder invariant
+        Jx is characterized by the equation dQy(x) = 3*Jx**2 + 2*Jx + 1, then
         coef_yx takes the form np.array([3, 2, 1]).
         Use None, to exclude the ADTS from calculation.
     mcf_order : array, optional
         Higher-orders momentum compaction factor in decreasing powers.
         Input here the coefficients considering only the derivatives and which
         do not include any factorial factor.
-        The 1st order should be included in the array and be at the last 
+        The 1st order should be included in the array and be at the last
     T0 : float
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ class Synchrotron:
     long_gamma : float
         Longitudinal gamma Twiss parameter at the tracking location in [s-1].
         Initialized at zero.
@@ -104,20 +104,19 @@ class Synchrotron:
         Momentum compaction taking into account higher orders if provided in
-        Momentum compaction factor taking into account higher orders if 
+        Momentum compaction factor taking into account higher orders if
         provided in mcf_order.
-        Compute and add Amplitude-Dependent Tune Shifts (ADTS) sextupolar 
+        Compute and add Amplitude-Dependent Tune Shifts (ADTS) sextupolar
         componenet from AT lattice.
         Compute momentum compaction factor up to 3rd order from AT lattice.
-        Compute the longitudinal Twiss parameters and the synchrotron tune for 
+        Compute the longitudinal Twiss parameters and the synchrotron tune for
         single or multi-harmonic RF systems.
         Return a pyAT simple_ring element from the Synchrotron element data.
-    to_pycolleff(I0, Vrf, bunch_number)
-        Return a pycolleff Ring element from the Synchrotron element data.
     def __init__(self, h, optics, particle, **kwargs):
@@ -307,13 +306,13 @@ class Synchrotron:
         position : float or array, optional
-            Longitudinal position in [m] where the beam size is computed. 
+            Longitudinal position in [m] where the beam size is computed.
             If None, the local values are used.
         sigma : array
-            RMS beam size in [m] at position location or at local positon if 
+            RMS beam size in [m] at position location or at local positon if
             position is None.
@@ -354,7 +353,7 @@ class Synchrotron:
     def synchrotron_tune(self, V):
         Compute the (unperturbed) synchrotron tune from main RF voltage.
         V : float
@@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ class Synchrotron:
         tuneS : float
             Synchrotron tune.
         Vsum = V * np.sin(np.arccos(self.U0 / V))
         phi = np.arccos(1 - self.eta(0) * np.pi * self.h / self.E0 * Vsum)
@@ -373,7 +372,7 @@ class Synchrotron:
     def get_adts(self):
-        Compute and add Amplitude-Dependent Tune Shifts (ADTS) sextupolar 
+        Compute and add Amplitude-Dependent Tune Shifts (ADTS) sextupolar
         componenet from AT lattice.
         import at
@@ -391,7 +390,7 @@ class Synchrotron:
     def get_mcf_order(self, add=True, show_fit=False):
         Compute momentum compaction factor up to 3rd order from AT lattice.
         add : bool, optional
@@ -401,7 +400,7 @@ class Synchrotron:
         show_fit : bool, optional
             If True, show a plot with the data and fit.
             The default is False.
         pvalue : array, optional
@@ -441,13 +440,13 @@ class Synchrotron:
     def get_longitudinal_twiss(self, V, phase=None, harmonics=None, add=True):
-        Compute the longitudinal Twiss parameters and the synchrotron tune for 
+        Compute the longitudinal Twiss parameters and the synchrotron tune for
         single or multi-harmonic RF systems.
         - Use the linear approximation (tau ~ 0).
         - For higher haromics only, cos(phi) ~ 0 must be true.
         V : float or array-like of float
@@ -478,7 +477,7 @@ class Synchrotron:
         long_alpha : float
             Longitudinal alpha Twiss parameter at the tracking location.
         long_beta : float
-            Longitudinal beta Twiss parameter at the tracking location in [s].   
+            Longitudinal beta Twiss parameter at the tracking location in [s].
         long_gamma : float
             Longitudinal gamma Twiss parameter at the tracking location in [s-1].
@@ -516,7 +515,7 @@ class Synchrotron:
     def to_pyat(self, Vrf, harmonic_number=None, TimeLag=False):
         Return a pyAT simple_ring element from the Synchrotron element data.
         See pyAT documentation for informations about simple_ring.
@@ -527,7 +526,7 @@ class Synchrotron:
         harmonic_number : float or array-like of float, optional
             Harmonic numbers of the RF cavities. The default is None.
         TimeLag : float or array-like of float, optional
-            Set the timelag of the cavities in pyAT definition. 
+            Set the timelag of the cavities in pyAT definition.
             The default is False.
@@ -587,48 +586,3 @@ class Synchrotron:
         return at_simple_ring
-    def to_pycolleff(self, I0, Vrf, bunch_number):
-        """
-        Return a pycolleff Ring element from the Synchrotron element data.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        I0 : float
-            Beam current in [A].
-        Vrf : float
-            RF voltage in [V].
-        bunch_number : int
-            Total number of bunches filled.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        ring : pycolleff.colleff.Ring
-            pycolleff Ring object.
-        """
-        # pycolleff is a soft dependency
-        from pycolleff.colleff import Ring
-        ring = Ring()
-        ring.version = 'from_mbtrack2'
-        ring.rf_freq = self.f1
-        ring.mom_comp = self.ac  # momentum compaction factor
-        ring.energy = self.E0  # energy [eV]
-        ring.tuney = self.tune[1]  # vertical tune
-        ring.tunex = self.tune[0]  # horizontal tune
-        ring.chromx = self.chro[0]  # horizontal chromaticity
-        ring.chromy = self.chro[1]  # vertical chromaticity
-        ring.harm_num = self.h  # harmonic Number
-        ring.num_bun = bunch_number  # number of bunches filled
-        ring.total_current = I0  # total current [A]
-        ring.sync_tune = self.synchrotron_tune(Vrf)  # synchrotron tune
-        ring.espread = self.sigma_delta
-        ring.bunlen = self.sigma_0 * c  # [m]
-        ring.damptx = self.tau[0]  # [s]
-        ring.dampty = self.tau[1]  # [s]
-        ring.dampte = self.tau[2]  # [s]
-        ring.en_lost_rad = self.U0  # [eV]
-        ring.gap_voltage = Vrf  # [V]
-        return ring
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 8ac63cbe5d1eda70cb26ce009661bcc3ed3d5f44..5e2b88465bd69d95670f721ee64a30dbef2df0ec 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 name = "mbtrack2"
-version = "0.6.0"
+version = "0.7.0"
 description = "A coherent object-oriented framework to work on collective effects in synchrotrons."
 authors = ["Alexis Gamelin <alexis.gamelin@synchrotron-soleil.fr>"]
 license = "BSD-3-Clause"
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
 based_on_style = "pep8"
 arithmetic_precedence_indication = true
-blank_line_before_nested_class_or_def = true 
+blank_line_before_nested_class_or_def = true
 multi_line_output = 3
-include_trailing_comma = true
\ No newline at end of file
+include_trailing_comma = true